• Stanley Bing wonders if MSFT expropriated his name. Har.
  • Bing looks like a shopping site.
  • Google says 18 Androids coming at you.
  • Pre ready for iTunes.
  • Xbox hits 30 million in sales.
  • Google says the browser will be the new OS thanks to HTML 5.
  • Woz says Steve “sounds good.”
  • Dell Hires IBM executive and gets sued immediately.
  • Go to Avis.com/tech5 for a discount.

click ► to listen:


Right click here and select ‘Save Link As…’ to download the mp3 file.

  1. sargasso says:

    HTML 5 working group is headed by staffers from Google and Apple. It comes with document handlers, document editor and drag-and-drop APIs. Something, which maybe be useful in some king of a touch screen device?

  2. brm says:

    Jobs will be dead by the end of the FY ’09.

  3. mr show says:

    #2 I hope not but I’m afraid you’re probably right. I don’t wish to make this a conspiracy but…

    The reason for the phone call in my opinion goes beyond convenience. If Woz can assure the public (and investors) that Jobs “sounded strong” it’s almost like saying that Jobs is well without having to lie. That is, by only talking and not seeing Jobs, there’s nothing to lie about. Of course I don’t see this as something Woz would do as a calculated move…more than likely Jobs wanted it this way.

    Then again, it would be difficult to see a friend/colleague suffer from cancer. Perhaps Jobs doesn’t want company? Not that it’s any of my business but if I were Woz, I would visit him while he still has a chance.

  4. boyfarrell says:

    Hi admins,

    Could you also add the mp3 download link so non-flash browsers can listen?

  5. Randomized says:

    #4 bookmark this page..


  6. brm says:


    Has anyone seen Jobs? Maybe it was a phone call because Jobs is already dead.

  7. mr show says:


    I don’t know if anyone has. I don’t think so. The only problem I see with your second sentence is that, IF true, then it would destroy Woz’s reputation. I would not think Woz would do something that unethical (and illegal, misleading investors). He seems to me to be a stand up person who occasionally indulged in pracitcal jokes.

  8. brm says:


    Woz seems like kind of a sucker. Maybe he was easy to fool.

  9. brendal says:

    I won’t believe he’s well until I see him on “Dancing w/the Stars”


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