• Vista SP2 finally released.
  • Russians drop $200 million into Facebook. Why?
  • MSFT names its search engine BING! Where is Bob Hope?
  • Look for a 32 GB iPhone.
  • Craigslist wins battle with AGs.
  • Psystar goes under.
  • AT&T to offer the android phone.
  • HP recalls batteries.
  • Nokia OVI store is problematic.

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  1. DogBreath says:

    BING! Hey, that is not allowed. That is my cat’s name!

    We stole it from the Chandler character on Friends. His full name was Chandler Bing and my cat came from Chandler, AZ.

    There’s gotta be a rapacious lawyer around here somewhere!

  2. I don’t post too much, but this was a good read. Craigslist always has something new in stock. I read a post on some site about a guy who wanted to buy a car for his gf, and he found something about a hidden paragraph with Hitler info… Very odd. That is Craigslist…

  3. deowll says:

    If automatic updates doesn’t push SP2 down tonight I may get around to downloading it in a few days.

    The Russians might be looking for control of the Russian end of the business. Who knows?

    AT&T is just trying to cut out the middle man.

    They’ve sold smart phones before and not everybody is an Apple fan.

  4. Peter H says:

    There’s a problem with Bing. There is already a company in Australia called Bing, and I’m sure they may throw a spanner in the works if they use the same name! I’m sure Microsoft don’t want to have different names in different countries. When will the US look for trade marks outside their own borders before naming something?


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