Daylife/AP Photo used by permission

As Representative John M. McHugh of New York began planning his retirement from the House after being picked to be the new secretary of the Army, a chunk of Republican morale prepared to depart with him.

In picking Republicans like Mr. McHugh for top jobs, the Obama administration says it is assembling a coalition government that welcomes qualified members of the opposition. It gives the White House a claim to bipartisanship despite continuing clashes with Republican Congressional leaders.

But the political benefits are an equally strong incentive. Remaining Republican colleagues become discouraged and feel further isolated in the minority. Political vacancies are created. And Republicans can be painted as being hostile to more moderate Republicans or those willing to engage the Democratic administration.

Daylife/Reuters Pictures used by permission

In embracing select Republicans, the Obama administration — notably Rahm Emanuel, the White House chief of staff — seems to be applying this maxim: Hug them until it hurts

In accepting, Mr. McHugh noted that he was just the latest in a line of people of differing backgrounds and, in his case, “differing political persuasions, who have been provided by President Obama the chance to heed, to answer new, important and challenging problems facing this country.”

Mr. McHugh was a highly regarded and popular House Republican. He held one of the minority party’s plum committee posts, serving on a panel that has a reputation for bipartisanship, one where Republicans can have substantial effect on military policy.

Many more junior Republicans aspire to reach his level and his decision to resign was no doubt interpreted by colleagues as proof that he does not expect Republicans to be back in charge any time soon, since he would be passing up a powerful chairmanship…

At the same time, the fact that Mr. McHugh’s departure would at least temporarily reduce New York’s once substantial Republican delegation in the House to a total of two members was a vivid reminder of the party’s steep decline in the Northeast.

I think this is one of the better political chuckles of the post-election drama. Obama co-opts moderate Republicans – leaving the dunderheads in charge of painting themselves deeper into a corner. The dimwits will run “pure” candidates to replace the departing moderates – Dems can run someone more appropriately centrist or liberal for the same office.


  1. right says:

    Alfred1, what’s your address?

  2. right says:

    Obama’s doing a great job.
    All those who thought Bush was fantastic for the US and the world, raise your hands.
    And tell us why he was so good while you’re at it.

  3. oyvey says:

    Obama’s not losing…the rightwing blogosphere keeps assuming that the mass of people are reading them and agreeing with them, but it’s just a big echo chamber. Out here in the real world Obama is more popular than ever, and no one is challenging that. The media doesn’t keep track of all the “gotcha” stories, so for the average American they never happened.

    Without the media in thrall like under Reagan, no one listens to your rightwing drivel. So save your breath and get with the program.

    Fox and Rush are in their own little world where the Minutemen are about to rise up and impeach Obama and retake the country for the white man once again…out here things are great and getting better!

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    #46, Alphie,

    He did keep us safe, and compared to Obama, he is fantastic.

    Yup, just fantastic.

    BTW, the Drug Plan was Bill Frist’s. Oh ya, and at least 10,000 Americans died because of Bush keeping us safe. Over 100,000 Iraqis. And we still don’t have Osama bin Laden in custody yet.

  5. Great American says:

    You mean liberal losers like Olympia Snow? No thanks!

  6. Great American says:

    #48 “at least 10,000 Americans died because of Bush keeping us safe”

    So you’re willing to concede, albeit in low sarcasm, that Bush kept us safe from all the plots you’re aware of?

    Excellent, good on ya Fizzle!

  7. Brad says:

    Bush was the worst president ever because:
    – He was painted as the worst president ever.

    Every freaking day we heard, “Bush lied. People died.”

    We got daily body counts from Iraq. Constantly beat over the head with ‘unjust war’. The media won that one.

    Put Clinton in that situation – not a peep from the media. Put similar situations in Afghanistan or Iraq right now and the media will paint is rosy as ‘their guy’ is in office now.

    I’m not saying Bush did everything right. Hell, had he just had a (D) by his name the same people opposing him would be trumpeting him and those who supported him would be bashing him. There’s little thought amongst most people as to what the actual issues are. Most of the time it’s idiotic quips from the right and the left.

    Right now the right is bashing Obama – regardless of what he does. He could go out and get the paper in the morning and they’d fine something to bitch about. The left (which is typically the media) would do a fluff piece on how Obama represents the ‘common man’ by going to get his paper. Obama getting his paper has nothing to do with running the nation or policies. Worse – Obama doesn’t run the nation. He doesn’t write law. The people we should all be concerned with is our own representatives in the House. Instead, we get this nonsense as if Obama (or Bush) are the ones actually writing laws and such.

    Most people just rattle off whatever they’ve heard without applying any sort of thought, without digging into whether or not that statement that they just rattled off actually means anything, and without getting anymore than superficially involved in the process.

    Policy-wise: there wasn’t much difference between Obama and McCain.

    A year ago I was thinking, “Well, I don’t think the Democrats can outspend the Republicans.” Yet, here we are. A year ago the Republicans were quiet and the Democrats were talking about the ‘crazy spending’ in Washington. Now it’s the opposite. There’s no ‘core values’ to any of this just whether or not someone’s ‘guy’ is in office.

  8. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Brad, the media covers everything…Clinton was hammered for his transgressions, those stories were all over cable news and the papers. Later, conversely, Bush was left unchecked while taking us to war. Of course, Cheney/Rove made sure any dissent or critical questioning was covered with a treason label, which made the press squeamish, but they still dropped the ball and let a repub president get away with starting a stupid war.

  9. qb says:

    Is it just me or are Dick Morris and Sean Hannity the gayest guys in US media?

  10. qb says:

    Anyway, back on topic. When the ranking member of Armed Services Committee quits the committee it sends a loud message that he isn’t going to be the chair anytime soon, if ever. I think this was the biggest blow that the Republican congressional members have received.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    #55, Alphie,

    When Democrats turned against the war, so did their media.

    Is that what Boss Limpdick said? You mean, it wouldn’t have anything to do with people becoming aware that Bush really did lie? Or that Osama bin Laden was still running loose in spite of the stated claim by Bush that he wouldn’t rest until he was captured? Or that Bush was locking up Americans without access to lawyers? Or that Bush was opening mail, tapping phone lines, and spying on Americans without warrants? Or that Bush sanctioned torture when most Americans don’t? Or that Americans were being killed by road side bombs when they were supposed to have been greeted as liberators?

  12. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #55 Alfred: Its good Fox news, radio and the internet exist, otherwise we wouldn’t unspun news.

    And the bible proves god exists, which makes for two documented instances of your circular logic.

  13. Greg Allen says:

    Even though I am absolutely disgusted with the conservatives and the GOP, I still believe in the value of opposition.

    But these current “Reagan” Republicans need to be sent packing. They friggin’ wrecked our country.

  14. Greg Allen says:

    #55 Alfred: Its good Fox news, radio and the internet exist, otherwise we wouldn’t unspun news.

    Fox news spins EVERYTHING. Seriously, dude. And the make crap up.

    The “Fox Question” is now part of the venacular.

    You know, as in “Should Obama release his birth certificate?” when the folks at Fox know darn well he released it months and months ago.

  15. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    But Greg, then what would these goofs email each other about otherwise? You know, the ones like “In God We Trust” missing from the new dollar coin, the old soldier stories, and all that crap that keeps snopes busy…

    These fools haven’t figured out that their own email floods are what’s causing porn to stutter on their peecees. (So long as they stay away from the neighbor’s wife stuff, they’re good.)

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    #62, Mr. Baggins,

    Well that explains why my porn downloads are so slow. All the religious wackos and wing nuts emailing each other about Muslim conspiracies and rampant communism in the White House.


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