Former Vice President Dick Cheney reiterated his praise for waterboarding Al Qaeda terrorists on Monday, calling it a “well done” technique that gathered valuable information from unusually bad guys.

“I’m a strong believer in it,” Cheney told a National Press Club audience. “I thought it was well done”….

Notwithstanding Cheney’s enthusiasm, waterboarding was banned by the Bush administration in 2003. President Obama has said waterboarding is torture and repugnant to American values. Cheney remains unconvinced. “I don’t believe that we engaged in torture,” he argued….

He admitted he has zero “tolerance or patience” for second-guessers.

Such a fun guy. No wonder Americans are warming up to him.

Thanks, K B

  1. billabong says:

    If Al Gore had shot his mouth off like Cheney is doing the power of the Presidency would have been used to shut him up.Obama looks like a pussy by not responding to this assault on our values.Just one call from Obama could stop this bullshit.STFU Dick!

  2. Greg Allen says:


    Let me get this straight. If war criminals are just honest about their crimes, they earn your respect?


  3. Greg Allen says:

    >> billabong said,
    >> Obama looks like a pussy by not responding to this assault on our values.Just one call from Obama could stop this bullshit.

    Obama is playing chess. The GOP is playing bean bag tik-tak-toe.

    Obama has sent out generals to speak-against Cheney.

    Remember how the GOP demanded that we have to listen to the “generals on the ground”? Well, the generals on the ground say that Cheney is wrong.

  4. Glenn E. says:

    “Such a fun guy. No wonder Americans are warming up to him.”

    No, mainly it’s just Fox News. And maybe Rush.

  5. qb says:

    He is one angry old dude.

  6. 888 says:

    Cheney for President!

    Oh shit, he ain’t black 🙁

  7. Uncle Patso says:

    # 6 roastepeanuts said:


    at least he’s committed.”

    He should be.

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    #36, 887 1/2,

    His heart is.

  9. soundwash says:

    #27 Said: “…How do we fix it?”

    -almost impossible given how
    hypnotized the public is.

    personally, -a total governmental reset. -ban PC..make it “normal” to insult someone. not a near capital offense.

    harsh prison terms for anyone in government found “gaming the system”

    absorb The Fed back into the government..

    I could go on for a week of what needs
    to be undone or put back..

    None of it will do any good however, unless we un-brainwash the people and
    start teaching kids about our history
    and the way “the world works, (and us in it) -in high school, as well as grade school.

    -delete the entitlement mindset from
    the mind..

    -show people how they are being manipulated..

    it would take 10-15 years minimum.
    20-40 years nominal.

    -and that’s only after you can convince them that 90% of the
    “basics” that they have been taught is a lie..

    you know, stuff like black holes,
    gravity is a constant, mathematical physics..(talk about an oxymoron)

    the very foundation of “modern” physics&sciences has led us all
    astray.. they are no better than faith based religion, imo.

    -we were better off with
    classical physics.

    if the foundation of our beliefs are overall false or packed with half truths, how can we trust anything based on them to be true ?

    -alas, i am digressing (as usual)
    however, if one digs up the roots of the foundations we currently hold as “true” -one will find that many “facts” are in fact, based on unproven theories..

    which leads me to my final observation:

    almost everything we have been taught, is based on lies
    sold as truisms.

    ok, enough of that..end point: dig deep enough, and you will be shocked by what you find.

    our Realities, are based on
    fantasies. -nuff said??



  10. Kevin S says:

    Cheney is not the only one who is still a strong believer…

    I’m glad at least one of our politicians isn’t a complete panty-waist.

  11. Buzz says:

    Dick Cheney’s fatal heart attack is still scheduled to be on or before November 2, this year. It’s in the book.


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