Found by Mr. Kevin

  1. Uncle Dave says:

    “If you enlist in the Air Force within the next 10 minutes, your plane comes with not just one, but TWO female mechanics! And as you can see, do they ever know how to crank over your engine!

    Operators are standing by…”

  2. bdog says:

    Why Adam Curry should buy a jet

  3. dcphill says:

    Come on baby Light my fire!

  4. dkeithray says:

    Somebody turned on the AFTERBUNNERS

  5. stana2z says:

    What’s that glowing thingy in there?

  6. righteous indignation says:

    Your turn in the barrel too?

  7. ochreous says:

    Black Adder: I have these wonderful jet engines. Why not have a look?

    Princesses of Orange look:

    Black Adder: Afterburners!

    Later to the King: It was a most unfortunate accident. I hope you weren’t too fond of them.

  8. NancyDisgrace says:

    Welcome to the new reality show.
    Celebrity Hot Head.


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