Former Vice President Dick Cheney reiterated his praise for waterboarding Al Qaeda terrorists on Monday, calling it a “well done” technique that gathered valuable information from unusually bad guys.

“I’m a strong believer in it,” Cheney told a National Press Club audience. “I thought it was well done”….

Notwithstanding Cheney’s enthusiasm, waterboarding was banned by the Bush administration in 2003. President Obama has said waterboarding is torture and repugnant to American values. Cheney remains unconvinced. “I don’t believe that we engaged in torture,” he argued….

He admitted he has zero “tolerance or patience” for second-guessers.

Such a fun guy. No wonder Americans are warming up to him.

Thanks, K B

  1. god says:

    “I thought it was well done…”

    Does that mean that – like Hitler with the filmed executions of those who plotted against him – Cheney watched the waterboarding over and over again to get his jollies?

  2. 2 camps on this one says:

    Why is DC running around stating his case after the fact… He did not say 2 words publically while he was VP.. but we know he was one of the chief manipulators and benefactors (monitarily) of the Small brain at the top… It was embarrassing to be an American overseas while the Bush KLAN ran the show… I am still bitter about almost everthing that administarion has done… including taking more and more of our liberties away everyday… we will be a long time ridding our country of the damage that administartion has caused… war mongering and scare tactics to keep the sheeple in line… the former communist countries have more freedom then the people of the USA… I hope the sheeple in America can wake up and smell the coffee… the sad part is…most have never taken the time to even read the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Ammendments… so what to expect… America is no longer the country I grew up in… thanks to George, Dick and Boys!!! Oh and dont forget the selfish Insurance companies and the wanker Bankers!!! They are all on the same team!!!
    Give me a cookie and I’ll talk!!!!

  3. RTaylor says:

    You had your chance, go away.

  4. 2 camps on this one says:

    Well said #3 🙂

  5. Dallas says:

    This guy is like Heinrich Himmler reincarnated – a great soldier with a twisted mind.

  6. roastepeanuts says:


    at least he’s committed.

  7. ethanol says:

    When does Jesse Ventura get his hour with Cheney?

  8. chuck says:

    #3 – agreed.

    But in 2012, when Gitmo remains open, we still have troops in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc – will we say the same thing to Obama?

  9. faxon says:

    I like the way the Muslim bastard who killed the soldiers at the recruiting center is not really news today.

  10. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    chuck…are there parallels between Obama’s situation and Nixon trying desperately to end Johnson’s war? Doing it right takes time.

  11. GigG says:

    #10 Big difference in the two. Johnson handed Nixon a war that had been badly handled at just about every level and we were loosing.

    Bush handed Obama a war that, while there were mistakes and set backs in the waging of, we had pretty much won.

  12. soundwash says:

    maybe someone should water board and sleep deprive himfor a year straight..see if his opinion changes..

    (plus, that will be a whole year we wont have to listen to him)


  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #11, Gig,

    Big difference in the two. Johnson handed Nixon a war that had been badly handled at just about every level and we were loosing.

    So Nixon poured even more troops in, escalated the bombing, tapped opponents telephones, bugged their offices, and watched the body bags pile up. Then lost anyway.

    Bush handed Obama a war that, while there were mistakes and set backs in the waging of, we had pretty much won.

    And while Bush sent our troops into Iraq, Osama bin Laden escaped because their weren’t enough troops to corral him. Instead of taking out the Taliban and Al Quada, they are still there shooting at us. But we pretty much already won.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    #11, Gig,

    Further to #11,

    Nixon also kept Johnson’s General around for a few more years and promoted him. Yup, that war must have been badly run.

    Then we have the current General in charge of Iraq saying torture was wrong from any angle you look at it.

  15. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    GigG…I didn’t say it was the same, I said there were parallels.

  16. amodedoma says:

    It doesn’t matter what kind of violence, violent people always find a justification that works for them. It doesn’t make it right it just makes it justified, fortunately the ones most worthy to survive will survive. Those are usually the ones smart enough to avoid it. This Dick Cheney creature for example, I’m sure the closest he’s ever come to violence is when he’s shooting at his hunting buddies.

    A cada cerdo le llega su San Martín!

  17. Kevin says:

    “There was a relationship between Sadam and 9/11″…over and over again What a Dick

  18. 2 camps on this one says:

    Sorry #11 hard to swallow… we made up the reasons to go to Iraq in the first place should not have been there period… We have destroyed a society and ruined countless lives for a few lies… and personal justifications… Saddam was well contained with sanctions and No Fly Zones..and he was 70 years old..he wasnt going any where their was no reason to attak!!!
    Afghanastan was/is a different story..but then again… we created the Talaban.. it used to be called the Mujahadien sponcered by the CIA… just always remember the simple addage… becareful what u wish for you may get your wish… well now our actions from the 70’s/80’s are coming home to rooste… We will end up paying for Iraq for many many years…but we cant provide health care to the people who need it in AMERICA… seems someones priorities are a miss… The war in Iraq cannot be please dont try to compare it with anything else… Not sure what winning means in this case… what was the Goal? Ther was no Al-Quada in Iraq before we went in…

  19. Angel H. Wong says:

    Cheney’s like herpes; the moment you think he’s gone he returns with a vengeance.

  20. brm says:

    Hey, I believe waterboarding exists too!

  21. Patrick says:

    Actually, who cares? It’s Obama’s turn to keep the US safe…

  22. jbenson2 says:

    Soon the left is going to say any form of prison detention is going be torture.

    The bleeding hearts should take a refresher course in bonafide torture by reading the posting at The Smoking Gun. (warning NSF)

  23. Troublemaker says:

    faxon said, on June 2nd, 2009 at 8:42 am

    I like the way the Muslim bastard who killed the soldiers at the recruiting center is not really news today.

    Or the 500,000 to 1,000,000 (mostly) innocent Iraqis that died due to the US meddling in their country…

    Cheney: “There Was Never Any Evidence … Iraq Was Involved In 9/11” (VIDEO)

  24. Troublemaker says:

    jbenson2 said, on June 2nd, 2009 at 12:01 pm

    Soon the left is going to say any form of prison detention is going be torture.

    If you’re going to use some completely idiotic, asshole “straw man” argument, let’s see some proof of this mindset… or shut the fuck up.


  25. Special Ed says:

    Now that he’s retired you’d think he would be into surf boarding.

  26. soundwash says:

    have to agree with 18

    the *real* similarities between the two wars is that both were started
    under false pretense, Gulf of Tonken
    for Vietnam and false/manipulated
    intell to justify Iraq. -both documented fact.

    Both wars ended up just being a huge
    live fire test ground to develop
    and sell weapons, plus, open the door
    for a corporate(state) resource grab (in the 90’s for vietnam)

    i find it amazing that even after
    congress and senate intelligence committee officially acknowledged that the intell used to justify the Iraq war was false, let alone highly suspect, nobody, especially the public, seems to care.

    imo, it’s because their is too much profit in it, both politically and financially.

    imo, there is no winning an unjust war.

    how can we win a war that has no defined exit strategy. -Iraq is still fractured (by design, it appears)

    correct me if i am wrong, but i have not yet heard of any plans to *officially declare* the war in Iraq, over.

    add to that, we are now going to escalate into Afghanistan, a country which in it’s entire history, has never been conquered.

    for what? to continue the war on terror? -a conveniently stateless
    enemy which can be found anywhere on the globe just by throwing a dart at it.

    -for which of course, we have no exit strategy for?

    the icing on the cake is that the two
    primary actors we have playing the role of “Bogey Man” -Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, were both created and funded by America.

    given the mounds of evidence of deception and manipulation concerning the war on terror, and all it’s subsidiaries, one has to ask: how much money is still being funneled to them to keep illusion of terror going.

    lord knows the weapons dealers and their backers are making astronomical
    amounts of profit on all of this.

    at this point, it would be nothing to slip a few billion in arms and cash to the other side(s) to keep the war machine alive.

    (did we ever find out what happen to
    the $2 trillion dollars the Pentagon
    stated it “couldn’t find” on 9/10/2001? (Rumsfeld’s statement)

    plenty of payola to go around to be sure.

    history shows playing both sides is often standard practice, -esp with backers and weapons dealers.
    -heck, we do it all the time.

    Cheney has alot of balls opening
    his mouth about anything.

    It’s becoming very hard to be a proud
    American, given outright corruption
    at all levels of both, our government
    and military.

    the whole thing is insane.

    -i fear it is all going to blow up
    in our faces very soon.

    worse still, they can use our own military against us here at home

    why would they change the law and
    then plan to have 20,000+ troops
    state side unless they intended to use them?

    completely insane.


  27. 2 camps on this one says:

    Thankyou #26…. proof that not everyone is easily fooled by Fox News and the rest of the show for Sheeple Media…

    How do we Fix it?…

    Most politician will sell their sole for a Dollar… oh… thats how we got ino this mess..
    Cheers Mates…!!

  28. Greg Allen says:

    I appreciate one thing about Dick Cheney these days:

    he is providing perfect ethical clarity between two divergent moral paths for America.

  29. Cursor_ says:

    Until Cheney submits to waterboarding he is not any authority of its value or if it constitutes torture or not.

    His opinion is of no value.


  30. Rich says:

    I would respect him if he said, “Yes, I admit it’s torture, and awful, and we have used and will use it on occasion to extract information from our particularly stubborn terrorist captives.” A little honesty goes a long way with me.


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