Some of the commenters on DU need to use their right hemisphere a little more.
Found by Marina Lenz.
By hhopper Tuesday June 9, 2009
Some of the commenters on DU need to use their right hemisphere a little more.
Found by Marina Lenz.
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For those who are skipping today’s LSD trip, the TLDW version: the right hemisphere collects information from external stimuli and the left hemisphere processes it so that it actually makes sense. The world would be a more groovy place if we spent more time existing in the jumbled mess of our right brains, being one with the energy of the universe.
#1 – Sea Lawyer
That actually explains why Alfredone doesn’t make sense… he doesn’t have a left hemisphere.
Transformational. A must see.
Saw this one a bit ago. She trips out a bit at the end, but it sure was interesting.
Fascinating, until the moment she starts pulling preserved human body parts out of jars. Definitely, not inviting her to a dinner party.
I grok that.
If you had been where she was, you would probably “trip out” a little too.
And Jägermeister, I think you’ve got it backwards. Alfie has no right hemisphere.
Synopsis; stroke induced temporary schizophrenia leads to greater sanity.
Read her book, well worth it. This sounds wonderful, but it’s being interpreted by a compromised brain. Euphoria from near death experiences are common. Ram Dass, the hippy guru and LSD advocate, had the opposite reaction in his stroke. The best part of her book is describing her recovery from a profession point of view.
Altered states of consciousness are awesome. Run out to your nearest drug dealer and try it.
#2, Jag,
He lives in the right hemisphere, How do we know? The other side left.
(drum roll)
Yes yes, so he has two brains. One is lost and the other is looking for it.
(keep up the drum roll)
When they were handing out brains he thought they said trains so he’s sticking around to ride the caboose.
(more drum roll, thank you)
And his wit is so sharp it makes flat black look dull.
(keep up the drum roll)
If brains were made of dynamite, he couldn’t blow his own nose.
We can thank Bush for donating his brain to science !!! He is still not using it !!!
gets a bit trippy near the end, so i started to lose attention a bit. I guess im too left brained. When people start to talk about things like “we are the life force power of the universe”, and “energy” and stuff like that, I always get bored.
Very interesting, but do we really get to choose to go left-brained or right-brained at will? I think not.
The interesting part is that she is describing the experience but not attributing it to “something out there” as some do. It was internal to her brain and experience, and analyzed as a scientist would. As a consequence, I am more likely to accept the experience as genuine and not some esoteric garbage.
I am happy for her that she could share the experience with everyone and rebuild her mind — that alone makes it worth listening even if you don’t want to accept her conclusions.
That was pretty good clip and agree with #15.
The mind is a fascinating thing. Having a scientist self examine what she went through was very insightful.
[Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]
So, she suffers a stroke and becomes a tripped out hippy? Weird.
Sounds much like the experiences of people that have had a near-death event. This appears to be what happens when the brain starts to die. This would seem to explain the euphoria, visions, and hallucinations involved with near-death experiences that are often attributed to “going to heaven”.
#7 – hhopper
No, it’s the left one… nothing he says is logical. 😉
#11 – Mr. Fusion
#19 – Alfredone
Yeah, we know that you’re just another honest Christian Republican.
Just bought her book “My Stroke of Insight.” It was a quick read at only 200 pages. Very fascinating and very enlightening. Though I do agree she still trips out on her experiences.
I like a woman with brains.
I was imagining how interesting it would be to have her as a professor.
I also was impressed by how closely her experience mirrored a good LSD trip.
Overall, I’m glad she got through this experience as an apparently whole and happy person. That’s not usually what happens.
Alf – I fart in your general direction.
The “bad” acid trip.
#29, yeah, and I also don’t see the connection between a malfunctioning brain being unable to process sensory input, and making the world a better place.
#23 I like women with brains also. Not sure about women with brains in jars, however.
A very astounding analogy of what happens when the left hemisphere dies — a balloon with just one breath of air left.
What a trip. A most interesting monologue. Thanks, Hop, for bringing this one forward.
Can’t you trip like I do?
#26, Alphie,
#19 is a violation of the posting guidelines against slander:
Now isn’t that the kettle calling the pot black !!!
Let’s see, post #29,
#19 The slimy turd who posts under other names should be exposed…for the dickless troll he is…probably Special Ed’s brother
Didn’t you just slander and accuse Special Ed’s brother as well as Ed?
Ain’t karma a bitch.