Apparently Mike Arrington (TechCrunch) was on the “B” list for review copies of the Palm Pre and decided to be huffy with Leo, who let him have it back. At some point people need to realize that Mike Arrington is indeed a douche. He once stiffed us at Cranky Geeks, never showed up and never apologized or even bothered to call. It was pretty amazing, unprofessional and inconsiderate. This BS about Leo slanting his opinion based on having a loaner is laughable.

What irks me most about this guy is his constant assertions that he gets never-ending death threats. Why? For what? I do not want to trivialize death threats as I have had them when writing Op-Eds for a daily newspaper and reporting on gun control and Middle East politics. I’ve never gotten any for writing about tech. And I didn’t hole up when I got them years ago for other commentary. So what is this all about Mike?

  1. jasontheodd says:

    I’m with Leo, the guy was rude as hell.

  2. roastedpeanuts says:

    It’s weird when Leo swears… After seeing so many of his shows it feels like I’m a little kid who saw something I wasn’t supposed to.

    PS. Mike Arrington is a dick.

  3. Poppa Boner says:

    Fans gather for launch of ‘iPhone killer’ Palm Pre – Total number of “Fans” 45

  4. Matthew says:

    Wow, that was pretty awesome. Hearing Leo drop the F Bomb like that was kind of jarring and unexpected, but awesome.

    I think Leo should let his anger out more often. It’s more entertaining.

  5. pdalbury says:

    I’m more interested in hearing about the Palm’s Pre than commentators twitting-on as if they’re on Twitter.
    Argh-Argh-Arrington didn’t get a phone to test-run… oh dear! He’s probably not the “A-list” either.
    PS. when will tech commentators pronounce “Pre” correctly. Pray, or Prey.
    Love your work Leo

  6. Cameron says:

    [Duplicate comment deleted. Please don’t double post! – ed.]

  7. Cameron says:

    I must be real bad if Leo drops the F bomb
    Leos like the nice man who lives next door

    Mike your a bag of shit

  8. David Moore says:

    Haha! Leo rocks!

  9. Wow. Thanks for posting this John!

    I’ve been watching Leo since I was in high school… I’ve never once seen him blow up or lose his temper to this degree, so Mike Arrington surely had it coming.

    I think while Leo has a tendency to get super-excited for cool ideas (as any good technologist should – the only example I can think of that it got me to actually go out and buy it is Spore, which then turned out to be a big disappointment)… but I don’t recall a time I’ve ever thought he fudged a review. He always calls it as he sees it. I’ve never seen a tech review from Leo I didn’t trust.

    There’s a reason he’s been around so long and continues to be able to maintain his friendships with people like you, John. I highly doubt that if Leo were fudging reviews, so many reputable people – from Amber MacArthur to anyone on his network or co-hosting shows, would continue that relationship.

    Mike was being a jerk and should apologize to Leo and Steve Gillmor, for sure.

    -Nick Armstrong

  10. Uwe Mayer says:

    Leo is right.

  11. thefakedvorak says:

    leo’s known for his impartiality.

    to be questioned like this, as if there was a hidden agenda, is not only deeply personally insulting to leo but also questions his [leo’s] professional reputation.

    good on leo to reject arrington.

  12. deadpixel says:

    that’s pretty fucked up on ding-dongs part questioning someones integrity live on a show.
    i don’t know if throwing him off along with the other guests was the right thing to do. maybe a good tongue lashing would have been better and given a more professional appearance. then never invite the dumb ass back.

  13. zone says:

    That was pretty awesome. Way to go Leo!

  14. brm says:


    “I think while Leo has a tendency to get super-excited for cool ideas (as any good technologist should”

    I prefer the cranky skeptical calling-out-bullshit style of JCD. I don’t even care if he’s right or not. It’s way more entertaining than listening to a cheerleader.

    not implying anything about Leo – I love the guy, too.

  15. Neal says:

    I think I wish I hadn’t seen that. Leo Laporte swearing and being angry? Is there no Santa Claus?

  16. akyan says:

    Sure it might be dodgy if he got to keep the PRE, but WTF it was a 7 day review unit not a freebie.

  17. Leo freaking trashed the guy. Holy crap, that’s rare.

  18. renzie says:

    I’m with Leo on this one. Leo normally always buys his tech to review so that he can give his onnest opinion without beiing accused of being possitive because of receiving a review unit.

    Mike Arrington is a dick.

  19. zuhaib says:

    Wow, as a longer time twit listener I am like other shocked to hear Leo swear. Its almost funny when he does just because you hear the clean shows he runs.
    But I can see how he could get pissed as he has been in the tech world for how long? I remember the site on MSNBC and all the work thru TechTV and etc so he has been doing reviews for a long time and understand when you get a review unit what it means.
    To be accused that having a free unit means he will give it a better slant would piss me off and I bet it would Leo.

  20. TThor says:

    WOW – Leo, the most patient and friendly guy ever… I kowtow in admiration! This jerk daring to question his integrity…. unbelievable. Leo Laporte is a star on my sky! Way to go!

  21. Matthew: Because Leo works to stay reserved, it makes it that much more effective when he is pushed past his limits.

    pdalbury: the little line over the “e” actually denotes a long vowel sounds, so you are incorrect about the pronunciation. Leo is saying it correctly here. Seemed to be an issue with the Treo as well. That had a long “e” sound as well.

    I’m sad to see Leo pushed to this point, but certainly think Arrington had it coming.

  22. @MDBenson says:

    I nicknamed Arrington ‘Michael Arogant’ years ago. I always refer to him as that with people who know who he is. Some people in tech are cool, smart, kindly people who go about their business ina preoffessional manner. The rest are arogant assholes. Mike A, Steve Ballmer and Steve Jobs are your first 3 examples. I’m sure you could find a good few more if you thought about it…

  23. igor says:

    comment from Leo below:

    Thanks for the post, Mike. Apology accepted. Now that I know what was going on in your mind, I apologize to you.

    There seems to be something about the Gillmor Gang that just engenders over the top passion. I’m embarrassed by my overreaction. Peace.

    [Please drop the WWW from URLs as WordPress doesn’t display it properly… plus it’s unnecessary. – ed.]

  24. Michael Y says:

    I constantly take note and try Leo’s recommendations and picks from his various shows and I’m rarely disappointed. In fact, i look forward to hearing about new things to try! If he says its good and useful, i’d tend to believe him.

  25. JohnJoe says:

    What is a pre? Who is Mike Arrington, & what does Fuck mean??

  26. Patrick says:

    Just to make it clear: I think most comments on this site will side with Leo anyway. That being said, I completely agree with Leo. 🙂

    Arrington’s comments were really snyde, and if Leo hadn’t called him out he might have even constructed an argument that would have seemed valid. Leo having it was a wake up call on the BS.

    There are some journalists that know their craft, and some bloggers that aspire to be considered as “real” journalists. When you’re the later, the least you can do is have a bit of humility and respect…

  27. moshguy says:

    I was so surprised by this video. I thought it was gonna be Leo slipping a curse word in or something. What I didn’t see coming was Leo letting Arrington have it. That blew my mind. That douchebag had it coming too. Questioning Leo’s integrity was completely out of line. They call him the Patron Saint of Technology for a reason.

    Now that I have seen Leo angry, for some reason I want to see Woz get mad and throw some chairs.

  28. jwaschbisch says:

    Yeah! Tell that fool who the godfather of tech is Leo. How dare he question his professionalism, what a jerk.

  29. Zybch says:

    The only other time I’ve heard Leo drop the F-bomb was when he was having issues with the server stuff some months back, the two guys that were supposed to be doing it all screwed it right up for a while there, probably because they lived at different ends of the earth.

    Arrington is a total douchedick though.

  30. trking says:


    I couldn’t agree more with you. Leo actually was fair with the Pre and even said he wouldn’t buy one having used the demo. We all watched the review video, totally open for all to see.

    Mike should be ashamed of himself for his conduct.

    It was finally nice to see Leo have his word and tell that man where to go. – expletives were a delicious bonus!

    Deep respect to yourself and Leo.

    Kind Regards,



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