Couple Ordered to Stop Holding Bible Study at Home Without Permit – — What? Does this mean I cannot have a few guys over to watch a football game either? It’s kind of religious.

Pastor David Jones and his wife Mary have been told that they cannot invite friends to their San Diego, Calif. home for a bible study — unless they are willing to pay tens of thousands of dollars to San Diego County.

“On Good Friday we had an employee from San Diego County come to our house, and inform us that the bible study that we were having was a religious assembly, and in violation of the code in the county.” David Jones told FOX News.

“We told them this is not really a religious assembly — this is just a bible study with friends. We have a meal, we pray, that was all,” Jones said.

A few days later, the couple received a written warning that cited “unlawful use of land,” ordering them to either “stop religious assembly or apply for a major use permit,” the couple’s attorney Dean Broyles told San Diego news station 10News.

  1. Patrick says:

    # 61 bobbo said, “Patrick==stating conclusions on the very subject at issue is rather puerile.”

    It is only “at issue” for those ignorant of the 1st Amendment…

  2. bobbo says:

    #62–Patrick==thats your emerging market tautology huh.

    Knowing and reference “the Constitution” is but the first step in a maturing line of education and life experiences. Keep going.

    When constitutional rights are in conflict, saying someone is ignorant of one of the rights is addressing only part of the argument.

    Puerile, callow, shallow, inexperienced, naive, uneducated—Patrick.

  3. brendal says:

    Football is religion – in Texas!

  4. The group averages 15 people per week. The pastor owns the vacant lot next to his home and had his guests park there, so this is not a traffic issue.

    This is a weekly event (Tuesdays) and has been going on for 5 years.

  5. Glenn E. says:

    The various counties should pull this one on the “Church of Scientology”. Especially the so-called “Celebrity Center” in LA. I’ll bet they’re not paying a taxes either. But they’ve probably sued and harassed enough public officials, over the years. That none of them dare touch the cult.

    Gee, I wonder if that trick would work on the US Congress and Senate? If the general public could sue and harass enough of them scoundrels, maybe we could break the lobbyist influence of the MPAA, RIAA, and NRA. Naaahhh!

  6. Sgt. Highway says:

    Mr. Fusion is an idiot who doesn’t understand the Constitution and just throws a hissy fit whenever he pees his short pants (happens when typing the words “Bush”, “Bible” and “Garafalo”).

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    #67, Highway,

    And your point is? Perhaps you could post some legal case to prove me wrong.



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