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You’ve read about Sonia Sotomayor’s rulings and about her, what do you think? Is she Supreme Court material? Is she a racist as Rush and Newt tell you? If she’s qualified, should she be confirmed or opposed because of how you think she might vote on specific issues? Should she be opposed just because Obama nominated her? Should she be confirmed just because she is female, Hispanic and was nominated by the President?
Have at it!
Most interesting aspect of this poll is the percentage of right wing nut cases currently attached to DU.
I’m not a big Obama supporter, and I don’t think much of Sotomayor’s rulings. But, the purpose of the confirmation hearings is simply to allow the Senate to consider the qualifications of the candidate.
Sotomayor has been a federal judge for some time now. I may not agree with her rulings, but she’s qualified for the job.
Now if only the Democrats had been so considerate of the dozens of federal judges that Bush tried to appoint – and whose hearings were indefinitely delayed.
#27…If SCOTUS votes 9-0 then we have an issue, but if they rule with a split decision this entire argument is nothing but blather.
I noticed that the “No” vote was ahead earlier this morning but the “Yes” vote has taken the lead by a hefty margin. I guess the Conservatives were getting ready for work and logging on to the website this mornining. The Libs are just getting up to see if their check has arrived in the mail.
Lighten up guys it’s a joke. Don’t go Leo on me please.
#40, LOL! That was funny!
#34, Mr. Baggins,
That ruling was actually following the law; Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. The firefighters wanted to overturn established law and have the court write new law.
#27, Ah Yea,
OK, so now that Ricci has been shown as being wrong, what else do you have?
#35 – So, if she sentenced someone to death for jay walking it would be wrong to judge her on that one decision because it’s such a small percentage of her total?
Fusion…got it, she declined to write new law from the bench. What a liberal bitch!
#44, think this one through….it’s all about the percentages. If a judge ruled as you propose, how many cases would that judge ever hear?
Well I voted yes, but at this point the answer should be no. The judge hasn’t produced all the documents that the Senate committee requested. They’ve already discovered that she held back a memo on the death penalty.
#44, bullshitBill,
I missed that one. Could you reference that case where she sentenced someone to be executed for jaywalking?
Geeze, that sounds like a really stupid decision. If there is any validity to it then sure, I wouldn’t hesitate to condemn her. I just hope this isn’t another drive by attempt by the right wing nuts to slander her with more false garbage.
It’s about La Raza Fusion. What the hell IS your problem?
You know damned good and well if this were a white male, with an active membership in a racist organization, you would be the first to condemn. So why are you sympathetic now?
I know you won’t address the issue. You left your balls in Canada.
Some of you folks are crazy
She is just as qualified as most Supreme Court nominees(ok Bush snuck one in but she didn’t go far). She’s not a racist she is proud to be a Hispanic American Woman. Most successful people believe in themselves and think their personal history as helped make them who they are.
If they went over every thing any one of us have said over the last 3 or 4 decades I’m sure we could all be considered racist by that criteria. Yes even dare I say it Rush just might be considered racist.
She will be fine the balance of the Court will not change, the Right should be happy Obama nominated a relative moderate.
All the ‘La Raza’ members I have known have been hard-working, honorable people who just want to make things better for their people. I guess we can’t have that, eh? Better to “keep them in their place.” (Vote? Naw, you don’t need no steenkin’ vote!)
As for Judge Sotomayor, she’s not nearly liberal enough. Much better they put in Jerry Brown or Al Gore or Michael Moore. THEN you’d see a REAL activist judge, not like the weak, watered-down examples the right cites these days. Psh.
#50 Shane
And I’m sure Fusion would have no problem supporting David Duke for another try at the Presidency!
He is SOOO much beyond all that “just because she belonged to a racist organization, she must be a racist” stuff!
Fusion has become the new laughing-stock of the DU blog.
His half-ass incoherent answers and blind bipolar fanaticism makes Albert1 look positively enlightened by comparison.
#49 Nimby, great article!
The last paragraph of Nimbly’s link says it all:
“Much has been made of Sotomayor’s statements that Latina women can be expected to make better judicial decisions than white males. While it’s true that the statement is inherently racist, though not of the hateful sort that stains America’s past, the debate to date has mostly missed the larger problem: her statement reveals a judicial philosophy that elevates personal preferences over adherence to the letter of the law. That we are presently mired in a discussion of the former at the expense of the latter is a testament to the destructive power of identity politics. It is even more disappointing that a President uniquely positioned to transcend such old, tired debates of the past has instead chosen to perpetuate them for political gain.”
# 52 Uncle Patso said, “All the ‘La Raza’ members I have known have been hard-working, honorable people who just want to make things better for their people. I guess we can’t have that, eh? ”
Same with KKK members. I mean look at Dem Senator Byrd, very hard working…
Dang, she just broke her ankle.
She calls for a wise Latina woman, but wouldn’t such a person say ‘wise Latina?’
#57 that ankle
Maybe Rush can give her some hard learned advice on painkillers
#52 Uncle Patso:
“All the ‘La Raza’ members I have known have been hard-working, honorable people who just want to make things better for their people.”
All the La Raza members *I* know are totally cool with taking back ‘their’ land from the white settlers and forming their own nation.
#54 – That’s right. If we never had any judges in the past who used “a judicial philosophy that elevates personal preferences”, we’d still have slavery! Damn liberal pussies thinking for themselves!
Those uppity Hisssspanics, thinking they understand their culture better than us decent, God fearing, white folk who’ve never met one in our lives. Who do they think they are anyway? And now one wants on the SC? The nerve!
Why, we could replace judges with robots who don’t have ANY cultural or other predilections toward anything but what’s written in black and white. That would be strict constructionist heaven…
# 61 The Wrong Guy said, “If we never had any judges in the past who used “a judicial philosophy that elevates personal preferences”, we’d still have slavery!”
I guess you never heard of the Dred Scott v. Sandford case. It’s best to know the Constitution and rule based on it rather than personal “beliefs”…
How do you guys think the Right would handle it if Obama nominated Jesus? What Would Rush Do?
I’d bet because the nomination came from the Left they would go through all the teachings and find fault after fault.
I can think of five off the top of my head.
Solomon, Moses, Muhammad All of these could easily be crucified with this manner of a circus show.
As this woman was ok’d by senior Bush in the first place I don’t see why any republican would hate her.
If daddy Bush says she’s good enough for him, isn’t she good enough you?
Obama believes in her and even Goober Bush appointed her to a Federal bench. Therefore, we should all see her to be a good appointee.
The partisan masturbation going on is merely the GOP struggling for relevance. What a waste.
Speaking of masturbation, the Dems approved of Clarence Thomas with his questionable sexual advances of Anita Hill and he continues to make advances now to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg.
She is no racist. But Rush and Newt seem to be. She is a little on the braggy side, but name a single member of congress that has never shown a bit of exaggerated self-promotion.
She is a good judge with consistently fair calls. The fact that she comes from a Puerto Rican / Brooklyn / female / Democratic background is a list of minor attributes compared to her overall achievements and abilities.
People like to snipe at winners. Usually picky people of lesser achievements and lower morals, as it turns out.
After Tancredo’s comment equating La Raza with the KKK, I decided to look for myself.
You decide. I think Tancredo is full of shit.
Boo hoo the Republicans hate her so much they invented the term Reverse Racist as an excuse to act as monkeys and throw turds at her because they couldn’t a decent excuse as to why she shouldn’t be a Supreme court judge.
This is just like when they spend YEARS trying to indict Bill Clinton just because a chubby woman gave him a blowjob in the oval office.