“Hey guys, we’re waiting for you!”

Australian women are as keen as men to take part in consensual group sex, and they initiate it almost as often.

These are the key findings of a survey conducted among members of the nation’s second biggest online dating site.

Almost 40 percent of respondents report an equal gender split in the group encounter, while a further 30 percent report a majority of men taking part and 30 percent a majority of women.

Almost as many women as men instigate the idea of group sex — 46 percent compared with 54 percent, according to the sizeable RedHotPie.com.au survey, which drew 8,763 responses from among its 1.5 million member listings.

A narrow majority of those engaging in group sex are couples, rather than singles, and most of the couples participate together.

The survey was carried out in response to questions from the national newsagency AAP following revelations of a group sex culture in rugby league which cost former NRL star Matthew Johns his television and coaching jobs.

The most common reasons given for group sex are excitement, variety and to spice up long-term relationships.

  1. BubbaRay says:

    #26, Mr. Fusion, what, no air horn or emergency flashers?

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    #33, Bubba,

    I don’t know, do air horns work under water?

    One of those “Back Up” beepers trucks use coube useful?

    (Damn, if my wife reads any of this I won’t be visiting DU until the fingers come out of the splints)

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    I’m thinking the one on the right is just a wannabe.

  4. Ho-Lip Tex says:

    Even one of them would be enough to consider it “group sex”. Now just let me locate my brillo contacts with Ajax cleaning solution…

  5. Jägermeister says:

    #35 – Mr. Fusion

    She’s a prospect.

  6. Mistuif makur says:

    Pork Barrel, Ear Marked..”Thin is in, But fat is where it’s at”

  7. booboo says:

    Just a gut feeling I had, about the gut reaction..it ended in the end.

  8. Linda from soc.men says:

    I’m the one on the left.


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