![]() Daylife/AP Photo used by permission
President Barack Obama sought a “new beginning” between the United States and Muslims around the world in a major speech…but offered no new initiative to end the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
“We meet at a time of tension between the United States and Muslims around the world — tension rooted in historical forces that go beyond any current policy debate,” the U.S. president said in a speech at Cairo University.
“I have come here to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world, one based upon mutual interest and mutual respect,” he said. “America and Islam are not exclusive, and need not be in competition.”
Obama’s speech, interrupted by applause and occasional shouts of “we love you,” was an effort to restore the tarnished U.S. image among many of the more than 1 billion Muslims around the world, badly damaged by the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and the treatment of U.S. military detainees…
The choice of Cairo for the speech underscored Obama’s focus on the Middle East, where he faces huge foreign policy challenges, from trying to restart the Israeli-Palestinian peace process to curbing Iran’s nuclear program.
How many Americans ask the same questions that people in the Middle East are asking? How many Americans questioned the policies that brought us to where we are?
How many of you believe that the relationship between the United States and the world of Islam can and will improve?
Here’s the prepared text of the speech.
Obama shows he has no knowledge of history, claiming Israel was formed in response to the Holocaust. I know this is a common myth among Muslims, but Obama should know better.
#22, Cow-Patty,
#20 Time for you to study the incident(s) in question. Start with the diplomatic correspondence & the Frigate Captain’s orders and communiques… You are ignorant of this part of US & Arabic history.
As usual, you don’t have an effen clue what you are writing about. You seem to think an episode 200 years old is still shaping history today shows how much time you have to contemplate these things at the ole popcycle stand.
Please note that in the intervening years, the number of times the West has allied itself with Muslims. I’m sure you have time to look them up. You did invent Google.
Then note that the extremist elements that sought to remove America from the Mid-East were previous clients of the Republican Administrations. Yup, I guess you forgot how the Reagan CIA supported the Taliban and Al Quada during the Russian invasion of Afghanistan. And it was the American (and British) occupation of Iraq and presence in Saudi Arabia that induced Al Quada to attack American targets.
These attacks were no more Muslim driven than the murder of a doctor can be blamed upon the whole Christian community.
#69, Lyin’ Mike,
I guess you are trying to impress us with your ignorance of history too. Have you been attending the Cow-Patty Community College of Ignorance?
Regardless of the number of times right wings nuts say it, the actual history won’t change.
AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PRESIDENT, I like that especially since everyone was so excited that we had elected a black man as President. Then while I listened to all the white people say this, while the black people said that we hadn’t elected a black man and that nothing had been solved or addressed with his election. This perfectly sums up Affirmative Action.
It would seem that President Hussein is a muslim after all, I wonder when he’ll come out of the closet. I heard his speeches and was thoroughly disgusted. His fellow Muslims will see him as weak and he’s alienated the Americans he’s supposed to be representing. He truly is a President for the REST of the WORLD and not of the UNITED STATES, a Globalist through and through. ;(
Ok.. well if we’re going to beat on the-ignornace-of-history-drum, how about his undeniable gross manipulation of the facts to support his undying love of his Muslim brothers.
-Seems like obama’s bad habit of blatantly exagerating the facts to further his agenda is not limited to our borders. (granted, they all do that, -but still)
In his speech, he said America is one of the largest muslim *countries* in the world with 7 million muslims.
-Countries?? ‘excuse me??
I was wtf? no way. I live in NYC which has a decent reflection of the US population makeup as a whole. while a decent amount of Muslims, but heck, there arent that many.
Way more Jews than Muslims to be sure..
(however, they do *own* the streets my observation shows about 7-8 in 10 food cart vendors are Muslim. the same can be said of car service and taxis.
-both of which i use quite often. (i’ve actually asked almost every vendor/car driver i used–for the past 15+ years-who says NYorkers arent friendly)
-they are quite proud to speak of their homeland)
so i hopped over to the trusty CIA World Fact book to run some numbers. I mean hey, the CIA should at least have an accurate account of how many people their are so as to alot how many WMD’s it’ll need to wipe two thirds of us off the planet to usher in the new world order, -rriight?
SO, it puts U.S. population at 307,212,123 plebians as of the July 2009 (estimate)
-of which 0.6% are of the Muslim faith.
So, 307,212,123 x 0.6% = 1,843,272.738 (!)
or if my math is correct, he inflated the population by a mear 73% or so!
he was only off by 5,156,727.262!!
To give him the benefit of doubt, i looked up the numbers (and logistics) behind methodology of the count..
CIA numbers from 2004 forward
2004 1.0% – 2930275.71
2005 1.0% – 2957341.34
2006 1.0% – 2984442.15
2007 1.0% – 3011399.47
2008 0.6% – 1822947.84
funny..by these numbers, Muslims are leaving in droves.. probably can thank in part, Bush’s 1 million man terror watch list for alienating them..
–to be continued
Odd that someone who claims 30+ years of photography experience wouldn’t be able to corellate a “hero shot” to its equivalent in the graphic design field.
You wanted me to “quip back” a definition of “hero_graphic”. (BTW, I never said, “hero_graphic”) Well here ya go pal, someone you can’t claim is part of the left leaning liberal elite, that little ball of right wing hate herself, Michelle Malkin. What’s amusing is not that the term “hero” was used — “hero shot” is a common photography term to describe the best images of a series of shots. http://michellemalkin.com/2009/03/10/every-shot-a-hero-shot-in-obama-land/
And it seems you’re more than a little late to the party as she (and others) tried to stir up the same controversy back in March as her above referenced web page shows. It failed back then too. Much, much ado about nothing.
Not good enough for ya? How ‘bout this then, “hero graphics”: http://med.unc.edu/webguide/policies/hero-graphics. Took all of a few seconds to find that with Google, not 20 minutes. Either you or your computer is very slow.
Just because some web admin/graphic designer/production artist named a file a certain way doesn’t provide proof of any “underlying theme” of some supposed marketing campaign. More than likely is that the people administering the website want the files labeled that way or the person responsible for naming the files is trying to be funny or sarcastic or both. Or maybe just sort of a nerdy double entendre. And just because the parent folder was called assets doesn’t mean a thing either. I’ve seen folders labeled “assets”, “resources”, “stuff”, “approved” “use_this,” etc., etc. Doesn’t mean a thing other than that’s how those particular people store those particular files on that particular computer.
You’re right that all Presidents are “marketed” in some way or another. Look at George Bush, marketed as a “compasionate conservative” when he was neither.
“alas, you appear to be nothing more than a 20 something fresh out of college who’s still wet behind the ears and smelling himself.”
Uh, no, you couldn’t be more wrong. More like a 40 something working graphic designer with 20+ years in the graphics art field and I smell just fine, thank you very much.
face it kid, in obama, you were sold a box of rocks. Well, better a box of rocks than the steaming pile of crap that was Bush/Cheney or the disaster that would have been McCain/Palin. I’ll take my chances with the adults that are in charge now.
We’re done here.