“I mean, when you get pulled over, you want a friendly picture for the cop to look at.”

Virginia driver opposed to the state’s new ban on smiling in driver’s license photos

Quirky as it may seem, a new no smile policy will soon be in place at all Virginia DMVs, through it’s already made it to Roanoke. When drivers now go to get their picture taken for their license, they’ll be asked to keep a neutral expression. A dull face, versus a smile, will make it easier for DMV to use face recognition software in the future, if the move is approved by state lawmakers. The software would help crackdown on identity fraud, an ongoing problem in Virginia.

“I think anything to keep people from doing stuff illegal, I’m fine with that,” said Toby Brown. “Well, they do the same thing for the passport. You can’t smile when you get a passport,” said Amy Nichols. Another new change, instead of getting your driver’s license the same day, you’ll get a temporary ID good for 30 days, until the real one is processed at a central location in Danville and mailed to you.

It appears the DMV will be the collection point for the state to capture your pre-crime image. This will inevitably lead to a ban on smiling anywhere there is a use for face recognition cameras, which will of course be everywhere. Do you feel safer yet? We are being governed by idiots.

  1. geezopete says:

    What are you people trying to hide? What are you doing that you don’t want people to be able to identify you? Do you think it would be fine for you to walk around wearing a ski mask all the time? That’s essentially what you’re asking for: “I want to be unidentifiable to the police should I commit a crime”

  2. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #28, ummm, that’s incorrect. Iris damage is rare, otherwise it’ll never change throughout your life. Fingerprints are easily damaged, permanently and temporarily. And fingerprints are easily faked, too.

    DNA is irrelevant.

    #31…This subject reminds me of the RFID paranoia prevalent on this blog. 🙂

  3. brm says:


    “Iris damage is rare”

    Can you still read the iris through a cataract? Or a colored contact lens?

    dunno, just asking.

  4. Barnaby says:

    Summary of a study on eye surgery vs iris scan accuracy:
    Cataract surgeries change iris textures in such a way that iris recognition systems, which perform mathematical comparisons of textural biometric features, are able to detect these changes and sometimes even discard a pre-enrolled iris considering it an impostor. In our study, re-enrollment proved to be a feasible procedure.

    From a biometric FAQ:

    Colored contact lenses can reduce the accuracy of iris scans, as can the use of drugs that dilate your pupils.

  5. bobe_bear5 says:

    I think its ignorant that they wont give ya license to ya til 30 days i mean i payed almost 40 bucks for freakin things!

  6. im often roaming all across the internet almost all of the time which means that I have a propensity to browse considerably, which isn’t typically a good matter as nearly all of the web sites I see are made up of pointless rubbish copied from various other internet sites a thousand times, on the other hand I’ll hand it to ya this website is in truth enjoyable and even seems to have some original substance, so thank you for breaking the trends of solely replicating other people’s blogs 🙂


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