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You’ve read about Sonia Sotomayor’s rulings and about her, what do you think? Is she Supreme Court material? Is she a racist as Rush and Newt tell you? If she’s qualified, should she be confirmed or opposed because of how you think she might vote on specific issues? Should she be opposed just because Obama nominated her? Should she be confirmed just because she is female, Hispanic and was nominated by the President?
Have at it!
She comes highly recommended by her peers. She has shown impartiality far better than recent court appointees. Add the fact that although she has served longer, she has been overturned less than Alito was.
Of course, the agenda wing nuts hate her solely because she is an Obama appointment, not because they know anything about her.
She’s your typical 80’s reverse discrimination racist/sexist. They ran the place at Bell Labs until it spiraled into the ground. Believed that white males in particular were born racist and sexist and couldn’t change – and if you disagreed, you were just demonstrating your prejudice. Just what we need on the Supreme Court!
Since she belongs to the racist & anti-American group La Raza (The Race), of course not.
#1 Mr Fusion
>>the agenda wing nuts hate her solely because she is an Obama appointment.
Of course people don’t want her because she is an Obama appointment. Obama is in the process of turning the country into a third world garbage dump. I realize such a life might appeal to you but there are others who strive for a bit more.
I’m libertarian except where I’m liberal, and I’m liberal except where I’m conservative. At this point, my one remaining conservative leaning is with regard to the supreme court.
As we’ve been recently reminded (by Sotomayor herself among others) judges and particularly supremes DO make law. We don’t need somebody getting touchy-feely with the constitution.
I am an Obama supporter but I’m not a fan of this nominee.
The decsion regarding the firefighters in CT was a complete deal killer for me.
I do not believe it is possible for a written examination to be racist.
#2, 3, 4, 5, & 6
Well so far none of you have shown me wrong. So far you have only repeated the spewings of right wing nut radio and FOX.
What a wonderful world it would be if the robots on the right could only think for themselves. The collective intelligence of this great nation would improve immensely.
#8, Mr. Fusion,
WTF else needs to be said? Thats all that NEEDS to be said, you cant have someone like that on the supreme court. Sotomayor is not the right person for the job.
You are completely misguided and obviously blinded by your rather extreme democratic leanings.
#11 Mr. Fusion doesn’t even live in the US…
The Second Amendment is a huge deal breaker for me, and she is very anti-2nd Amendment.
Dump her.
Many want to knee-jerk their reaction based on a few statements she made out of thousands of pages of writings and hundreds of decisions spanning a career. Typical of a certain segment of the political spectrum…find a wedge, any wedge will do, drive it deep and just keep driving.
She’s no more polarizing than anyone else nominated in the last decade or so. (Harriet excepted, that was a stupid nomination) And what’s wrong with the makeup SCOTUS roughly matching the makeup of the US population?
We’re not hearing meaningful opposition from anyone important, just rantings from white male conservatives.
Is she the best candidate? Nobody among us is qualified to answer that with any degree of authority. But it’s damned easy to oppose anyone if you dig deep enough and long enough to find just the right wedge.
Many of the people I’ve heard comment about this, both on the Internet and in person, have such a thin opposition that I question if they are simply appalled that a non-white woman could possibly be qualified and horrified that she could be seated. Maybe the racist label is being pointed in the wrong direction.
#14 Yes, she believes that the Bill of Rights doesn’t apply to people living in States. Truly, she is a moron.
#14, Mac Guy…litmus test, eh? 🙂
Laura Bush likes her.
No apologist here has yet to address her membership in the Mexican equivalent of the KKK. Too much sand in their ears?
Attention everyone!
This article helps to highlight the immense problems with Sotomayor.
“In the Ricci case, the firefighters claim that New Haven discriminated against them by throwing out the results of a 2003 promotional examination.”
“It took an unusual, dissenting opinion by yet another 2nd Circuit judge, Jose A. Cabranes, to bring the case to the attention of the U.S. Supreme Court. Cabranes essentially flagged the case by criticizing his 2nd Circuit colleagues for rejecting the firefighters’ claims without addressing “important questions of first impression in our circuit.”
(“First impression” means creating legal precedent – which means creating law instead of interpreting law.)
“”Sotomayor tried to bury these claims and had it not been for Judge Cabranes’ extraordinary dissent exposing what was going on, she would have succeeded,” said Ed Whelan, a former law clerk to Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and now president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington.”
“Wendy E. Long of the Judicial Confirmation Network described Sotomayor as a “liberal judicial activist of the first order” and said the New Haven case showed that she “reads racial preferences and quotas into the Constitution, even to the point of dishonoring those who preserve our public safety.”
Sotomayor is a dangerous activist judge with an agenda who will create law from the bench irregardless of the will of the people.
Not that I would expect shrills like Fusion to understand.
Oh, BTW Fusion, before attacking others for proving their point, why don’t you actually provide any information and links proving YOUR point.
Everything you said is your opinion and wishful thinking.
How about proving to us the truth of your #1 post before questioning others?
Alfred…my comment noted a possibility. Your troll response involves a definite. Do you understand how you fail?
#12 Patrick
Fusion doesn’t live in the US?
Do you have any idea where he is from? He often displays unbridled mental illness, and I have often wondered what world he lives in.
I was calling it FusionLand, but I would sincerely be interested in learning which country in the real world spawned such a person as he is.
She should be put on the SCOTUS bench just to give the wing nuts strokes.
Even if she is installed on the court its not like she is going to move the court left of center considering the number of right wing reactionaries already on the court.
#24 – Canada
Here is another good article about the firefighters.
Of course, this isn’t the only problem with her, but sufficient for the moment.
I was thinking something more along the lines of Iran or North Korea, given his understanding of events in the US.
Maybe he is still in his mom’s basement watching Strange Brew for the 2047th time…
#28 I don’t know if he is native to Canada or an illegal immigrant from one of the counties you mention… 😉
#12, Cow-Patty,
Contrary to your blabbering, I am an American and do indeed live and work in the United States.
#15 – Thin? She decided a case where the results of a written firefighters promotional exam were thrown out because no minorities passed the test. This was a recent judicial action not some buried comment from her high school year book.
Hmm, I wonder what was on that test? How to properly administer CPR? How to remove someone from a burning car? I guess I’m just one of those “white conservative racists” that would like our firefighters to know these things. Clearly it’s more important that the skin color of our firefighters exactly matches the proportions found in the community.
One of the firefighters that passed the test has dislexia. He had to have the study materials transfered to audio tape in order to study properly. He did what he had to to do and overcame his personal challenges in order to pass. I wonder what unbeatable challenges kept those poor minority test takers from studying?
[Deleted for violation of blog guidelines — ed.]
#2, 3, 4, 5, & 6
Well so far none of you have shown me wrong. So far you have only repeated the spewings of right wing nut radio and FOX.
No offense to 2, 3, 4 and 6, but don’t lump me in with them. Don’t lump me in with anybody… I can’t think of a single person here who I agree with more than 2/3rds of the time. I don’t listen to any of the right-wing nutjobs, and I DO have logical reasons for opposing turning the supreme court into a third lawmaking body. One was bad enough. When bush decided that he could make laws up as he went along, and then it turned out that obama thought that was OK too, it became worse by two orders of magnitude. Having the third branch of government getting into the business of defining US policy would be the end.
She’s just another tool for the Oligarchy. Too bad the morons worshiping her are too stupid to see that.
#31 That’s directly my point…what about the hundreds of other opinions? You’re basing an opposition case on a fraction of a single percent of her work. 0.3%? (swag)
FWIW I disagree with her opinion on that case too, and if what I heard is correct she wasn’t the lone opinion. But is one case enough to negate an entire productive career? Not in my book.
#27, Ah Yea,
I don’t understand your opposition to Sotomayor because of the way she ruled in this case. Most people don’t want Judges “making law”. In this case, if the 2nd Circuit had of ruled different than she would be going against the current law.
Which do you want, her following the law or making the law in her rulings?
BTW, the City was following the advice of their lawyer, the District Court agreed, and the Circuit Court agreed that title VII applied. So why is Sotomayor the racist?