Believing he was God, a crazed city man broke into a stranger’s home, announced he was her husband and said they were going to make love, court heard yesterday.
And after the half-naked victim fought off a nude Yvon Joseph Larocque and ran outside, he tackled her and tried to carry her back inside, Crown prosecutor Susan Kennedy said.
“The victim called out, ‘Help me, he is trying to rape me,'” Kennedy told provincial court Judge Marlene Graham.
Larocque, who defence lawyer Andre Ouellette will argue was legally insane at the time, testified voices in his head told him he was the Almighty.
Well, quite a few people claim that there is historical precedent for God Almighty taking human form. As the Creator, he has the absolute right to take human life for any reason he deems sufficient, so presumably he would also have the right to rape as well.
Frankly, I’m surprised the Creator hasn’t done this sooner.
My girlfriend always cries out “OH GOD!”
Does that count?
#1 Gary “As the Creator, he has the absolute right to take human life for any reason he deems sufficient”
How does that work then? I don’t remember agreeing to that clause. Surely only the owner has the absolute right to destroy a thing and even then I think there may be limits.
He’s entitled to destroy his offspring?…Better send some Social Assistances over, then…
According to Alfie, it’s only a woman so no harm, no foul.
The summer heat is getting to the religious loonies.
Sheesh, wear a hat and sunscreen for crying out loud.
And some people wonder why I have a loaded pistol in my nightstand?
#3 & #4, you would have to ask someone infected with religion as to the logic of it. Since I still rely on my own innate sense of morality, I can only state this “godly right to kill” principle as it was relayed to me 😉
We can’t fix this. He is a danger to others and himself. Lock him up and don’t let him out.
If you’re really the almighty, you don’t need voices to tell you.
You think it’s summer in Calgary already? Har! You’re going to have to blame this particular bit of religious insanity on something else.
I once lived in Edmonton. This is par for the course. Nothing to see here, just move along.
QB – Note that even though the paper is the Edmonton Sun, the incident happened in Calgary. As an Edmontonian, all I can say is this is about what you’d expect out of Calgary.
#7, Mac,
And some people wonder why I have a loaded pistol in my nightstand?
Ummm, were you worrying about an intruder raping you? I assume you are aware that Alphie is posting up a storm on the “Abortion Doctor is Shot” post.
I assume you are aware that Alphie is posting up a storm on the “Abortion Doctor is Shot” post.
All the more reason to avoid it like the plague.
Unless you’re trying to stir up trouble, of course. Then, by all means…
This is why you should have a clip(or two) blessed, That way you can give last rights, two to the head, two to the heart, and one the mouth. Blessing the gun is not needed, unless you fell you will have to beat them to death.
Did Brian David Mitchell make bail?
#2 Troubled – How do you know she always says that? Have you been watching us? kinky.
MikeR, ha. Good on ya’.