Roof paint

President Obama’s energy adviser has suggested all the world’s roofs should be painted white as part of efforts to slow global warming.

Professor Steven Chu, the US Energy Secretary, said the unusual proposal would mean homes in hot countries would save energy and money on air conditioning by deflecting the sun’s rays.

More pale surfaces could also slow global warming by reflecting heat into space rather than allowing it to be absorbed by dark surfaces where it is trapped by greenhouse gases and increases temperatures.

In a wide-ranging discussion at the three-day Nobel laureate Symposium in London, the Professor described climate change as a “crisis situation”, and called for a whole host of measures to be introduced, from promoting energy efficiency to renewable energy such as wind, wave and solar.

The Nobel Prize-winning physicist said the US was not considering any large scale “geo-engineering” projects where science is used to reverse global warming, but was in favour of “white roofs everywhere”.

  1. Somebody_Else says:

    I’ve always wondered why roofs aren’t white, especially in the warmer regions. I don’t know about making the planet cooler, but I would think it might keep your house a bit cooler.

  2. Sea Lawyer says:

    consumer preference, and material costs probably.

  3. Patrick says:

    “More pale surfaces could also slow global warming by reflecting heat into space rather than allowing it to be absorbed by dark surfaces where it is trapped by greenhouse gases and increases temperatures.”

    What a loon. If it has reached your home it is already trapped by “greenhouse” gases. Another O’Mama failed appointee…

  4. Mr Anderson says:

    To little, to late.

  5. Patrick says:

    The last sentence, “All dark skinned people on the Earth need to be painted white also.”

  6. brm says:

    Yeah, right.

  7. Duh.

    #3 – Patdick,

    GHGs trap some, not all, of the heat on the way out from the earth’s surface.

    Having a black roof holds much more of the heat and keeps it from even having an opportunity to escape through the GHGs.

    Of course, a tax incentive for solar panels would be even better, though costlier. It should be said that if you can’t afford the solar panels, paint your roof white.

  8. Cursor_ says:

    It is already white thanks. Done my part for years.

    Windows are double glass.

    Actually the best for the world would be to plant grass and small shrubs on your roof. Maybe make a nice garden.


  9. Patrick says:

    # 7 Misanthropic Scott said, “Having a black roof holds much more of the heat and keeps it from even having an opportunity to escape through the GHGs.”

    No, it just re radiates it at night. Zero sum game. Study “black body”.

  10. Jason says:

    Too bad there has been nothing but cooling for the last 10 years…

    These idiots better be careful or they will get the blame for starting the next ice age!!!

  11. Benjamin says:

    Who cares if it doesn’t help with Green House Gases? It saves a different kind of green when you don’t have to cool your house as much. Also the power companies don’t have to burn as much coal to get your electricity to you.

    Unfortunately it is not summer all year round. The corollary is that you need to paint your roof black to save money on heating during the winter.

    Another idea is to use temperature sensitive materials that would switch from black to white depending on the temperature, but you might spend more on the exotic material than you save.

  12. #9 – Patrick,

    You’re on the wrong topic. Study up on albedo.

    GHGs block more infrared than visible light. What is reflected by a white roof is visible and has a better chance of escaping. What is radiated at night is infrared, and will likely stick here, not to mention the warmth held by the roof and house itself since not all is radiated at night.

  13. Patrick says:

    If that’s all you’re worried about, global warming will cause increased cloud cover which will increase albedo at even higher altitudes thus causing an ice age…

    You see Scott, the whole premise is ridiculous especially since we’ve now had 10 years of cooling…

  14. bobbo says:

    #13–Patrick==wrong on each point of your analysis, but still firm in your conclusions?

    Haw, haw.

  15. ArianeB says:

    “What a loon. If it has reached your home it is already trapped by “greenhouse” gases. Another O’Mama failed appointee…”

    Professor Chu is one of the smartest people on the planet, and the idea has merit in context.

    You need to take this in the context of the question asked. People are proposing radical (i.e. expensive) ideas to reverse Global Warming.

    Professor Chu is simply saying these expensive plans would have about the same effect as painting our roofs white, and white roofs would be a lot cheaper too, though ultimately just as impractical.

  16. bobbo says:

    #15–Arianne==whats impractical about choosing a color of your roof?

  17. GigG says:

    If we are going to go for it I say go all the way. Install mirrors on your roof.

  18. Patrick says:

    # 15 ArianeB said, “You need to take this in the context of the question asked. People are proposing radical (i.e. expensive) ideas to reverse Global Warming.”

    Okay, go nuke. Problem solved. Too simple for O’mama though.

  19. Jason/Patdick,

    Please cite a credible source about your 10 years of cooling.

  20. #18 – Patrick,

    Nukes again? Until we can create fusion reactors, they’re still not the answer. Since I can’t post enough links to cover all of the reasons here, I’ll refer you to my blog. I know. It’s just a blog, but check out the links. There are some good ones here.

    Nukes Are Not The Answer

    Don’t worry Patdick. I don’t really expect you to follow links. You never do. And, you’ve never answered any of the issues about nuclear power before. No reason for you to start now.

  21. #18 – Patrick,

    Nukes again? Until we can create fusion reactors, they’re still not the answer. Since I can’t post enough links to cover all of the reasons here, I’ll refer you to my blog. I know. It’s just a blog, but check out the links. There are some good ones here.

    Don’t worry Patdick. I don’t really expect you to follow links. You never do. And, you’ve never answered any of the issues about nuclear power before. No reason for you to start now.

  22. Patrick says:

    # 19 Misanthropic Scott said, “Please cite a credible source about your 10 years of cooling.”

    Been posted countless times on DU by various people. Use search function.

  23. Patrick says:

    # 20 Misanthropic Scott said, “Since I can’t post enough links to cover all of the reasons here, I’ll refer you to my blog.”

    Sorry to say, I’ve been to your blog. You know next to nothing about nuke energy production.

  24. bobbo says:

    #21–Not up to it Patrick==every link I have seen discredits the 10 year cooling trend as part of the variableness of a nontheless positive slope.

    Seems a f*&ktard can’t tell a trend unless every day of every year is hotter than every day of every year that went before. If you want that kind of simplicity, lets turn to the bibbble.

  25. aslightlycrankygeek says:

    #23 – So 10 years of data is definitely noise, but the last few decades of the global warming fad have been conclusive?? It was just 30 years ago that scientists were talking more about global cooling.

    Maybe you should read a wider variety of sites if every link you have seen makes an attempt to explain away 10 years of data.

    The reality is that we were in a warming trend that started before the industrial revolution, and it appears we are starting a cooling trend. The suns activity has been declining in recent years and scientists expect this to continue.

  26. Guyver says:

    19, Apparently cooling was so bad that scientists were worried about global cooling back in the 70s.

    PDF Link of a Newsweek Article from April 1975:

    It’s amazing how much more influential humans are than our own Sun when it comes to warming this planet. LOL

  27. chris says:

    Patrick, the book you are looking for is “The Skeptical Environmentalist” by Bjorn Lomborg. Citing other people talking on the internet is not acceptable sourcing.

    Now I think Mr. Lomborg falls into exactly the same trap as the people he attacks. When you are looking for data that says a specific thing you can usually find it.

    To the main issue. Why not paint roofs white? It is a simple and low cost step. It won’t save the world, but it might help a bit.

    Why do simple things get so blamed for not being a complete solution. When Tom Ridge told people to get tape and plastic sheeting to protect against a biological terror attack he was laughed at. Why? If it helps, great. If it doesn’t you’re only out a couple of bucks.

  28. aslightlycrankygeek says:

    [This link can’t be clicked on. Can you guess why? – ed.]

  29. #21 – Patrick,

    # 19 Misanthropic Scott said, “Please cite a credible source about your 10 years of cooling.”

    Been posted countless times on DU by various people. Use search function.

    Why would I search to make your point when you’re too lazy to do so? Do your own searching and post a link or you’re a troll.

  30. #27 – aslightlycrankygeek,

    Junk Science is owned by ExxonMobil. I said a credible source.


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