(Click photo to enlarge.)

  1. Jägermeister says:

    [Off topic. – ed.]

  2. ECA says:


    NOooo..not the Easel..

  3. NancyDisgrace says:

    Super toys last all summer long.

    Better explain this-a one.
    Anyone remember the movie A.I.
    Teddy the robotic Teddy Bear?
    Teddys literal turn-on was a finger
    in the butt.

  4. Patrick says:

    [Off topic. – ed.]

  5. ddreese says:

    “Bender, we found that TV remote you were looking for…”

  6. ECA says:

    for all the bender puns…

    SO thats where my beer went..

  7. Dale says:

    “Tighten the left nut and slide that duct tape down there over a bit, would ya’?”

  8. ECA says:

    NO, NO, PLEASE dont remove it..
    Im supposed to be anatomically correct…PLEASE Nooooo!!

  9. Gaz says:

    “How was I to know he’d take “shove it up your ass” literally?”

  10. Ha Ha Ha says:

    Gaz, you have my vote

  11. Rich says:

    Technicians saved installation of the Curry Processing Unit for last as it was considered a very delicate procedure in the construction of the prototype “Splyf 1” robot.

  12. Buzz says:

    Here’s the clog: tin poo. Mister, you’re going on a solder-free diet.


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