![]() Yes! Tell them to STFU!! |
White House to Sonia Sotomayor critics: Be ‘careful’ – Alexander Burns and Josh Gerstein – POLITICO.com — FYI. The thought police are wanting you to shut up, or else.
White House press secretary Robert Gibbs issued a pointed warning to opponents of Judge Sonia Sotomayor’s Supreme Court nomination Wednesday, urging critics to measure their words carefully during a politically charged confirmation debate.
“I think it is probably important for anybody involved in this debate to be exceedingly careful with the way in which they’ve decided to describe different aspects of this impending confirmation,” Gibbs said.
He was replying to a question from CBS’s Chip Reid about a blog post by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich accusing Sotomayor of imposing identity politics on the bench and declaring: “A white man racist nominee would be forced to withdraw. A Latina woman racist should also withdraw.”
If ya can’t take the heat, get outta the kitchen!
But it’s no wonder reporters give Robert Gibbs no respect and take calls during press conferences. That guy is a moron, Obama would be better served speaking for himself.
If the powergrab of the government over the past century hadn’t gotten so out of control, these nominations would never be as full of politically charged insanity as they are today.
She is so hot. As a judge, she could examine my legal briefs anytime!
Her membership in La Raza is to me particularly concerning.
“Judge Sonia Sotomayor is listed as a member of the National Council of La Raza, a group that’s promoted driver’s licenses for illegal aliens, amnesty programs, and no immigration law enforcement by local and state police.
According the American Bar Association, Sotomayor is a member of the NCLR, which bills itself as the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the U.S.
Meaning “the Race,” La Raza also has connections to groups that advocate the separation of several southwestern states from the rest of America.”
“La Raza was condemned in 2007 by former U.S. Rep. Charles Norwood, R-Ga., as a radical “pro-illegal immigration lobbying organization that supports racist groups calling for the secession of the western United States as a Hispanic-only homeland.”
Norwood urged La Raza to renounce its support of the Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan – which sees “the Race” as part of an ethnic group that one day will reclaim Aztlan, the mythical birthplace of the Aztecs. In Chicano folklore, Aztlan includes California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico and parts of Colorado and Texas.”
Sorry, I didn’t see the “or else” in Gibbs’ statement. Makes all the difference in the world. You’ve turned a pretty innocuous statement into an threat.
Sandra Day O’Connor said that a man or a woman reaches the same decision in regard to the law.
Sonya Sotomayor said that a “wise Latina woman” makes better decisions than a white man because the white man had not lived the life.
One, a statement of equality and the rule of law, the other, one of implicit racism and sexism and the superiority of personal opinion over the rule of law.
If ANY man had uttered similar words, they would be out of the running as unfit. The same must hold true for this unfit nominee.
“I think that the only reason Clarence Thomas is on the Court is because he is black. I don’t believe he could have won had he been white.” – Joe Biden in 1991
Why? Looks like you can do this and still get to be VP.
I’m quite disappointed in Obama’s pick. Who next? Rosanne Rosannadanna?
#7 – It was probably Neil Kinnock that actually said that.
Is there a new special flavour of tinfoil hat for next-gen Republicans?
Just thought I’d ask – since this seems to be the center of expertise.
I have to agree with Seamus- I didn’t hear ‘or else’ either. In the clip, Gibbs is pretty innocuous. It seems like pretty good advice- that ‘big tent’ is getting pretty small lately.
This is the Barack Obama MO. They used this during the campaign to paint anyone who was critical of his views as being a racist and they are attempting to do it here. Dare criticize anything about her and you’ll be labeled a racist, just as they are doing now.
Obama had many other picks that are more qualified than this LA RAZA member who has had 3 outta 5 decisions over turned by the SCOTUS. And she most likely will have another one over turned yet that remains to be seen. I think they want to confirm her before the court rules on the reverse discrimination case because if she’s over turned prior to her hearings, I believe she will end up without the votes or withdraw.
She’s an awful political pick.
#10 newrepublican:
“Is there a new special flavour of tinfoil hat for next-gen Republicans?”
As a member of neither party, I remember the Dems foaming at the mouth with conspiracy theories and hyperbole for eight years.
It’s like watching two groups of annoying children. As with this last batch of Repubs, I predict we’ll be debating the viability of the Democratic party in eight years.
#14. Touche’, couldnt have said it better. We will never get out of this mess until we have legitimate alternatives to these asshats.
If this was a Republican administration, no one would be demanding to see an explicit “or else”…but it’s ObaMessiah, so he gets the benefit of the doubt, and will forever.
Just remember that the wheel always turns.
La Raza not only advocates granting drivers licenses to illegal aliens (although I’m sure they mean illegal Mexican aliens) but also supports El Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan which seeks to reclaim most of the southwestern US for Latinos. To me Sotomayor is beginning to look like the sacrificial goat, errr, goatess. I wonder who Obama really wants on the bench?
..for the “I didn’t see the “or else” crew…
the mere fact that someone
even suggested you need to be exceedingly careful in how you speak about the conformation sets up dangerous precedent and wreaks of Thought Police antics.
This is absurd. -especially in politics.
Sounds like a not-so-subtle political threat if you ask me.
what’s next? -a ban on critical talk?
someone should of ran up to Gibbs and
smacked him on the back of the head.
She wasted no time!
I guess it only proves that Republicans aren’t the only ones capable of shooting themselves in the foot.
With a couple of different choices, Obama and the Democrats could have possibly re-written the constitution and run for 3 terms. Instead, he & his racists, corrupt, law breaking appointees will be lucky to last 4 years.
A shame, as there were many qualified people of the Donkey persuasion who could have been employed in these slots.
I hope they find some of her pubic hair on a coke can. Could derail the whole thing.
Over the years many philosophers have repeatedly opined that the vast majority of people will fall for any garbage they are fed. Critical insight is a total waste of time.
And so here we have Sotomayor being castigated for some words taken out of context. The right wing nut spinners will continue to harp on those words until everyone believes she is a monster.
Now, now Mr.Fusion – You know full well her racists statements were not taken out of context. She made the point that she is special…and by being special, that makes her better than any white man.
As has always been the case, if you want to play in the game, you’ve got to play by the rules of the game.
The rules being – You don’t get a free ride because of your race or gender when you say something that would never be tolerated when said by a white man.
Only kool-aide drinking asses (as in donkey)think this is the way life should be.
#22 Fusion:
“taken out of context”
The new cry of the Obamabots. Context, context, context.
Well, the context was her talking about interpreting the law and judging cases. So there.
But, some comments are terrible regardless of the context. Catch someone saying that being a white man is the reason they more often than not make better decisions, and we wouldn’t care what the context was.
Because it wouldn’t matter.
I thought justices in the supreme court have to be natural born in the United States (ie, cant be naturalized citizens)…
Experiences, including ethnicity, that shape the Justice:
“When I get a case about discrimination, I have to think about people in my own family who suffered discrimination because of their ethnic background or because of religion or because of gender. And I do take that into account. When I have a case involving someone who’s been subjected to discrimination because of disability, I have to think of people who I’ve known and admire very greatly who’ve had disabilities, and I’ve watched them struggle to overcome the barriers that society puts up often just because it doesn’t think of what it’s doing — the barriers that it puts up to them.
So those are some of the experiences that have shaped me as a person.”
– Samuel Alito
#26 Seam
Good point. If Sotomayor had limited her comments to how her life influences her decisions, there would be no discussion and both parties would be happy (remember, Republicans traditionally hire more non-white-men than Democrats)
You know that, everyone knows that….just as everyone knows that she didn’t say that and that she can’t be compared to someone as talanted as Alito.
If it were a sole instance of a mis-speak, people would probably give her a break (even-though someone of her intellectual level shouldn’t be making this kind of simple mistake), but it’s not…..oh wait, did I say that out loud? in front of the cameras?
There are better choices for this position.
“If it were a sole instance of a mis-speak”
I can’t even force myself to say something like:
“I would hope that a wise white man would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a Latina woman who hasn’t lived that life.”
This isn’t misspeaking. It’s a revelation of a deep seated belief.
#19 Tech_1:
I’ll be pressing for my state to ignore the 19th Amendment. We’ll see if she thinks a state is allowed to ignore that one.
‘wise Latina woman’
Wouldn’t a wise woman not be redundant like that?