Man accused of burning dead squirrel in Novato – Marin Independent Journal What is with the cops nowadays? Don’t they have real crime to fight?
A 19-year-old man could be facing criminal charges after he was found burning a dead squirrel in Novato, police said. Oscar Josue Arroyo, a Rohnert Park resident, was contacted by Novato police after a witness reported a group of teens behaving suspiciously Monday afternoon on Shady Lane, according to police reports.
Police arrived to find Arroyo holding the smoking carcass at the end of a string or rope, said Novato police Lt. John McCarthy. The squirrel had apparently been struck by a car prior to the burning. “His answer to the officer was, he was just messing around,” McCarthy said. “It was obvious that it had been dead for some time.”
Novato police are sending the case to the district attorney’s office to request a charge of tampering with an animal carcass. Arroyo was not arrested.
And in other news… Christian fundamentalist murder abortion doctor. Fundamentalists rejoice.
Only wimps (or Yankees)eat their roadkill cooked..:)
Dig a hole, drop it in, make a mound, plant 1-corn, 1-squash, and a few beans. Oh wait, that’s salmon. Should still work.
Interesting. I read this as I sit on my patio burning an already dead chicken coated with spices and sitting next to some smoldering mesquite chips. Hope the cops aren’t on the way to grab me!
Damn, you sure got my mouth to waterin’ – now I gonna have to go eat something ( DEFINITELY NOT ROADKILL!!! )
Poultry smoked with mesquite? IMO that’s nasty. I used apple to do thighs yesterday.
I’d like to hear more about that Naughty Lady of Shady Lane that Deano used to tell me about.
This is a god damn disgrace to mankind
At least he wasn’t ‘messing with it’ in an unnatural fashion…
and in other Navoto news, floyd at the barber shop was arrested for not placing the barber shears back into the bottle of disinfectant after he finished cutting Barney’s hair.
“Hi there, my name is dug. My master made me this collar so I can talk…SQUIRREL!”
The citizens of Novato are being well served by their part-time volunteer police officers.
Do they actually let those cops have REAL bullets for their sidearms?
Ummm, some sicko who enjoys tying a dead squirrel to a rope and burning it will soon graduate to torturing live animals and perhaps eventually people.
#15 – BdgBill – I hereby appoint you to the Dvorak Department of Future Crime.
“.. charge of tampering with an animal carcass”??
Wow. How many arrests were made during Memorial Day BBQ’s?
Just another wacky news story from the People’s Republik of Kalifornia. No wonder people & businesses are fleeing it en mass…
#17 LOL!
That explains why Miss California is a Bible thumper instead of the typical slut.
# 20 Angel H. Wong said, “That explains why Miss California is a Bible thumper instead of the typical slut.”
No, it explains why wacko CA libs attacked her for the exact same position that their President has, and don’t attack him. They are, insane.
The police yet again wasting valuable resources and more importantly tax payers money.