1. Robart says:

    I was really hopin’ he would break out “Jewish Princess”.

  2. Buzz says:

    Zappa went on to head one of the tightest contemporary musical groups ever. I saw him live long ago and was agog at how extremely disciplined the whole show was. Yet it maintained a wonderful sense of absurdity in direct confrontation with its extreme musicianship.

    Frank, we miss you.

  3. denacron says:

    I like Mr. Zappa in this crossfire session.

  4. orangetiki says:

    You sir have made my week! And it’s only tuesday

  5. faxon says:

    I work in the news business. One of my all time favorite songs: “Trouble Comin’ Every Day”.


    “… their coverage can’t be beat. And if another woman driver gets machine gunned in her seat, they’ll send some joker with a brownie and you’ll see it all complete….”

    I grew up with that song. Now, I am that joker. Yesterday, it was a dead baby in a car at a Bart Station.

    I, too, miss Frank Zappa.

  6. Jägermeister says:

    #3 – denacron – I like Mr. Zappa in this crossfire session.


  7. hhopper says:

    I miss Mr. Zappa AND Mr. Allen.

  8. Robart says:

    I fondly recall hearing Zappa for the first time. I was walking past the gym as a freshman in college and smelled the very strong aroma of pot. This was one of those old gyms that had the large windows at the top of the walls that opened up to vent the gym. I looked up and it looked like the gym was on fire. A few minutes later Zappa started playing. My girlfriend and I sat on the grass outside the gym and listened to the whole concert. It was great. I immediately went out and bought my first Zappa album.

  9. amodedoma says:

    Great Googly Moogly!

  10. fulanoche says:

    Wowie Zowie

  11. Lowfreq says:

    ‘I have opened my ass & I hope my mind will follow.’
    -Frank Zappa


  12. John Paradox says:

    Frank Zappa and Steve Allen.. two of my creative heroes.


  13. Ridin' the Short Bus says:

    “Dont you eat that yellow Snow”

    First time in a Blog you dont find any negative Comments… That says allot about the man… RIP Frank… Now I want to get out My Joes Garage CD… 🙂

  14. TThor says:

    Genius at work. Have about every album, on vinyl. Love that music. Won’t ever bore!

  15. Bored Duck says:

    This is perhaps the precursor of FZ’s piece called “The Chrome Plated Megaphone of Destiny” from the We’re Only In It For The Money album. It’s a nice example of his musique concrete (conkrette?) style from that era of his work.

    Check it out.

  16. Steve says:

    But youshouldbedigginitwhileitshapning. Yes you should be digging it while it’s happening. ‘Cause it just might be a one shot deal.

  17. Greg Allen says:

    John Paradox,

    I’m with on that. Two incredibly creative guys… although in very different ways.

    I was such a fan of Steve Allen — he was one of great all-around talents.

  18. Nimby says:

    Kids today, just wouldn’t understand!

    Funny thing, though, I remember Zappa as being taller. Maybe he grew after growing the ‘stache.

  19. AlanB says:

    “Movin’ to Montana soon,
    Gonna be a Dental Floss

    I’m having a flashback just thinking about it. Can you guys see all the colors? Look at your hand!

  20. Ubiquitous Talking Head says:

    I got a spot that gets me hot, but you ain’t been to it.

  21. amodedoma says:

    then I’ll call pup tentacle
    I’ll ask him how’s his chin
    I’ll find out how the future is
    Because that’s where he’s been
    His little feet got long and flexible
    And suckers fell right in
    The time he crossed the line
    From later on, to way back when …


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