Imagine having this nutball show up at your teller window:

According to the complaint, [Daniel James]Murray opened an account at Zions First National Bank on May 19 with an $85,000 check….

On May 27, he returned to the bank and tried to withdraw $12,000, but lacked proper identification.

“Not to be disrespectful, but if I don’t get this money, someone is going to die,” Murray said, according to the complaint.

I am torn between picturing Clint Eastwood, or Politeness Man.

A bank manager was summoned and Murray was allowed to withdraw the money without proper identification.

Murray would not accept a check and demanded bills no larger than $50, the complaint says.

“We are 94 million miles from the sun, and are in-between the sun and moon, and the eagle that flies between them and it’s a giant step for mankind. … I have traveled thousands of miles to be here and know things that are going to happen. … the banking system will fail and people will die. … there will be chaos in the world,” Murray said, according to the complaint.

He also reportedly made threatening statements against the President, which necessarily becomes the news headline, although his other ramblings are far more blogworthy. We’ll say it again: News sites and blogs work differently.

Thanks, K B

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    “We are 94 million miles from the sun, and are in-between the sun and moon, and the eagle that flies between them and it’s a giant step for mankind. … I have traveled thousands of miles to be here and know things that are going to happen. … the banking system will fail and people will die. … there will be chaos in the world,”

    Sounds like at least one of the idiots that visit DU regularly. I wonder, …

  2. chuck says:

    “the banking system will fail and people will die”

    If he has so little confidence in the banking system, then why did he trust it with $85K to start with? Or perhaps the full story is that the $85K check was bogus and the bank was being reasonable trying to protect itself from fraud.

  3. Somebody says:



    He’s right about the dying part though.

    You are going to die.

    And, I guess, historically, every floating currency eventually floats to zero.

    The question is, which will happen first.

    Do you feel Lucky, Punk?

  4. Personality says:

    Nope. That has to be Gary Busey.

  5. TommyBlueState says:

    I am concerned about the “lone nut” types that seem to be showing up quite often. First the rednecks in Denver at the dem convention with a car load of arms, then newspaper ad hoping Obama joins the other assassinated presidents and now this guy with $85k. Where does someone like this get $85K anyway? We’ve seen quite a few of these types of articles. The right wing in this country has been stoking the fires of hatred at an alarming rate. They preach hate day after day on the radio talk shows and then deny responsibility when the inevitable happens like it did last week with Dr. Tiller. What is happening now is strikingly similar to what was going on in the early sixties prior to JFK getting assassinated. I am very worried that we will end up with something similar happening with Obama. I pray that the secret service is up to the job.

  6. skunkman62 says:

    the man speaks the truth

  7. soundwash says:

    interesting cryptic message..

    the delivery may be a bit “off but the words could not ring truer..


  8. Ron Larson says:

    I was thinking the same thing… where did this nutball get $85k in cash to throw around? I wish I had that much disposable money.

    My gut tell me it might be from criminal proceeds.

  9. Some Call me, Tim? says:

    Um, is it just me or is the author of the article completely incapable of actually presenting the story in a logical way?

    It’s like random ranting quotes just dropped into a short news piece. Are these things that this guy said? Wrote? Scrawled in blood on the bathroom mirror?

    Let’s put them in context here…

  10. Mr Diesel says:

    I’m sure that Mr Fusion isn’t that whacked out.

  11. lividd says:

    this article sounds like alfred1 wrote it, except that I”m pretty sure he doesn’t read or write

  12. dirtboy says:

    Why would a bank want to pay your withdrawal with a check? Where are you going to cash it?


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