• Price drops at Apple’s WWDC.
  • I do a mini-review of Palm Pre. Listen in.
  • Sprint sales records all broken by Palm Pre.
  • Jeff Moss of DefCon tapped by USA to help with Cyber-Security.
  • Online ad revenue plummeting for newspapers.
  • CNET dogging Win7 for some reason saying it will have no impact.
  • Win7 may cost only $100.
  • Intel drops $43 million into WiMax in Japan.
  • China requiring anti-porn.
  • Sweden’s Pirate Party gets a seat in the EU Parliament.

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  1. deowll says:

    The price for Win 7 doesn’t seem all that bad until you realize what Apple is willing to sell Mac OS for in the family pack. Less than half as much.

    Nobody is sure that the software China wants installed only checks for porn. Do you trust the government? Any government?

  2. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    A $100 price point to upgrade from Vista to Win7 will get me upgrading both my current computers. A $250 price point (which is what I expect from MS) will mean I’ll wait until I purchase a new computer. Do you think MS will realize the lower price will result in many more upgrades (and thus greater profits)? I’m not holding my breath.

  3. lghtningboyv2 says:

    Only playing with a Pre for a little bit will not give you a feel for what the device is like. The multitasking is fantastic, and the keyboard IS usable. To me, the iPhone’s on-screen keyboard is much more difficult to use. To each his own I guess. But making a blanket statement saying the keyboard isn’t useful is unfair.

  4. qb says:

    Palm Pre is nice V1 effort. I think they’ve done a pretty great job on the OS, easy to write apps, and it generally hangs together as good or better than the Android OS. It just feels like it needs some fit and finish all around. The hardware feels a little cheap when compare with iPhone, Blackberry, or higher end Nokia.

    I got to use an HTC Magic for a few days and I’d say it’s in that class. I think the G1 has a better keyboard but overall handles like a brick.

  5. qb says:

    P.S. The big story at WWDC is how peeved everyone is at AT&T. That and the shit bomb dropped by Shiller on Palm.

  6. downlowfunk says:

    come on john we know your opinon is bias because you got a loaner.


  7. Named says:


    I thought WWDC was a total wash. It was so dull and everything released was exactly as expected; incremental bumps all around. Plus, 2/4 software demos failed. Even MS doesn’t have that low percentage of failures…

    Not many people are commenting on the iPhone pricing though. If you’re IN contract, you can upgrade for the low low price of 399 – 699. 199 and 299 are for net contract subscriptions only.

  8. Named says:


    Repubs seem to trust any Repub government.

    Your point?

  9. stana2z says:

    The pre is a nice 1st attempt, but based on the WWDC keynote, I think Apple won… again…

  10. I totally understand that my review may be BS and PRE-mature but sometimes first impressions are the most accurate.

  11. qb says:

    #11 I think #6 was a lame attempt at humour (a la Mike Arrington).

    For the record, I think your mini-review was biased and you are in the pay of big government trying to control our minds through cell phone products. I also suspect you throw puppies into wood chippers. I have no evidence for this, but if I say it often enough then it must be true.

  12. newrepublican says:

    Downloaded Safari 4 – production version – last night. Very, very fast.

    Faster than the beta. Faster than Firefox.

  13. RTaylor says:

    Aren’t all reviews personal by definition? I’m not a cell phone guy. I get the cheap phone without a contract, so I can tell the provider shove it if needed. My wife however is a crackberry addict. That’s why I’m stuck with a $80 data plan. So what if a smart phone is $200 with a two year contract, what’s the total cost of ownership? $2400 for a two year unlimited plan just seems insane unless it’s making you money.

  14. downlowfunk says:

    #12 and John I am obvsiouly just joking around.

    If something in the computer world sucks or is phishy I can trust JCD to let me know about it.

    Course I could be bias cause Ive been reading JCD and watching JCD over a decade.

  15. chuck says:

    #12 – the rumors about John throwing puppies into wood chippers are completely untrue. He only did it a couple of times and I’m sure he felt bad about it later.

    Although he did say he’d do it again. And for that reason I’m sure his reviews are unbiased.

  16. qb says:

    #16 OK, maybe my comments about puppies and wood chippers was over the line, but he does club baby seals.

  17. Named says:


    “No, repugs seem to be less confidents when a governments starts going awry”

    You’re so right! I remember every day from 2000 – 2008 that the GOP was always against the tax and spend GWBush…


  18. hhopper says:

    Nah qb… you got that wrong. He belongs to the Baby Seals Club. (Although he DOES throw puppies into wood chippers.)

  19. qb says:

    hhopper, he still has Honduran sweat shop manufacturing college football t-shirts and hats?

  20. hhopper says:

    Hang on a sec, I’ll go look.

  21. hhopper says:

    It turns out that they sweat everywhere in Honduras… not just in the shops.

  22. Joe says:

    More interesting are those phones that people can afford without a contract:


  23. brendal says:

    “Did you pay for that Pre? I need to see a receipt…”


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