(Click photo to enlarge.)

  1. How about any of these?

    Now cough!
    You have a polyp.
    Motor Oil Enema
    Shit Can

  2. otte-o says:

    Bite my shinny metal ass.

  3. Amar says:

    No! The leg bone is connected to the thigh bone, NOT that one!

  4. This may be a bit obscure, but how about:

    Can of Coke

  5. HumongousEgo says:

    Even Robbie the Robot knows he needs an annual prostate exam. How about you?

  6. Jägermeister says:

    From the documentary The Birth of Alfredone.

  7. Angel H. Wong says:

    Dick Cheney getting ready to play as the Tin Man.

  8. McCullough says:

    Cripes Robbie!….what have they been feeding you?

  9. eddiedamonster says:

    I am bender. Please insert girder.

  10. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Whatever you do, DON’T pull his finger!

  11. McCullough says:

    Robbie could barely contain his laughter as he thought about that massive tub of chili he had for lunch and the growling in his stomach…..

  12. ECA says:

    this is weird..
    WHAT is this, a NEW telescope??
    OK, PULL that out…
    Put your finger THERE!..


  13. brm says:

    Ok, how far up does this can of soup go?

  14. Brian says:

    The birth of C3PO

  15. BigBoyBC says:

    Professor Jones, reminds his assistant once again, that Robo-bot’s ass bolt is metric not standard threads…

  16. Ha Ha Ha says:

    Hank and Steve discover that the Obama-bot has it’s mouth and anal circuts crossed wired, thus expaining why Obama-bots talk non-stop and are full of crap.

  17. faxon says:

    It will work now.

  18. chuck says:

    This historic photo, taken just a few minutes before Skynet became self-aware, and we all declared allegiance to our new robot overlords.

  19. Patrick says:

    With this new component he will no longer need a teleprompter to sound intelligent…

  20. Lee says:

    Bender: “Fix my shiny metal a$$!”

  21. Ron Larson says:

    Bender’s birth photos

  22. Li says:

    Prototype robot benderalpha2 has his shiny metal ass installed.

  23. Breetai says:

    Bender’s first colonoscopy

  24. Raff says:

    Danger! Will Robinson?

  25. dcphill says:

    New career
    Robot proctologist
    Could be a growing field.

  26. Jägermeister says:

    #29 – Alfredone

    I know you’re blinded by your hatred, but would the other option be better… No GM? But in your eyes, anything that the Obama administration does is wrong… it’s part of your nature… HATE.

  27. Duffy says:

    “Alright, whose brilliant idea of us giving this thing a colonoscopy?”

  28. Duffy says:

    “Alright, whose brilliant idea was this for us giving this thing a colonoscopy?”

  29. Number 6 says:

    I can’t believe they think I’m a Robot

  30. Hugh Ripper says:

    Microsoft engineers looking for the next big breakthrough product.


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