Could you be dumber than a chimp? That’s not as daft a question as it once was. After all, science has proved that chimpanzees share 99 per cent of our DNA.

They can learn sign language. They can solve puzzles and even make tools. And this week came the most startling discovery of all.

Researchers in Japan have pitted human adults against five-year-old chimpanzees in a test of mental agility and memory – and the chimps won. In a test of short-term memory involving numbers flashed on a computer screen, the apes comfortably beat their human opponents. This astonishing result, published in the journal Current Biology, shows that in at least some respects our position at the top of the intellectual tree may be a bit shakier than we thought.

So what is going on here? Are chimps really brighter than us, even in this sort of memory test? And if so, what does this mean for the way that we treat them? After all, how could it be right to lock up creatures more intelligent than ourselves in zoos or laboratories? Most uncomfortably of all, can it be right to kill and eat creatures which may be less bright than ourselves but may nevertheless be fully sentient beings? In fact, the more science discovers about the animal mind, the less comfortable, philosophically, the findings become.
Apes are not people: they cannot build cathedrals, travel into space or find cures for diseases – but then again, nor can most humans.

What the Japanese research does prove is that once again, a new and hitherto unsuspected ability has been unearthed in animals.

What would you tell Darwin if you could meet him?

  1. Norman Speight says:

    I don’t understand the thrust of this item John!
    Are you REALLY telling us, or trying to imply, that there is hope that Homeland Security Officials will actually evolve?
    I see little evidence of this. The same pre-Darwin aggressiveness, the same entirely self-centered enmity to the human race, the clear indicators that they should not be allowed to breed was present the last time I was confronted with these non-human forms.
    The Chimpanzee – whilst interesting – gives little indication that other life forms will develop in the same, or a similar way.
    A common mistake often found in the study of animal life is the extrapolation of one species abilities/indicators to another species.

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    #1, Norman,

    A common mistake often found in the study of animal life is the extrapolation of one species abilities/indicators to another species.

    Good point. Even in normal humans, some people have no problem grasping a concept or skill while others couldn’t do it for the life of them.

  3. Personality says:

    After all, science has proved that chimpanzees share 99 per cent of our DNA.

    I don’t care what them lab coats say. If the bible don’t say it, it aint true!

  4. Hmeyers says:

    I am convinced that chimps could do no worse than many jobs done today by humans.

    And all they’d want for pay is a few bananas.

  5. MaceBringer says:

    Comment Posting Guidelines

    What doesn’t get approved:

    – Personal attacks on the Editors unless it represents interesting commentary

    – SPAM or excessive self promotion

    – Off-topic rants

    – Repetitive carping from politcos with an agenda

    – Ridiculously long posts or machine generated posts

  6. agp says:

    OK so the monkey (er ape I should say) gets hours and hours of training and practice to understand and perform the tests. Did the humans get hours and hours of training and practice to perform the task? The apes may well be expert in these tasks where as the human may have been only tossed into it with only some basic instructions. In short the conditions of the tests are not stated.

  7. MaceBringer says:

    You know, I don’t think chimps reply to trolls. Please correct me if I’m wrong but I think they just kill them and eat them, don’t they?

  8. Sea Lawyer says:

    “If the bible don’t say it, it aint true!”


  9. bobbo says:

    The Better Question: “Are you smarter than a butterfly?”

    Thinking of the Monarch Butterfly that flies from Alaska to Mexico and it takes 2-3 generations to do so meaning new butterflies navigate their portion of the distance having never even flown the route before. AMAZING. And certainly more intelligent than humans, or illuminating of the definition of intelligence.

    The key perhaps is “language” and after that, writing. Stone Age man and modern man are intellectually the same but our societies are built on language and the written word.

    Apes that can read. Thats all.

  10. bobbo says:

    Some apes can read a book and recite passages from it and make tangential comments therefrom, but have toned down the ability to tell shit from shinola.

  11. MaceBringer says:



  12. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    I recently read a book that shines a different light on how the human brain works.
    Highly recommended for anyone into AI or related topics.

    IMO the monkey has fewer distractions and can concentrate on the task better. Humans make too many associations between tasks, as our brains hold far more info than any monkey.

    Alfred, you haven’t a clue what you’re talking about in post #15.

  13. Patrick says:

    Salmon can remember exact routes and navigate better than humans. Funny article but it really says nothing about int.

  14. bobbo says:

    “but it really says nothing about int.” //// Well demonstrated.

  15. bobbo says:

    #18–Olo==nice link, thanks.

    “Can computers be intelligent?
    For decades, scientists in the field of artificial intelligence have claimed that computers will be intelligent when they are powerful enough. I don’t think so, and I will explain why. Brains and computers do fundamentally different things.”

    from the “excerpt” on the site:

  16. bobbo says:

    I see no reason why the same outcome cannot be reached by fundamentally different approaches, especially if one such approach is “powerful enough.”

  17. Breetai says:

    WOW I love how some people are stupid enough actually think he’s implying this disproves Darwin. Geesh… Reminds of the people they complain about.

  18. Lou says:

    New show on FOX.
    Chimp Vs Bush

  19. Ah_Yea says:

    Hold it, so now are we saying that Bush actually IS smarter than the rest of us??

  20. Patrick says:

    # 24 Lou said, “New show on FOX.
    Chimp Vs Bush”

    Obama is going to debate Bush?

  21. Cornelius says:

    Sorry alf no God, chimps like all animals us included have some traits that they are specialized in. This type of short term memory must be more helpful to them in surviving in there environment than for us.

    Lucky us we evolved into generalist and are very adaptable. After 400,000 plus years we got grip on complex language skills to organize our thoughts then started to keep records so we could build on all the knowledge that humans came up with before. We also evolved as dietary omnivores so eating other animals is the way of the world for us.

    I live in a town and have the luxury not having to do my own killing and can choose not to eat the animals I think are sentient. Cetaceans primates and such but you can bet if I were trapped on an ice flow for weeks… Muktuk

    You Alf were not made in some GODs image how arrogant no wonder you love Rush.

    If a chimp tries to throw excrement on you I wish him luck

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    #20, Bobbo,

    I noticed that too.

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    #3, Alphie,

    What distinguishes man from animal is we are created in God’s image.

    If you don’t believe in God, then you must conclude we are animals…a better version of the monkey.

    Interesting in a way you couldn’t imagine.

    We can think we resemble a god while animals have no concept of god, unless they have a handler feeding them every day. In that case, they might look at the humans that feed them as god or god like.

    I wonder if that is how the aphid looks at ants?

    How do worker bees think about the Queen? Wouldn’t she be worshiped as a god?

    How would a gnat look at the head gnat leading the swarm?

  24. John Paradox says:

    @Olo Baggins #18
    Alfred, you haven’t a clue what you’re talking about in post #insert any ‘A1’ post number here.

    There… corrected.



  25. Honky Doodle says:

    Quote: “What distinguishes man from animal is we are created in God’s image.

    If you don’t believe in God, then you must conclude we are animals…a better version of the monkey.”#3 Alfreddy:
    And just how can you prove that animals were not made in the image of God, outside of some illogical ramblings of some ancient mistranslated scrolls?

    Your postings are neither credible nor provable. For starters, self delusion is one of Homo Sapiens primary inherent flaws.

    Critical thinkers re-examine the premises from ALL angles before prognosticating!

  26. qb says:

    #3 “What distinguishes man from animal is we are created in God’s image.”

    And apparently we returned the favor.

  27. Cornelius says:

    Alfred1 said,

    “#27 So you have monkeys in your family tree…”

    Yup and proud of it.

    “no God indeed…the evident He is, is all around you.”

    oh no! Alf made up a god in his own image now I’m afraid.

    This chimp story comes as no surprise to those of us with some awareness of zoology and the scientific method. You are as honest as you are ignorant, of course no one knows if there really is some sort of divine being. Your faith is an inspiration to those who recruit for cults. Enjoy living in the No Fact Zone.

  28. bobbo says:

    Hey Alfie, just for grins: Imagine the Universe without god. How would it look?

  29. Cornelius says:

    the No Fact Zone
    …no God indeed…the evident He is, is all around you

    Can you Alf give us some of this GOD evidence? man i’d love to see it. In all of human history no one has yet been able to but you not being an ape descendent like the rest of us YOU should be able to spell it out for the most simpleminded monkey boy like me to believe.
    Don’t embarrass our chimp relatives, direct evidence only please none of that circumstantial fiction you have been reading.

    Hey every body Alf has proof we are made in gods image should show in his next post I can’t wait.

  30. JimR says:

    #36, Alfred1, you are delusional as always. This blog is open to anyone worldwide who would have a chance to agree with you on your various and conflicting opinions. I’m sure the viewer hits are way more than actual posts. I’ve yet to see one poster who has sided with you… in other words found your arguments ***compelling*** in face of the onslaught you endure every day. Considering the volume of posts that you make here, it’s truly a wonder that your arguments fail in convincing anyone of anything at all… except that you are by definition, delusional.

    delusion: Encyclopedia Britannica
    in psychology, a rigid system of beliefs with which a person is preoccupied and to which the person firmly holds, despite the logical absurdity of the beliefs and a lack of supporting evidence. Delusions are symptomatic of such mental disorders as paranoia, schizophrenia, and major depression and of such physiological conditions as senile psychosis and delirium. They vary in intensity, extent, and coherence and may represent pathological exaggeration of normal tendencies to rationalization, wishful thinking, and the like. Among the most common are delusions of persecution and grandeur; others include delusions of bodily functioning, guilt, love, and control


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