Embarrassed by fake page?

The Associated Press: Tony La Russa sues Twitter over alleged fake page — Strike three! The AP headline says “alleged” fake page. Why would they use that word alleged? Is there some long shot possibility that it not a fake page and the writer will be sued for saying it is a fake page? Dumb. Anyway, this is pretty funny.

St. Louis Cardinals manager Tony La Russa is suing the social-networking site Twitter, claiming an unauthorized page that used his name to make light of drunken driving and two Cardinals pitchers who died damaged his reputation and caused emotional distress.

The suit filed last month in the Superior Court of California in San Francisco seeks unspecified damages.

  1. RobRites says:

    I doubt a public figure has much of a chance to win this. Also, the suit itself will draw more attention than the page ever did. I’d bet some lawyer has been whispering in his ear….

  2. JimR says:

    Oh don’t cry wittle Tony wony, just because those bad people made fun of you. Dry those tears now.

  3. Ah_Yea says:

    A total idiot and out to prove it.

    1st: As stated above, Public Figure.

    2nd: Can’t prove malicious intent, not to mention going after the wrong party. Go after the poster, not the website.

    3rd: “Website not responsible for content”.

    This joker will never win. Just looking for publicity. But who needs this kind of publicity.

    Another thought: If perchance this idiot did win (impossible), this would mean any post on the internet would be subject to slander.

    Imagine what this would do to the blogsphere!

  4. orangetiki says:

    So how can you sue twitter? That would be like suing Craftsman if your dad was killed with a hammer.

  5. Jayzzi says:

    what sheet he is talking about….

    it is cool….

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  6. Chris Miller says:

    Humorously they had this on the local St Louis news, followed by a local attorney The attorney said, rightfully so, Twitter has no control over the content but CAN grant him proper ownership of the account. He only need to fill out the form on the help page that covers impersonation.

  7. pcsmith61 says:

    The fool was probably talked into this by his lawyer, who needed the work because nobody with half a brain would use his lawyer.

  8. m.c. in l.v. says:

    Yeah, like this wouldn’t already have damaged his reputation.


    Nice alphabet recitation at the 2:00 minute mark. Fail!

    Go Dodgers!


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