Changing diapers, shopping for diapers, writing letters to Angelina, throwing out the trash filled with diapers… It’s hard to imagine how exciting this show will be.

It’s official: Nadya Suleman and her brood of 14 are coming to a TV near you.

After weeks of meetings and negotiations, Suleman’s attorney Jeff Czech confirmed exclusively to that Suleman signed a deal Thursday night to star in her own reality series.

“[Nadya and the producers] are hoping to have an arrangement whereby several events in the children’s lives would be filmed in a documentary series,” Czech told Us.

“One of the events in the children’s lives might be their first birthday.”

I can hardly wait.

  1. brm says:


    Who cares. Someone is making a buck off this. I salute their efforts, especially when everyone else is complaining that they’re laid off.

  2. Vegas mad says:

    Come on TV is bad now and they think this will help!I will not give this woman 1 sec of my time.Should she be trying to get a real Job?Or is this her end game all along…

  3. Ah_Yea says:

    This is why I don’t watch much television.

  4. TThor says:

    Hard to find a more despicable person than Octomom. Period! Please don’t let this horrible woman ever pollute your fine pages again. Let the “real news’ about this creature be handled by ABC, CBC, NBC and the like… Brrrrrr!!!!

  5. The0ne says:

    Check out #2 picture, classic. The guy in the wheelchair pity’s the women. Either that or he’s really disgusted by seeing her.

  6. Gaolbird says:

    She looks pregnant again..

  7. Special Ed says:

    #2 – Jäg, LMAO! It makes you wonder what mental hospital gives their patients access to the Internet. Hopefully those Alfredones are at least locked away.

  8. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    Well, I wouldn’t watch this show but at least now she doesn’t have to take that job as a night deposit box at the sperm bank.

  9. McCullough says:

    You can identify the lower class humans. They will be the ones watching this garbage.

  10. John Paradox says:

    “The Breeder Bunch”


  11. #14 – Alf, I’m pretty sure the only piece of ass you ever had was when your hand slipped off the toilet paper.

  12. Jägermeister says:

    #14 – Alfredone

    Oh, I feel so insulted… LOL

    How do you think she’ll be able to raise all those kids? Reading homework, care for them, drive them to activities etc? I know… it’s beyond your level of comprehension, but thanks for trying.

  13. Hugh Ripper says:

    The horror…..the horror…..

  14. meetsy says:

    at least we won’t have to see her bitching at her mate, and having a potential pending ugly divorce splashed all over the media…like one other insane female and her litter of kids

  15. ECA says:

    you cant say she dont have a JOB NOW..AND she wont be going back to the STATE for money.

    I just wonder WHO’S WATCHING THE KIDS??

  16. Jägermeister says:

    #21 – Alfredone

    You’re a disgusting POS.

  17. killer duck says:

    Alfred1, you are right, we don’t care about religion. We care about actually making the planet a better place, not one filled with fucking morons like you.
    If you think Octomom is so great, I challenge you to donate 10% of your paycheck to her for the next year. Put your money where your ‘tard’ mouth is.


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