Analysis: Shuttered Chrysler Dealers Heavily Anti-Obama In Election | Bucks Right — This thesis could be bogus, but if it holds up there will be hell to pay for the Democrats. I was personally baffled by some of the closures of successful dealerships in Washington State. Many needed rural dealers (generally Republican) were shuttered while multiple urban Seattle (Democrat) dealers were left alone. In other words the dealers were not being spread out. It made no sense to me.

An analysis of the list of Chrysler dealers closed down by the Obama-run auto maker show that many were donors to Republican candidates and Democrat rivals of Barack Obama during the 2008 election cycle.

Many observers were confused by the list of 789 Chrysler dealerships that were ordered to close their doors before June 9, as the closings seemed to follow no pattern based on sales volume or profitability. Two preliminary studies found on the Internet seem to have located a common thread: Donations to politicians and political causes at odds with Barack Obama.

A document outlining campaign contributions by various shuttered dealers is posted here.

The question remains. What was the exact criteria for shuttering one dealer over another? We have not been told.

Found by Chris Hollman.

  1. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz says:

    Yeah, I hate that obama guy he only democrats as his staff!

  2. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz says:

    Rual Dealer don’t sell much and not have selection that you can drive off same day.

    Big City Dealer have all the selections so they sell more cars, they stay.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    #59, trouble,

    So what? So far there are over 60 hits. There’d be even more if Alphie would visit a little more.

  4. faxon says:

    Yep. Get ready for more bullshit from the Fascists.

  5. Rick's Cafe says:

    Ya know, once upon a time laws were made to ensure that a sad occurrence such as this would be as fair as possible to everyone involved.

    But with the new king, all that seems to have disapeared. Contracts are no longer honored and the ‘rule of law’ does not exist. The new law of the land appears to be – Riches for those who please the king, scrapes and leftovers for everyone else.

    If this event were so “translucent” and on the up and up, then why are some – but not all – of the bankruptcy laws being followed? (this is not a hypothesis but general knowledge, so like the defination of “is”, it does not need to be cross-referenced or linked)

    Now just for fun:
    Since it appears that select dealerships are being removed following an unknown criteria that is not being revealed (gotta love secrets), one has to then ask, “Who benefits”.
    Just a thought; But if I were a competing [pick your own] dealership and I was just told that not only was my competition being completely removed, but that I can also can grab his best salesmen…in addition to the land to expand my operation, I think I might be pretty happy with this new king.

  6. stopher2475 says:

    Umm, didn’t all the Republicans vote against the auto bailout? Wouldn’t that mean they wanted 100% of the Republican voting dealers closed?

  7. Rick's Cafe says:

    #68 stop,
    Are you including the RINOs in that vote? 🙂

    Obviously the bailout didn’t make any difference except to allow the W.H. to muddy the waters.

  8. Don says:

    What I do not hear being asked is who really benefits from closing dealerships? Certainly not the consumer.

    It just seems odd that they are arbitrarily closing profitable businesses simply to reduce competition. I guess it simply confirms my decision to buy another Hyundai a couple of months ago. I actually considered a Ford Escape, but the Ford dealer was not willing to deal. The Hyundai dealer was.


  9. MikeN says:

    What is the logic behind shutting down any dealers? If they aren’t selling they’ll go out of business by themself.

  10. Uncle Patso says:

    Has any car company ever disclosed its method for choosing which dealerships to close?

  11. Troublemaker says:

    Silver explained, “It turns out that all car dealers are, in fact, overwhelmingly more likely to donate to Republicans than to Democrats — not just those who are having their doors closed.” In all, Silver found that “88 percent of the contributions from car dealers went to Republican candidates and just 12 percent to Democratic candidates,” while, the list of Chrysler dealerships being closed “gave 92 percent of their money to Republicans — not really a significant difference.”

  12. Patrick says:

    # 71 MikeN said, “What is the logic behind shutting down any dealers? If they aren’t selling they’ll go out of business by themself.”

    I was thinking about this. Franchise agreements usually have co-marketing spending/reimbursement agreements…

  13. Dallas says:

    It seems more logical to conclude that Republican leaning dealerships were a peace of shit and failures.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    No one has yet offered any explanation of why this is “the government” doing this. It isn’t, it is Chrysler and Chrysler alone making these decisions. The government, and certainly Obama, has nothing to do with what is happening in any bankruptcy court.

  15. Billy Bob says:

    This was touched on earlier, but the fact is dealers PAY franchise fees to Chrysler, so it makes no sense for Chrysler to forcibly close down a single dealership. Not only have there been closures, but franchisee licenses have been taken from one dealership and handed, without compensation, to other dealers down the road, with no explanation.

    So the questions are:

    1) Why is the government forcing Chrysler to close any dealerships?

    2) How are they choosing which ones to close, since they appear to be closing healthy ones while keeping less healthy ones alive? Is it political patronage?

  16. Robart says:

    #61 “I’m still confused about the part where somehow closing a dealer will save Chrysler money.”

    The issue is that there is not enough business to keep all the dealerships open. Closing dealerships will give the remaining dealerships a larger part of the shrinking pie. Econ 101.

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #77, BB

    The question is can you show that the government is actually the one choosing which dealerships are closing?

    In the attached article, which you obviously didn’t read, it points out that the closed dealers got to question the Chrysler execs in a discovery motion. It didn’t say anything about the government even having a hand in it.

    Just more bullshit from the right wing nuts trying to blame Obama for what they asked for.

  18. Wretched Gnu says:

    Note for those of you new to Dvorak:

    When Dvorak posts some conspiracy theory, he doesn’t believe a word of it. It’s just part of his strategy, which he’s articulated many times, to get as many eyeballs as possible on his page.

    Don’t you ever notice that he pretends to be alarmed by conspiracy theories — from both the right and the left — that completely contradict each other?

    Dvorak’s real politics are a vague sort of compassionate libertarianism. It’s “Don’t touch my stuff,” for the most part, but with a dash of unsystematic social conscience.

  19. Mary says:

    Who knows…but I wonder who will want to buy a car from a company that is owned by the government and a union??? Way too complicated. Can you imagine the amount of paperwork you would have to produce to satisfy the government if anything happened to your car? And oh yeah…we know how much satisfaction and service any government department produces? It will be worse than going to the DMV. I am a liberal. And one of the things I hate is big government and government intrusion – Chrisler, the government and an union is exactly that. Bad move. I would not buy a Chrisler if they gave it for free…

  20. MikeN says:

    So these dealers that are being shut down gave a total of $450 to Obama, and the explanation is that all dealers are Republican. Does it make sense that they would give $8000 to Hillary and $2200 to Edwards too?

  21. Glenn E. says:

    I’m not saying it’s right, or moral. Nor even just deserts. But I’m pretty sure the Republican have done the same things, whenever they could. But apparently the Democratic party is looked upon as being “above” this sort thing. Or at least, that they should be. While it’s apparently a forgiven failing of the Republicans. So all this grousing is really about Republicans, complaining that the Democrats aren’t acting any better than themselves. And in fact may be doing the Republican one better (or worse), given enough time. Which is probably true. If the Democrats do remain in power too many terms. They will exhibit all the signs of corruption that the Republicans have enjoyed. Proving that sides doesn’t really matter. It’s the external influences that have been courted and allowed to influence the parties. Two or twelve parties wouldn’t matter. As long as their are moneyed fingers in all of them, corrupting their charters and purpose.

    So for now, the Democrats can do no wrong (or rather, they better not) but probably will. And for now, the Republicans can do no right (save the rare surprise gesture) but will probably learn wisdom with time (off).

  22. Glenn E. says:

    BTW, it was the Auto Dealers Association that lobbied Congress to keep the online sales of new or used cars, from putting them out of business. So you still have to go to some dealer to pick up a car you bought over the web, across state lines (I guess). But its still Ok to buy one directly from a friend, relative, or neighbor. Only the current list of licensed dealerships, can make a business of selling more than one or two cars. But now that times are tough, and sales have fallen off. They’re complaining again, that they’re being singled out. Well, they simply didn’t bribe their congressmen enough to save their hides, the last time. Isn’t the “free enterprise” system marvelous?

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    #81, Mary,

    You really sound like a liberal. but my favorite line that gives you away as a troll, is :

    I would not buy a Chrisler if they gave it for free…

  24. Smokr says:

    Still no answer how closing dealers will save Chrysler one dime.
    Sure it will make the remaining dealers more profitable, but what does that have to do with Chrysler’s profits?
    Dealers send franchise payments and royalty payments to Chrysler to sell. Closing a dealership stops those payments.
    Closing dealerships reduces Chrysler’s income.
    How does that help Chrysler make money?
    The more dealerships, the more sales are possible, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND.
    The side argument about Dem vs. Repug ownerships is nothing but distraction.

  25. Smokr says:

    Still no answer how closing dealers will save Chrysler one dime.
    Sure it will make the remaining dealers more profitable, but what does that have to do with Chrysler’s profits?
    Dealers send franchise payments and royalty payments to Chrysler to sell all aside from the actual sale of cars! Closing a dealership stops those payments as well as reduces sales!
    Closing dealerships reduces Chrysler’s income.
    How does that help Chrysler make money?
    The more dealerships, the more sales are possible, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND.
    The side argument about Dem vs. Repug ownerships is nothing but distraction.

  26. Checkitout says:



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