What is there to say?

  1. dusanmal says:

    As in most such cases nobody uses this as a springboard to drill into police heads that they are there to serve and protect us. Even when it is “hard” on them and even when it is really dangerous for them.

  2. Improbus says:

    This son of a bitch needs to be tasered by grandma’s kids until they think justice is served. I hope this asshole is fired and chokes on a donut.

  3. canuck says:

    Proof that even though tasers do not have to be used at all times, this cop gave her fair warnings to which she replied “go ahead and taser me!”. She was abusive, combattive and disrespectful to the officer. I read this story on ABC and as she was getting out of jail, she told the media that the cop was making it all up and lying. Then the tape hit the media and the truth was told. I don’t agree with the widespread use of tasers all the time, but if it prevents a copy from having to use his/her fist/boot/stick/flashlight, etc to beat his/her suspect into compliance.

  4. Jopie says:

    Canuck go put that stick up your ass a little deeper you idiot. This is TOTALLY uncalled for, he was totally in control over the little old lady!

    Whats wrong with puttin handcuffs on her instead of putting her in lethal danger? (ever wondered what a couple of thousand volts can do to an old heart-muscle?)

    GODDAMMMM this made me so angry!!!!

  5. canuck says:

    Oh, cry me a river… cops have it bad enough without having to worry about changing the rules depending on who they pull over. If you watch the video again and pay attention this time, she tries to push by him – one of two things would have happened – she would have pushed him into oncoming traffic or she herself would run into oncoming traffic.

    He gave her a hard push and she got more angry. Had he not tasered her, his camera would then have captured a full on fight between this big officer and a little old lady, and she most likely would have had some broken bones while he forced the cuffs on her.

    Do I agree with ALL tasering? Absolutely not! Do we ever hear all of the details when someone gets tasered? Nope. Every story can be modified to include/exclude critical pieces of “this is why”.

  6. UNKN says:

    lol he was in control? No, in control is handcuffed sitting on the bumper or the ground. She kept walking around not staying put like she was asked. I’m sorry, but you never know what people are going to do. What if she threw a fit more and walked into a damn car and got splattered? One , the cop would have had to watch , two, he would have been sued by grandmas kids for sure since he didn’t stop her.

    If I were a cop and someone wasn’t obeying a simple command to not move around, I’d cuff their ass in a heartbeat. You never know when someone has a gun, even old ladies have them.

  7. Jopie says:

    #5 and #6
    I’m allready sorry for replying to you but you must be real weak little pussies, afraid of a little old woman.

  8. Don Quixote says:

    It is in Texas. What more has to be said.

  9. Rick's Cafe says:

    #6 – Excellent point.
    When dealing with a non-rational person, as this lady was – ya can’t second guess the policeman’s actions by applying actions that would have been taken with a rational person.

  10. Joe says:

    Hey, that cop looks familiar. I think he tried to steal my lunch money in the 2nd grade and I beat the crap out of him for trying. In fact, I beat him up several times. No wonder he’s picking on easy targets now.

    USA = Police State

  11. UNKN says:

    It has nothing to do with being afraid of a man/woman/old person.

    It has to do with doing the job the same no matter what. You have no idea why she was even out of the car in the first place. Was she weaving and he was thinking she may be drunk? Who knows, but whatever the reason as soon as she said she was getting back in the car is when you stop them. It isn’t being paranoid about things either, it’s about being cautious and treating every situation with the same frame of mind no matter who it is.

    And you aren’t saying much for your personal character by calling us pussies over the internet, good one, I commend you on a job well done.

  12. bertje says:

    Old people can be so fucking annoying. Why do people think old people are nicer than younger people?

    She was being an asshole. I totally agree with canuck.

    Even though she is an old lady and we don’t know why she is being pulled over, she should listen to the cop, just like everybody else. To serve and protect also means applying the law to you and me and indeed old ladies.

  13. Joe says:

    The bitch dared him.

  14. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    She’s lucky. If the cop hadn’t had a taser, I think he would have shot her.

  15. kingcrono1 says:

    That cop Is is absolutely within his rights to do this. It’s very unfortunate, but necessary for his own safety and the safety of the people on the highway next to them. For all that cop knows she has a weapon in her car and if she is unwilling to cooperate, then there is no reason to believe that she won’t use it. I may have misheard the cop but he gave her more than one warning. Anybody whose done any training for this will pretty much tell that two warnings is one too many because you don’t know that person’s state of mind.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    #13, joe,

    And if she dared him to shoot her?

  17. Joe says:

    also, grandma refused to sign the speeding ticket she got. once she refused the cop is legally obliged to place her under arrest. when you get a speeding ticket and sign, all it is is a promise to appear in court. when she refused to sign, the cop has to arrest her to make her appear in court. there are no other options at that point,

    I’m willing to bet she’ll sign the ticket next time, but then again she is a texan.

  18. MrMiGu says:

    if she had dared him to shoot her, and then put him in a situation which would have warranted that action, like pull a gun on him, what would you expect him to do?

  19. Joe says:


    she’d still had been tazed, the cop knows there’s a camera in the car.

  20. poopsushi says:

    Something has to be done about these damned unruly grandmothers.

  21. Jopie says:

    #11 please watch the video again.

    He grabs her, shoves her to the side of the road en then pulls out his taser. He is clearly in physical control of her, so the taser was uncalled for and put her in lethal danger.

    Most here seem to agree with the cop, that scares me the most.

    I’m so happy i’m not an American.

  22. jim says:

    #22 Yup, so happy as well. Americans don’t realize what fascist shite hole there’re living in.

  23. Zippo says:

    So, do some of you think that once you reach a certain age, you don’t have to obey the lawful directions of peace officer?? That officer demonstrated patience with her, he warned her repeatedly to comply, she refused and I heard her say she was going to get back in her car and drive away….
    As a few others have pointed out, could she have shoved him into traffic? Yes, possibly. Or she herself could have run off and gotten clobbered.
    Law enforcement folks have a very very difficult job, and those that think his actions were over the top need to do a “ride along” with their local law enforcement agency to get a bit of perspective on life….

  24. riker17 says:

    Our job as citizens is to rebel against the authorities when they are wrong and we are right. This old lady did not deserve to be tased, should not have been tased, and the officer needs to be punished and jailed as far as I am concerned. When will we launch the revolution to overthrow the jack-booted thugs who run this nation?

  25. I’m not understanding why he didn’t stomp her when she was down.

  26. Mr. Fusion says:

    According to the police, she was told she was under arrest. I did not see in that video where the cop told her she was under arrest.

    The times when a citizen must obey a cop’s directions are limited. Ordering her to submit to arbitrary detention without being told the reason for the detention is not resisting arrest.

    It is not an offense nor is it a requirement to sign a traffic ticket. Nor must a cop arrest someone for not signing. Signing is merely acknowledgment that the accused is being made aware of the citation. The arrest is only for when the person can not be identified.

  27. Guyver says:

    Well, the Democrat-controlled House did vote to revive Bill Clinton’s COPS program.


    I’m sure our Commander-in-Chief will sign off on that if the Bill reaches his desk.

  28. Mr. Fusion says:

    #24, zippo,

    As a few others have pointed out, could she have shoved him into traffic? Yes, possibly. Or she herself could have run off and gotten clobbered.

    Could have does not rise to an offense. If it did we would all be in jail as there isn’t an indictable offense we aren’t capable of.

  29. SparkyOne says:

    This guy lost control of the stop earlier than we see on the video. The fact that the civilian is out of her auto and able to confront him is proof of this dudes ignorance.

  30. TThor says:

    Fat, big, dumb police guy with a taser and a nazi instinct….

    Lord what has happened to us???!!!

    I hope this idiot is ‘relived of his duties’ – forever!


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