Here is the latest No Agenda…another show coming on Sunday on around 11 AM I think.
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Here is the latest No Agenda…another show coming on Sunday on around 11 AM I think.
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This week’s episode brought to you by:
General Motors
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Is there a podcast feed in itunes for Dvorak Horowitz unplugged?
“which will tank the recovery”
There ISN’T going to BE a recovery.
But keep that secret under your hat. 😉
Dvorak, Why do you keep changing the RSS Feed?
After a few years of a worsening economy, things will get better but it won’t be a so-called recovery.
It’ll be the realization that there is no money at all, we should start making stuff here, the government either will need to help thin things down or it’ll do a General Motors.
So just wait and the survival instinct will kick in and we will all be just fine with less.
It won’t be fast food, credit cards, restaurant dining, buying foreign made electronics at a frenzied pace and big SUVs but it’ll still be a good life.
Oh … and people will need to work for a living again 😉
“It’s not just a car. It’s your freedom.” Wait…
I’d say three of the best places to invest are China, India, Brazil. They all have growing economies along with a list of other countries while the last I heard our economy was still contracting at a fairly brisk pace.
Wonder what they are doing that we aren’t doing?
They have little to no fed dept and their fed isn’t about to start consuming 25% of their gnp.
@ deowll
US vs. productive countries
1. They work; we push around papers and go to meetings thinking this somehow creates value.
2. They make things and export; we import and put it on a credit card
3. They put people to work; our government discriminates against it’s own citizens
4. Their government strikes business deals; our government strikes at business.
5. Their people will work for food; our government pays 10% of the populace to not work.
6. They have a low cost of living because people are willing to work; we have a high cost of living because most Americans aren’t willing to work.
They are working a lot longer than in the EU and their work day and productivity has been growing much faster than their pay checks but your point may be valid.
However the fed can’t eat that much of the GNP without it tearing the guts out of the basic economy. Right now the fed is trying to keep things running by borrowing and spending/pork barrel? with every possible service fee and tax being likely to be added on or increased. It can’t help but kill the private sector.
Oh yeah one more thing on the price of gas. The value of the dollar against other currency is what now? Yeah speculators are playing games as well but if your money isn’t worth what it once was then you have inflation and all this spending is causing the dollar to fall.
Okay so we make grass legal and put a tax on it. That reduces prison population and draws in tax money, maybe, but then who wants to hire a pot head?
Either things change or the country goes broke.
Like most people I’d prefer #1, but I could enjoy the entertainment value of #2.
There are so many problems.
If the big banks are going broke due to mismanagement and the biggest auto-maker is going bankrupt due to mismanagement, what chance does the largest government in the world — the US government — have to fix mismanagement?
And yet without tax revenue and 2 or 3 years out from being unable to borrow more money, something will have to change.
can I ask..
WHO gets hurt by the bad economy??
NOT the rich.
NOT the top 5-7%..
What HURTS, are those people trying to KEEP THEIR profits by cutting wages, benefits, HOURS of those workers below them.
30 years ago..the money made by the TOP earners WAS the profit margin for the year.
THEY DIDNT GET, a PAYROLL, much benefits, paid holidays…
Corps would look at a task and decide IF THEY’ should build it into the business..
NOW, they look around for another company to DO THE JOB’, which requires OVERHEAD, managers, boss’s, owners ALL getting paid, when the original corp HAD the extra boss’ dont NOTHING. They look at the cost in the USA(with the extra overhead) and SHIP it over seas, BECAUSE they think its cheaper..(THINK is the key word)
There are alot of jobs that went OVER seas, that could have been done in the USA, IF’ the corps had looked for INDIVIDUALS to do the job, insted of another company..
Net jobs, are pretty simple, to install and setup a decent web site. Even maintaining a site, is pretty cheap.
1 corp was looking for a company to do their website..they looked at all the companies, and decided to send it over seas, for about 1/2 the price. 1 manager asked for them to hold for 4-6 weeks for him to evaluate the problem..
He figured the costs and how many people he needed, and ran AD’s for designers.
He found that there were TONS of people that could/would take the jobs. He found he could hire Good workers, and still make a profit(not a big one, like the OTHER USA CORPS). He set up his own company and sent a Quote to the CORP. and got the job. NOW works at BOTH ends in the business.
You must understand..
CORPS/Companies dont PAY for anything.
rent/lease/utilities/water/Lights/GAS heat/AC/all of it, is passed on to the consumer. Including the TOP wage earners wages and TAX. WE/YOU pay for that person on top making $500,000+ and BENEFITS and retirement, and his GOLF FEES, boat, 2-3-4 house, CAR 1-2-3-4…
market went up because they cnaged on how the mesure the market, i think it was the dow dumped gm and another company (chrysler maybe) and went with cisco and another.. just move the goal post closer to where you can make the economy look good, and see?? now it looks good! aaaaaammmmmaaazzzing! we are all gonna be just fine!
#13 ECA
Pollution = hidden cost of good
Outsourcing = hidden cost of good
Offshoring = hidden cost of good
Excessive red tape = hidden cost of good
Underegulation = hidden cost of good
Pollution, outsourcing, offshoring, excessive government regulation and in some cases lack of government oversight all represent the same identical short term interest that lower the standard of living in the USA.
Yes, the rich do get affected by the CHANGE.
And, ALL CHANGE = opportunity for new people to take their place.
We will have entire categories of industries that previously were “uninterested” in heightened efficiency and lower costs.
And now, they will suddenly CARE about efficiency and lower costs, whereas in the previous world of wealth, no one cared about belt tightening.
GM probably always wanted to do, what it’s now being “forced” to do by the government. So now they’ll rid themselves of divisions that were (or soon would) losing money. And they have the perfect excuse for not designing the all electric car line. The government won’t let us do it. What a damn lie. They’ll be lobbying congress to have them kill the EV line, in favor of yet another batch of gas guzzlers. The Bankruptcy gets GM out of so many environmental obligations, now doesn’t it? Very convenient.
15, nope..
we ship those problems OVER seas..
LESS jobs,
Less ship the CEO job over seas..