Woman arrested with unusual object in pants – ABC10

BROOKSVILLE, FL — The clerk at the 7-11 in Brooksville must have done a double take when Brittany Gariepy walked to the check out counter. She had an obvious bulge in her britches where there should not be one on a woman.

The clerk suspected shoplifting and called Hernando County Sheriff’s deputies. Gariepy was arrested for shoplifting a Big Mama’s pickled sausage.

Har! A Big Mama’s Pickled Sausage!

  1. Number 6 says:

    I can think of another way she could have hidden that better … think Clinton and cigars.

  2. Nimby says:

    #1 – Number 6 – The cigar at least benefited from the humidity. What your suggesting would benefit nothing – except maybe the lady.

  3. Gwendle says:


    What does this have to do with a woman jamming something into her crotch area? Please stay on the topic of shoplifting things in the crotch area.

  4. Number 6 says:

    # 4 Gwendle – Maybe #3 is suggesting we all smuggle food into N. Korea to help alleviate the starving. Mind you, all the travelers walking funny as they get off the airplane would probably give us away.

  5. Comacho for President says:

    I’ll post here for you Sarah Palin supports and hmmm… Obama supporters. North Korea is gonna be communist whether your mama Palin or papa Obama is in power. How else will you feed the American arms manufacturers and run the military base down below called South Korea?

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    My buddy came over to see me last week. He told me he had just lost his job at the pickle factory.

    “What happened” I asked?

    “Well I was fired for putting my dick in the pickle slicer” he answered.

    “OOoo”, I said wincing, “and what did they do with the pickle slicer”?

    “They fired her too”.

  7. Nimby says:

    #7 – You will be punished for that. Alfie will spew some Alex Jones at you.

  8. BubbaRay says:

    #7, Mr. Fusion, thanks for the good one!


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