Daylife/AP Photo used by permission

President Barack Obama sought a “new beginning” between the United States and Muslims around the world in a major speech…but offered no new initiative to end the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

“We meet at a time of tension between the United States and Muslims around the world — tension rooted in historical forces that go beyond any current policy debate,” the U.S. president said in a speech at Cairo University.

“I have come here to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world, one based upon mutual interest and mutual respect,” he said. “America and Islam are not exclusive, and need not be in competition.”

Obama’s speech, interrupted by applause and occasional shouts of “we love you,” was an effort to restore the tarnished U.S. image among many of the more than 1 billion Muslims around the world, badly damaged by the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and the treatment of U.S. military detainees…

The choice of Cairo for the speech underscored Obama’s focus on the Middle East, where he faces huge foreign policy challenges, from trying to restart the Israeli-Palestinian peace process to curbing Iran’s nuclear program.

How many Americans ask the same questions that people in the Middle East are asking? How many Americans questioned the policies that brought us to where we are?

How many of you believe that the relationship between the United States and the world of Islam can and will improve?

Here’s the prepared text of the speech.

  1. Patrick says:

    # 31 Dallas said, “Here you’re answer. Clinton? Irrelevant and I don’t care what happened a decade ago.”

    ROFL!!! Doesn’t jibe with your earlier comments. LOL

  2. chuck says:

    #28 – How many innocent civilians were killed during the Boston Tea Party?

    To me, an act of terrorism is anything where civilians are deliberately targeted.

    On 9/11, you could say that the Pentagon was a military target – and therefore it was an act of war. But the WTC and the other planes were clearly acts of terrorism.

    If a suicide bomber straps on an explosive vest and runs at a group of soldiers – it’s war (even if there are some civilian casualties). If the same bomber blows up a bus stop or cafe, then it’s terrorism.

  3. jamrat says:

    Isn’t it cool to have a president who thinks part of his job is to counter negative stereotypes of Islam? Bitter clingers be damned!

  4. edwinrogers says:

    Meaningless, insubstantial, placative rhetoric.

  5. Patrick says:

    # 35 jamrat said, “Isn’t it cool to have a president who thinks part of his job is to counter negative stereotypes of Islam? ”

    Sorry, separation of church and state. Not part of his job to bolster a religion. Next.

  6. deowll says:

    Relations can be emproved.

    Islam has certain requirements that can not be set aside and these include taking over the world and enforcing Islamic law on who ever is left.

    They don’t agree with each other as to who should be in charge of this.

  7. jamrat says:

    #37 Patrick

    I was being facetious. Prompty has shown he can traffic in negative stereotypes with the best of them.

  8. right says:

    #40 – Still not letting any facts get in the way of your hate?

  9. GF says:

    But why should I care cause Obama’s gonna get me a pony, especially now that gas prices are going up.

    All this muslim talk reminds me…did 24 jump the fucking shark or what. Who wrote that god awful POS this season. Bring back Sara Conner instead.

  10. Dallas says:

    All the republican morons in here can only comment with “ROFL”, “I want a pony” and other juvenile shit.

    Excellent. That tells me Obama is on the right track. Nothing of substance from the party of “No and I don’t know” as a response.

    Obama said in his GREAT speech to the Muslim community what is below. I urge my fellow republicans to read it and learn what a leader is like. Go ahead, read it.

    I would also add in a not so eloquent way, to STFU, you lost the election and fuck you.

    “..Some suggest that it isn’t worth the effort – that we are fated to disagree, and civilizations are doomed to clash. Many more are simply skeptical that real change can occur. There is so much fear, so much mistrust. But if we choose to be bound by the past, we will never move forward..”

  11. Cursor_ says:

    Your memory is poor then for terrorist acts.

    Not to mention that these terrorists are about as muslim as the
    christians than bomb abortion clinics, are part of the klan and shot
    a doctor in his own church.

    How about we do our part on our domestic terrorism?

    -Thug Police
    -KKK/White Power
    -Christian Militia

    Stones and glass houses come to mind.

    Muslims did not attack us on 9/11. Plain old ordinary evil men
    did it. They are no more muslim than christians that are part of
    the klan.


  12. jamrat says:

    Dallas, I guess your warm fuzzies for The “Muslim community” don’t extend to your own countrymen if they don’t vote correctly. STFU? Are you in grade school?

  13. Dallas says:

    #47 .. , I guess your warm fuzzies for The “Muslim community” don’t extend to your own countrymen if they don’t vote correctly.Are you in grade school? ..

    Did you not read my earlier post? I covered comments from you and other who think they are on some sort of higher moral ground.

    Call it warm and fuzzy for Muslims if you like, Sure.

    No. Not in grade school. I covered that too. If you must know, I’m electrical engineer that pays more taxes than 97% of the population with an education in the top 5.4%. You?

  14. jamrat says:

    I did read your earlier post but I must confess, your point escapes me.I don’t consider myself morally superior, but your status whoring is indicative of the O worshipers I know.

  15. MikeN says:

    Obama pledged to “create a new online network, so a young person in Kansas can communicate instantly with a young person in Cairo.”

    If Bush had said this…

  16. MikeN says:

    I find it revealing that “it is a sign neither of courage nor power to shoot rockets at sleeping children, or to blow up old women on a bus. That’s not how moral authority is claimed; that’s how it is surrendered.” weren’t applause lines to the Egyptian audience watching President Obama. Like one of my readers, I agree it’s a great line, but I suspect it’s falling on deaf ears, which is why this speech feels good but is ultimately unproductive.

    In fact, the lines that garnered applause were depressingly predictable. Anything in the vein of “America has been wrong in the past” or “Israel is wrong” got applause; anything in the vein of “Muslims have been wrong in the past” or “Muslims are making the wrong decision” was met with silence, as far as I can tell.

    It seems there was a very positive reaction to “The United States does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements” and “it is time for these settlements to stop,” but nothing for the seemingly commonsense “Hamas must put an end to violence, recognize past agreements, recognize Israel’s right to exist.”

  17. jescott418 says:

    The Muslim world cannot get along with each other. How is the US going to somehow manage this? Just because our president has some Muslim roots? Come on, who are we kidding.
    I know Obama is deffinately trying to make a legacy for himself. But he is building too many fires and cannot watch all of them. I think his first task is to find a way to get ourselves out of the middle east and that would settle down the negative feelings they have for us.

  18. right says:

    “What an idiot….”
    “This loser…”
    “Screw his stupid speeches….”
    “…and this dick head….”
    “and the dickhead is off ”

    And the worst one of all:

    “facts means nothing to him…”

    All from your posts but the last one actually made laugh out loud! What a hypocrite you are. Wow!

  19. Zybch says:

    “but offered no new initiative to end the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.”

    Thats an easy one.

    There, solved the problem!

  20. bobbo says:

    Basically, if you limit yourself to the truth of the way things have been, or are now, then YOU are part of the problem.

    But, if you put yourself into the position of seeing how things need to be in order to solve the situation, then you don’t talk about the same things, or in the same way, as those who are part of the problem, because you are part of the SOLUTION!!

    #55–Yea but jerkwad, I mean Zbitch==and speaking as you do as part of the problem, the Palestians lost a war and won’t accept their loser status as long as there are dipshits like you in this world. The USA keeps giving the Israeli’s the weapons to wipe the face of the earth clean, and they keep refusing to do it. Just give them enough BS for them to finally conclude for a long term solution instead of seeking peace as they have done so far.

  21. Hugh Ripper says:

    Wow he didn’t use the word ‘crusade’ when addressing American – Muslim relations. Now thats diplomacy!

  22. Angel H. Wong says:

    Better this than those previous eight years of a cowboy barging in crotch first into the Middle East.

  23. web says:

    #48 No. Not in grade school. I covered that too. If you must know, I’m electrical engineer that pays more taxes than 97% of the population with an education in the top 5.4%. You?

    I know you don’t like to brag but please tell us what you really think and take it easy that throbbing in your head is your blood pressure. Too much STFU maybe? Loved that one since your mama taught it to you don’t you?

    One question, if you live in Texas how in the hell do you survive?

  24. soundwash says:

    /a soundwash distraction

    Methinks there can be no doubt now as to what image obama is being marketed

    The current picture of the “Anointed One” on tour in the middle east that is on the front page of has picture of him that is framed in a manner that makes him appear larger than the Sphinx and the Pyramids.

    A glint of light from above adds the final “messiah factor” to sell it to his adoring [brainwashed] fans..

    However, that’s not the half of it.

    The file name for the pic is, i shit you not,

    um, Hero?

    -A president that has led his subordinates on a path to destroy America in just over 100 days is hardly worthy of Hero worship.

    What’s even scarier, is that the picture resides in a directory
    called *hero* (and that resides under
    the directory, *assets*)

    -omg, there is a whole folder of
    “Hero” pictures..perish the thought!

    I would love to see his collection of
    “Hero” pictures.

    (whataya say, obamazoids? -start an online petition for obama to open
    his “Hero” collection to the public,
    -you know you want to)

    (it is on tax payed property, after all)

    I think it’s safe to say we now have no doubt as to the underlying theme for which his marketing guru,
    (Oprah) is selling “Brand Obama”

    Anyone with marketing background knows
    that since his campaign beginnings,[brand] Obama has been packaged and sold as a worldwide, brandy new, never seen before product.
    [that you just have to have]

    I think the folder and file name
    says it all..

    ..and lets not forget, a brand name product is nothing but an icon for the huge corporation(s) behind it.

    -heck, even the bible thumping repubs might be able to appreciate the dangers behind iconism. *rimshot*

    View our Lord and gracious President in all his glory here:


  25. Zybch says:

    #56, so by that same logic the Jews should have just shut up coz they lost everything in WW2?
    Yeah, right. If they did that and stopped using their ‘defeat’ to garner ill deserved sympathy the middle east would be one hell of a lot calmer than it is now.

  26. m.c. in l.v. says:

    #60 Soundwash the Retard

    Obviously you’re not in the Graphic Arts field. All of our final, approved graphic elements that are ready for use reside in a “hero” folder too. When my boss tells me to use the “hero” shot of the front of the casino, I know exactly where to look and which picture he’s talking about.

    Way to try to create a controversy where none exist. Keep trying. I’m sure you Rushpublican drones will be given new talking points and opinions to support once the Oxy wears off and your dear leader hits the airwaves tomorrow.

  27. Uncle Patso says:

    Oops! You left out an ‘e’:

    Nice pic. My favorite scene of the day was the hieroglyph he pointed out as looking like himself: “Just look at those ears!” he said, and it’s true — with the big ears it did look like him!

    – – – – –

    “…the dickhead is off making stupid speeches…”

    It’s one of the things we kind of expect presidents to do — he is, after all, the public face of the nation…

  28. soundwash says:

    doh…someone please fix the second link. i left the “e” in whitehouse out. -thanks.

    (i still haven’t fixed my copy&paste issue)

    #62 ah, no.. I do not subscribe to either political party. -not for a long time.

    I came to the realization some 20+ years ago that only a lemming could find virtue any U.S. politician of the last of the last 85 years or so.

    Never got into graphic arts, but i have been into photography for 30+ years and work on alot of websites doing maintenance.

    (-along with having a showbiz family)

    Since i grew up on movie sets, I’ve always been interested in cinematography, how shots are framed, the use of perspective, camera angles and body language to sell a product or idea / ideology.

    all that aside, in the 25 or so websites i’ve worked on, i’ve never seen a folder named “hero” -nor a graphic element called hero.

    i was not trying to create controversy. i was poking sarcastically at the at the way he has been marketed.

    —after 20 minutes, i finally found an a vague description of “hero graphics” -seems i was partially in error in eluding to his “hero worship” -kudos

    however, i find that i was on the mark in pointing out the marketing aspect the Obama Brand.

    “..Hero graphics are often called for when a new business is forming and a complex business model or process needs to be portrayed on the home page of website..”

    One could easily say he is seen as nothing more than a solution to a “complex” business problem.

    I still find it quite ironic that in the big picture, given the way he is portrayed to the masses, that particular photo is named hero and it resides in a folder called assets.

    -had you quipped back with an actual definition of “hero_graphic” and left the politics out, your attempt to make a fool of me might have been more successful.

    -you get an E for Effort..

    alas, you appear to be nothing more than a 20 something fresh out of college who’s still wet behind the ears and smelling himself.

    face it kid, in obama, you were sold a box of rocks.


  29. Uncle Patso says:

    You’re right! Obama Rocks!


  30. Mr. Fusion says:

    #55, zybch,

    The best post so far. You summed up the entire problem in a few short sentences.


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