An appeals court has ruled that a Ten Commandments monument at the county courthouse in Stigler, Oklahoma, violates the Constitution because its primary effect is to endorse a religion.

The 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled 3-0 in a challenge to the monument brought by the American Civil Liberties Union of Oklahoma and by a county resident.

“We hold that the [Haskell County commissioners’] actions in authorizing and maintaining the monument . . . had the impermissible principal or primary effect of endorsing religion in violation of the Establishment Clause” of the Constitution, the judges wrote in a 52-page decision…

On May 18, Gov. Brad Henry signed a measure to place a privately funded monument of the Ten Commandments at the Capitol…

The measure passed despite concerns that it could draw a costly legal challenge and could be interpreted as the state’s endorsement of a religion.

This crap never seems to end, does it?

  1. Hyrneson says:

    “This crap never seems to end, does it?”

    I’ll tell you what, when a court doesn’t put a granite marker stating “There shall be no other God before me” as inspiration for how law should be done, then yeah, this crap will end.

    It’s this basic lack of understanding that keeps the Creationist thinking that Creationism is a science. Theology is neither secular law nor science and neither should be substituted as a base for the other.

  2. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    I think the most telling moment of the video is when she is on the ground, shrieking in agony, and the cop yells “Put your hands behind your back or you’ll be tased again!”

    To me, that indicates a desire that goes well beyond mere control of the situation, which he already has at that point. He’s insisting that she completely submit to his authority and command. By that time, she may very well be incapable of the muscle control necessary to put her hands behind her back, but the officer has expressly left himself the option to tase her again if her muscles can’t comply.

    They’re both quite lucky that she didn’t break her hip when she fell to the ground. Many women her age never recover from a hip fracture.

  3. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #93 Triple oops!!!

    I plugged this into the wrong window. You’d be impressed if you saw it in the right thread 😉


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