Former Vice President Al Gore may be sent to North Korea to negotiate the release of two American journalists on trial, the AFP reported.
Laura Ling and Euna Lee, reporters for Gore’s California-based Current TV, were arrested March 17 near the North Korean border while on a reporting trip to China on charges they entered the country illegally and engaged in “hostile acts” — allegations that could draw a 10-year sentence in a labor camp. State Department spokesman Ian Kelly did not rule out the possibility of Gore being sent when asked if it would make sense for him to go.
“It’s a very, very sensitive issue, I’m not going to go into it,” Kelly told reporters. “This is such a sensitive issue, I’m just not going to go into those kinds of discussions that we may or may not have had,” he said about whether Gore himself had raised the matter with the State Department. “The bottom line is that these two young women should be released but I’m not going to go into any kind of details on what we will or won’t do,” Kelly said. North Korea was silent Friday about the fate of the journalists, who were supposed to go on trial a day earlier.
Their trial began in the communist country’s highest court at a time of mounting tensions on the Korean peninsula following the regime’s provocative May 25 nuclear test. As the United Nations and Washington discussed how to punish the regime for its defiance, there were fears the women could become political pawns in the standoff with Pyongyang.
Analyst Choi Eun-suk, a professor of North Korean law at Kyungnam University, said the court could convict the women, and then the government could use them as bargaining chips with the United States.
“The North is likely to release and deport them to the U.S. — if negotiations with the U.S. go well,” Choi said.
Hmmm, are you thinking what I’m thinking?
Maybe we can trade Al Gore for the journalists?
How on earth were they found ‘near’ the border? There is a mile wide strip of DMZ ground separating the north from the south with heavily fortified fences on both sides of it.
Let these obviously blind women spend some time in prison.
Oh, and get them some freaking glasses.
# 2 Zybch – They were not near the North and South Korea DMZ. They were on the North Korea-China border.
He has more credibility than Jessie Jackson?
Didn’t Iran just go through the same charade?
If the women were in China then the Chinese should handle it. If they were in North Korea they are insane. In fact just being near the border suggests they have mental problems.
As for Al, I would hope that even he isn’t crazy enough to go to that country but the man has a very big ego. He just might try to be a hero.
He’s going to point out that several million degrees of heat is bad for the environment of course
#3, Didn’t read enough of the story I guess. My point still stands, what the hell were they doing there. How could anyone be so irretrievably stupid, and why on earth should anyone from the US be thinking about bailing them out?
“Hmmm, are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Hey, McCullough. Maybe I’m a bit more dense than usual but what, exactly, are you thinking?
Personally, I love to see anything that causes that jackass Gore problems. I feel sorry for the two ladies who are probably just deluded that they are doing good for the planet.
The thing I find curious is the reports states they were “near” the border which, in my tiny minds equates to “in China.” Seems to me the Chinese gov’t would be up in arms about a NKorean invasion of their nation.
FYI, those journalists work for Al Gore’s TV network. That’s why he is personally involved.
@#7: “If they were in North Korea they are insane. In fact just being near the border suggests they have mental problems. ”
@#9 “How could anyone be so irretrievably stupid,”
Well, extremely good TV ratings for the National Geographic program in which (more famous) sister of one of detained women (Lisa Ling) entered N.Korea under false name and pretense (“helping sick North Koreans as a Chinese nurse” while making anti-N.Korean government [not good people, but in charge there] program).
Two idiots definitely attempted similar stunt (though they’ll deny it now when caught). Sister of Lisa Ling looks very much like her and I’d bet that they were found out in old fashioned cold war way – pictures of past violators (Lisa Ling) in hands of zealous border police. Or informers, eager to earn decent lunch.
Due to past Lisa Ling actions I find claims that these two were snatched from the Chinese side most likely BS.
Zybch, the DMZ is between North and South Korea. You’re the one who didn’t read the story deeply enough!
This is shameful. These journalists are wonderful people. Current.com has been deleting any mention of their captivity on its website. They send people into the most dangerous places on earth; when it goes bad they try to ignore it? What is that!
The conventional wisdom is that it is better to be low key and non-combative, to hope that the North Koreans realize they are being scumbags. Well, the reason said journalists are there is BECAUSE the N. Koreans are scumbags.
The journalists sent into nasty places have balls (yes, I know they are women). Please, check writers, have some balls and advocate for your own people!
I find the first Al Gore photo to be much creepier.
#5 HA! Good callback to Libya. Ah history, most hardly know ye…
#13 – DUH. I SAID I didn’t read it enough. Perhaps YOU didn’t read MY 2nd comment deeply enough.
Hang on, I the telephone is ringing. Its for you, someone called Mr Pot I believe.
#1 Here! Here! Hopefully they’ll strap Gore to one of those missiles they are going to launch.
I don’t get it.
Can’t we just trade them for like, a year’s supply of Hennessey?
Why doesn’t Gore just foot the bill for that.
I’ve never personally understood all the Al Gore hatred on this place. I am afraid to say, that global warming is a scientific fact. Al Gore might not be a saint, but there are far worser people than him, and atleast he is trying to spread the message…be it for self serving reasons or not.
There is always something truly sad about the right wing nuts penchant for attacking people instead of looking a little deeper and actually reading the article. There is an old saying about “Put brain in gear before engaging mouth”. Please update this to your current condition.
The two reporters were in China. There were taking a boat along the Yalu River and photographing NK until overtaken and captured by NK border guards. NK claims they had crossed over into NK territory.
For those who are unfamiliar with the Yalu, it is a major border stretch between China and NK. For most of its length it is wide and cold but not too deep.
Why they were photographing NK I don’t know, but it could be along the lines of #12, Dusan’s comment. I suppose the only people who truly know their intentions are sitting in a NK jail cell.
I wish Al Gore a lot of good luck on his mission.
Any chance that Bush and Cheney could be sent with him to ensure ——— something?
Let you have some more names if there’s room!
THIS, could be the solution to many of the problems of the west – a sort of re-cycling.
We, surely, are all in favour of this
I’m a big fan of (dead) (ex)-heroes as you may have noticed.
#23, ‘dro,
And your point is?
NK and Chinese border, they have tours on the river that divide China a NK. There are Korean villages are not really secured but very patriot, probably Chinese merchant do some business there you don’t want to be running around with camera and interviewing people there.
Americans usually get slap on their wrist if they get arrested in other countries.
Zybch, I reread your comment just to make sure. The DMZ is STILL not on the border between N. Korea and China.
The reporters were in China doing a story about people from N. Korea escaping over the border into China, and the groups in China who help them start new lives there.
The N. Koreans main products are rotgut alcohol, meth, and weapons. Somewhere along the way food was forgotten. All bad.
I think Gore is a decent guy, if a bit soft. He should have been out front on this trying to get his people back immediately. If I were the next one assigned to go to a world hot spot…. mmmm, sorry, tummyache.
One thing about Gore: Had he been elected it would have been nearly impossible for him to do a worse job than Dubya.
#20 Fat_Anarchy:
“I am afraid to say, that global warming is a scientific fact.”
Global warming and anthropogenic climate change are two separate issues. That’s the problem we have with Gore.
Good for Al Gore.
A Nobel Peace prize Winner, Time Man of Year, and Former President of the United States I wish him well in releasing those poor souls.
Curse on the shameful, loser Republicans in here with nothing better to do on a Saturday than to diss a statesman off to release an American.
Shameful picture above of a great man alerting the world on the dangerous of global warming.
“A Nobel Peace prize Winner”
like Henry Kissinger
“Time Man of Year”
like Adolph Hitler
“and Former President of the United States”
like Nixon and Bush
What great company he keeps!
#29 Dallas:
“nothing better to do on a Saturday than to diss a statesman off to release an American.”
Why don’t you goofballs who pull this ‘U GOT NOTHIN BETAR 2 DO THAN BE ON TEH INTARNET@!?’ attack realize that, guess what, YOU’RE ON THE INTERNET TOO!
This is just as annoying as the ‘WELL WHAT’S UR PLAN?!” logic hurled against anyone critical of (right now) Obama’s economic policy.
I imagine being in Germany, say around 1940. Being critical of Hitler’s plan to exterminate the Jews. And then some dipshit pipes up with, ‘WHAT IZ UR PLAN FOR GETTIN RID OF TEH JEWZ? NO PLAN? STFU!”
“Shameful picture above…”
waaaaah! We should treat our elected and former leaders with kingly reverence. (UNLESS THEY REPUBLIKKKANZ LOL!)
We’re just exercising that First Amendment. Feels good, don’t it?
“…of a great man…”
A great big fat man whose diet obviously has a larger carbon footprint than mine. Tax him!
“…alerting the world on the dangerous of global warming”
More like profiting on the hysteria he helps generate about global warming. If he were an oil company trying to profit from Peak Oil, you’d be foaming at the mouth.
#32 You need a spell checker and there’s something wrong with your Commodore 64 keyboard.
Also, I don’t see any relationship between Hitler’s Nazi Germany and Al Gore now quite quite unscramble the gibberish. Please try again.
#32, brm,
Your immaturity is showing again. So are you about to repeat Gr. 10 again?
As for #28,
Global warming and anthropogenic climate change are two separate issues. That’s the problem we have with Gore.
And so how did Gore create either? Most legitimate scientists agree that climate change is happening, and not for the better. Only the wing nuts and planet rapists and their bought and paid for mouthpieces are in denial that there is something wrong.
Please, I would rather you didn’t answer if you are only going to use that childish babble you used in #32.
Have you anything original to discuss? There is ample evidence that global warming is a fact. Your entire refutation is based upon ad hominems to the messengers. You have never backed up ANY comment you make.