![]() Daylife/AP Photo used by permission
As Representative John M. McHugh of New York began planning his retirement from the House after being picked to be the new secretary of the Army, a chunk of Republican morale prepared to depart with him.
In picking Republicans like Mr. McHugh for top jobs, the Obama administration says it is assembling a coalition government that welcomes qualified members of the opposition. It gives the White House a claim to bipartisanship despite continuing clashes with Republican Congressional leaders.
But the political benefits are an equally strong incentive. Remaining Republican colleagues become discouraged and feel further isolated in the minority. Political vacancies are created. And Republicans can be painted as being hostile to more moderate Republicans or those willing to engage the Democratic administration.
![]() Daylife/Reuters Pictures used by permission
In embracing select Republicans, the Obama administration — notably Rahm Emanuel, the White House chief of staff — seems to be applying this maxim: Hug them until it hurts…
In accepting, Mr. McHugh noted that he was just the latest in a line of people of differing backgrounds and, in his case, “differing political persuasions, who have been provided by President Obama the chance to heed, to answer new, important and challenging problems facing this country.”
Mr. McHugh was a highly regarded and popular House Republican. He held one of the minority party’s plum committee posts, serving on a panel that has a reputation for bipartisanship, one where Republicans can have substantial effect on military policy.
Many more junior Republicans aspire to reach his level and his decision to resign was no doubt interpreted by colleagues as proof that he does not expect Republicans to be back in charge any time soon, since he would be passing up a powerful chairmanship…
At the same time, the fact that Mr. McHugh’s departure would at least temporarily reduce New York’s once substantial Republican delegation in the House to a total of two members was a vivid reminder of the party’s steep decline in the Northeast.
I think this is one of the better political chuckles of the post-election drama. Obama co-opts moderate Republicans – leaving the dunderheads in charge of painting themselves deeper into a corner. The dimwits will run “pure” candidates to replace the departing moderates – Dems can run someone more appropriately centrist or liberal for the same office.
Republicans are their own worst enemy. Keep up the excellent work guys.
The GOP is a rabid pack of fascist Jesus-living theocrats. Bush, Cheney, Limbaugh, Gingrich, et al, are punk-ass draft-dodgers who love war because they always avoided serving in one.
— 9/11 occurred on Bush’s watch.
— Bush had seven years to catch Osama bin Laden after 9/11 and he failed.
–Fat-ass loudmouth pill-head Rush is the leader of the GOP, which is going the way of the dodo.
— Bush was the dumbest president in American history.
I’d rant some more but I’m late for work.
These “changes” flow like the tide.
Today, Obama is riding the high tide, but in a couple of years watch his “supporters” -or shall we say “opportunist”- run from him like rats from a sinking ship.
Expect Specter to lead the way.
The Republicans are like petulant little children without a leader of the gang. Gotta love it.
I agree with Animal, Bush has been the worst president the US has ever had. His administration killed hundreds of thousands and displaced millions of innocent people on a lie. Innocent people.
I’ve always maintained that the US and the other affected countries should have immediately contacted Interpol to find Osama bin Laden.
I just hope the war crimes against Bush and gang start soon because it would show the world that the US is looking *forward* and not backward.
Or we could say when Obama needs some good he gets a Republican.
Yes, Eidard. That is what MIGHT happen. Have you followed politics long?
Remember Bill Clinton holding a press conference to announce that he was not irrelevant?
Even better – remember all the finest, most thoughtful members of the Republican party crowing about how the Democrats were all done and doomed? Oh, wait- it wasn’t the finest, most thoughtful members – it was the bomb-throwing jackasses like Limbaugh. Hm. Guess you’ve joined a club, haven’t you, Eidard?
Awesome how your post brings out the froth in some of my fellow commenters, too. Good for a chuckle this morning.
It’s a good political move: appoint an opponent to a position of authority (but still under your control). If they screw up, you can fire them. If they success you take the credit.
It’s working on Hilary Clinton. In 2012, after Hilary has failed to bring peace to the Middle East (just like everyone who has ever tried it), Obama can throw her under the bus and run for re-election saying he’ll pick someone better next time.
Gee, the right wing nuts can’t see how self destructive they are.
The extremists won’t win any elections. When the Republican Party continues to allow those extremists to be the major influence on policy, the majority will stay away.
Mr. Fusion. Dude. Come on. Just a little but context-free, aren’t ya?
Let me help.
What is THE central reason that the DEMOCRATIC party has usually lost the presidential race since WWII?
Just one question:
Does Obama EVER look like he’s not contemplating murder?
# 10 Nimby said:
“Just one question:”
“Does Obama EVER look like he’s not contemplating murder?”
Actually, I thought he looked somewhat pleased with himself in that photo.
It is called “Chicago Politics” Obama screws the Republicans with class and style.I predict a 30 year Democrat dominance of our Federal government.You don’t belive me check out Illinois.
“Mr. Steele, If you don’t give the people what they want, someone else will.”
Well duh, that already happened (don’t you read the news?) so live with it. The Republicans are doomed because they just cannot see reality as it exists.
Alfred1, you’re proof of that.
Hey, you just gave me some proof…..finally.
The Democrats don’t care about the Republican base. They do care about independent voters, and apparently the Republicans do not.
Big gov’t Democrats and almost as big gov’t Republicans. If that’s what it takes then the human race deserves to die out. Good riddance.
Obama is presiding over the destruction of the US economy…its not likely that record will win the Democrats any votes in 2010 or 2012.
First hour of Rush Limbaugh today:
The president of the United States, Barack Obama, is destroying the United States economy — there is no other way to describe this — systematically destroying it.”
hmmm… keeping those dittos going….
Love how all these liberals are giving the Republicans advice on how to prosper. We tried all that middle ground stuff last time when McCain ran. Now all we need to do is wait one year and pick up the pieces of this coming Obama train wreak.
Obama’s doing a great job.
All those who thought Bush was fantastic for the US and the world, raise your hands.
And tell us why he was so good while you’re at it.
Just thought we needed some sad comedy here today…..
Ummm…who’s fault is it that you are losing jobs and that money’s tight? I kinda thought that Bush spent hundreds of billions of dollars on a war that is a lie.
Did Obama create this mess? Now answer truthfully or you get no more koolaid today.
I don’t see why Obama continues to scrape the bottom of the GOP barrel for candidates.
Someone tell him that underneath that slimy film on the surface of the bottom is just more scum.
People like Alfred1 are the reason this country is in trouble.
“Every time we run a conservative candidate, we win.”
You might want to talk to Santorum about that.
What amazes me is that the moderates are stupid enough to think Obama is going to let them do anything…when your enemy offers you a job it’s to control you. He will keep them just long enough to ruin their conservative cred and then replace them.
This guy is a Chicago con-artist and virtually everything he says to the enemy is a lie. But he’s OUR con-artist, and he’s destroying the people who need to be destroyed. In this case, the ends justify the means. The Repugs did it for years, so it’s our turn.
And Alfred, who says you’ll be voting in 8 years. You can steal elections, and we can gerrymander to see to it that the peoples’ real voices are heard.
Suck it.
Sorry. Alfred, the Supreme Court is not going to be in the hands of the robber barons anymore. Senorita Sotamayer is not likely to give a rat’s patootie about your big investor buddies. She’ll be more interested in keeping those workers in good jobs.
It’s called empathy, and it’s about time we saw some on the court.
Suck it.
Alfred, has it ever occurred to you that this economic system might NEED to hit the abyss? If I read Obama right, he PLAN is to tank it and then rebuild it OUR way. Where workers will have more say, more ownership, and more power. CEOs have run the little people into the ground, and it’s time to rebuild.
And Obama will do it, by fooling idiots into thinking they matter until they are no longer needed.
And there’s nothing you can do about it, because WE have the media on our side, AND the majority of the population, when all the little people are allowed to vote.
Bush totally transformed the country, and so will we…but in the “right” direction, which is of course left. And Obama will leave no opening for the Bible-thumping-money-sponges to have any voice at all.
Suck it.
Alfred1, here we go again where you refuse to answer simple questions.
How is Obama complicit in the current financial mess? You are an ass for not answering….
Alfred, has it ever occurred to you that this economic system might NEED to hit the abyss? If I read Obama right, he PLAN is to tank it and then rebuild it OUR way. Where workers will have more say, more ownership, and more power. CEOs have run the little people into the ground, and it’s time to rebuild, with some accountability.
And Obama will do it, by fooling idiots into thinking they matter until they are no longer needed.
And there’s nothing you can do about it, because WE have the media on our side, AND the majority of the population, when all the little people are allowed to vote.
Bush totally transformed the country, and so will we…but in the “right” direction, which is of course left. And Obama will leave no opening for the Bible-thumping-money-sponges to have any voice at all.
Suck it.
“Every president inherits from the one before, problems…NO ONE KEEPS BLAMING the administration before it, after being in office more that 100 days…after that, the problems belong to the new administration.”
Not so easy, bitch.
George W. Bush is not just another failed president, he’s a failed president who systematically disassembled the regulatory structure of the economy as well as the Constitution.
And about the Constitution; now that it’s basically been gutted by the Bushies, I think we will just take this opportunity for some payback. These Presidential powers don’t look so good from the other side of the Gitmo cell, now do they? Bushies created a police state no different than the Third Reich, and now they has to live in it…but with the progressive side in control. Have fun!
Suck it.
#37 Let me guess? Christian love.
Effective tactics but the war depends on the economy and what happens off shore.
I’m not sure the Dems are going to be able to rein in spending in time to prevent what the Fed Chairman warned Congress about in the broadcast I listened to Sunday.
If they don’t the Dems are going to find out what happens to the party that gets the blame when things really tank!