NEW YORK (CBS) ― A New York City woman says her father apparently lay dead for weeks in a minivan while police repeatedly left parking tickets on the vehicle, seen here, below the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway underpass. went undiscovered for weeks because the vehicle’s windows were apparently tinted and ticketing officers don’t normally search cars, police said Friday.
George Morales, 59, died naturally from heart disease, the medical examiner’s office said Friday. The body was found in the backseat Wednesday when a city marshal tried to tow the vehicle from beneath an overpass on the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway, police said. He was believed to have been living out of the white Chevrolet minivan, which had North Carolina plates.
But his daughter, Jennifer Morales, 29, told the Daily News he had been living with her family in the Washington Heights section of Manhattan. She said she last saw him in early May and had called police. “The window was cracked open. I don’t understand how no one noticed him. They just gave him tickets,” she told the Daily News.
She said her father was a handyman who suffered from diabetes. But police do not have a missing person’s report on record for Morales. It wasn’t clear exactly how many tickets were on the minivan’s windshield when the body was discovered. Witnesses had reported a foul odor near the vehicle.
The Morales family plans to cremate the remains. Officials used X-rays taken of him in 2007 at Elmhurst Hospital Center to positively identify him, Jennifer Morales told the newspaper.
You can’t get anything past New Yorks’s Finest. Great work!
Those living around NYC likely know of repeated investigations into various situations where police ignored common sense and simply re-re-re-…-ticketed obviously abandoned/stolen/problematic vehicles. Opinion of reporters in those cases was that such vehicles presented themselves as a perfect quota-requirement-making ticket targets. (Cops) Traffic Maids were simply happy that they were there so tickets could be written, nothing else mattered.
The question is, does the dead guy still have to pay the tickets??
They’ll bill the estate, if any, for the citations and towing.
A lot of people, nowadays, sleep in their cars.
Sadly, I actually know a guy who passed away in the exact same fashion – he had a diabetic episode in his car in the parking lot, lost consciousness, and later died. No one noticed him until about 24 hours later.
If you aren’t looking for something, you won’t find it.
In NY they fine dead people, in SF they shake down the homeless. Liberalism at its finest.
i dont know which is more embarrassing, this story or being found dead in a closet naked with a rope around your neck and genitals in bangkok.
In NY they fine dead people, in SF they shake down the homeless. Conservatism at its finest.
#7 – I guess if I ever felt the need to tie a rope around my genitals, I’d want to be dead too. Mr. Happy would definitely be pissed.
And if they had searched the car and found drugs inside, you’d be posting about how this guy’s rights were violated, search and seizure, no warrant, etc.
The windows were tinted: this is not “news” move along.
# 8 qb said, “Conservatism at its finest.”
Yep, all those dang conservatives running SF & NY LOL.
I hear there is a minivan for sale. Cheap. I can see the carfax commercial now.
#11. The window was cracked, neighbors noticed the smell, read the article or continue to be a moron.
Patrick said “Yep, all those dang conservatives running SF & NY LOL.”
Bloomberg is definitely a panty waisted liberal.
The big Apple must stink a lot worse than I thought for somebody not to figure this one out with a cracked window.
Myth busters tried to remove the stink of a corpse from a car. It didn’t work.
I don’t think this man owned anything besides the van if he owned it free and clear and I seriously would not want it.
Wasn’t this a plot on “Law & Order?”
Ah yes, the most important question wasn’t answered.
Was he wearing clean underwear?
# 15 qb said, “Bloomberg is definitely a panty waisted liberal.”
Yes, true. Look at his disdain for the 2nd Amendment et al.
Posthumous parking tickets? I guess that is one way to meet the quota for the month.
It’s true NY is ruled by liberals and I wish they would do something about these inept/law breaking traffic cops, they’re giving the real boys in blue a bad name.