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This is a very interesting use of Google earth and Google maps. And appropriate for this holiday.
This Memorial Day I would like to share with you a personal project of mine that uses Google Earth to honor the more than 5,700 American and Coalition servicemen and women that have lost their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan. I have created a map for Google Earth that will connect you with each of their stories—you can see photos, learn about how they died, visit memorial websites with comments from friends and families, and explore the places they called home and where they died.
Found by Alexander Omhof.
why would you honour anyone that went off to go and slaughter a bunch of civilians?
Hmmmm, what’s the word?
Anyway, the blame goes to the ones who made them go to conflict on so many lies. Can’t you see that?
#1 eaze,
Bush and Blair should take a look at it.
#3 its nice to see you have a rational counter argument.
so you think the 2,000,000+ killed was a good job done then?
if so, then FUCK YOU.
i bet you’d think diferently if that happened to America and it was your innocent family and friends killed.
Whaap – remember opinions are like assholes – and ease is one prison bitch of an asshole.
ease – you’re a coward, you know that right? I mean really late at night when you’re all alone you know you’re a coward. I suggest tonight you just go ahead and hang yourself, you’ll be free from a life of total cowardice.
Bye Bye!
Wow – not only are you a coward – but you can’t count!
Stupid and a coward – don’t wait – just pop yourself now.
its amazing how the brainwashing actually works on you idiots. yes im a coward for standing up against the killing of innocent civilians and putting our own peoples lives at risk, what a coward i am.
Bushed, you’re telling someone they can’t count, you do realize its “eaze”, not “ease”. This is stupid, ad hominem is used by people who can’t focus on the actual argument.
Everyone forgot about the facts, why did terrorism ever start? Its because people wanted it, our leaders dragged us to war. These soldiers were patriotic and brave and if there is someone to blame, it is to be the govenment. Every politician is a fake bastard, because that is how politics works.
those numbers are way off..
I believe it was the end of of 2007 begining of
2008, when, in a conversation with a mate
who is an active duty air force surgeon
told me the number was closer to 7600.
and he mentioned a lot of deaths that have been “moved to a different category” so as to keep the initial count down..
that aside…they should put the number of civilian deaths up on a map..
that would make our numbers pale in comparison
death knows no colour.
#10 7,600? they basically blew up the entire county.
if you go to iraqbodycount.org you will see 100,000 DOCUMENTED civilian deaths. Of course the documented number being way below the actual number for multiple reasons.
I’m still sticking with 2,000,000+
also great points by #9 i’ll accept that the majority of soldiers were brave and did think they were fighting for their country. thats why i dont think they should be arrested. but in my eyes, they still killed innocents despite believing they were doing the right thing and that does not deserve honour. in a way they were victims as well.
The US servicemen who have died in Afghanistan and Iraq (and elsewhere) deserve our respect because they went there when ordered, and died (in most cases) fighting for the guy on their left or right.
As for the 2,000,000+ number that eaze has pulled out of his enormous arse: the “iraqbodycount.org” numbers were calculated by doing a survey in parts of Iraq, then extrapolating the numbers for the rest of the country. They basically went door-to-door asking “do you know anyone who got killed?, how many?” – So some people said 5 or 6, others said 20-50 (including the same 5 or 6 mentioned by their next-door neighbor). So the count cannot be accurate.
100,000 could be too high, but it could be too low. 2,000,000+ is about 10% of the population, and I think the media would have noticed the bodies piled up.
#12 LOL you gave me a good laugh there. i’m sure the MEDIA wouldnt mislead you. you need to listen to No Agenda man!
i didnt actually pull the number out of my arse, its written on the board in London, Parliament Square where the war guy is. that guy seems to be genuine as hell, but no i cant back it up.
what i can do is bookmark this post, ask the guy next time im in london, and report back.
the country was blown to bits though, i wouldn’t be surprised if 15 or 20% of the population was wiped out.
A little perspective here:
1939 Population of Germany – around 70 million.
German civilian deaths in WWII – around 1.5 million.
(And this was a country that REALLY WAS blown to bits.)
2009 population of Iraq – around 30 million.
Iraqi civilian deaths 2003-2009 – not definitively known, but 2 million sounds awfully high.
The real question is – are the civilian deaths justified, given the end result (i.e. the removal of a despotic leader). That’s where the pacifists and those who believe in the policiy realpolitik will just have to disagree.
#9 Kayenath
Actually I used the “ease” spelling on purpose i.e. its easy to criticize when you haven’t done shit. Thanks for walking into it!
ease – you’re still a coward – just nip off and pop yourself – that would be a real service!
2,000,000 lol! – where do you’re numbers come from? Dumb ass!!! – or should I say out of your ass?
Keep prattling children – its amusing!!
P.S. – Ease – try pushing your finger in your eye till you hit brain – wait a minute, on second thought go back to strangling yourself – your brain is too small.
P.P.S – Napalm sticks to babies – Iraqi ones are tasty too.
#15 i admitted in #13 where my numbers came from, and i also admitted that i cant back them up. i also explained where the guy is that i believe can back them up.
its funny how you call us children yet you are the one who has failed to respond with a rational argument, and have instead thrown a range of insults. you are only insulting your own intellect with this behaviour.
This debate on this day is offensive in the extreme.
And it was worth it all too! Mission Accomplished! Right Dick?
Honour the soldier, not the war.
I’ve served and fought in combat and I don’t agree with “eaze” but I do support his constitutional right to state his case.
What I don’t understand, are the many assholes who nether have served or risked their life in combat and who would deny “eaze” his constitutional right.
Isn’t that what this country is remembering today. We are remembering the People who honored their oath to “uphold and protect the constitution” with their life.
# 3 Whaap, # 6 Bushed don’t dishonor fallen serviceman and women with your bogus chicken hawk patriotism
pshh.. Soldiers are the ultimate sheeple. And before you flame – I served during the first Gulf ‘war’.
And for what?
You couldn’t do this experiment in Iraq. The map would be just solid yellow. And that’s just the civilians.
Seeing the map, I was immediately struck by how sparsely “hometown’d” the Republican states tended to be. Especially Texas. While the mainly Democratic eastern states, appear to have suffered the larger losses. Now why do you suppose that might be true? Hmmmm?
While I flew our flag at half mast (till noon) mainly to please my veteran dad (WW2). I’m not a war supporter. I don’t wear any part of my old AF uniform around, to inspire others to sign up. Since the 1940s, US wars haven’t been about defending our country or close allies. They’ve been strictly political or economic. So while I honor the sacrifice the soldiers make. I don’t approve or support the wars that their commanders decided would be fitting to fight.
There’s wars you fight because you’re back into a corner, and have no choice. And there are these other wars, that were planned by some military strategists, looking at a map of the world, and saying “well here’s a hot spot we haven’t been to yet”. That’s vile and disgusting to me. And a deliberate waste of human life, just to further the careers and fortunes of those who orchestrate these wars. Who don’t care how many soldiers die for them.
Well Bushed, im sorry for appointing my mistake, but the point is still the point. Ad hominem is arguments.
#21, bobsyeruncle is right. For what reason and logic are these soldiers dying for? For the terrorism we are seemingly increasing?
How can we expect to invade a country and them to just sit there and take it all in? They will fight back, that is why there is a high amount of terrorism. But the soldiers were brave and the leaders were bastard.
War isn’t worth the innocent lives that suffer, the terrorists run away and don’t get the blame, and the people are hated. Children orphaned, women widowed, country vandalized, culture erased, lives lost, for what? Nothing.
#24 i sgree with everything you said, but the ‘terroists’ never existed in the first place. that was just part of the lie.
The above consideration is smart and doesn’t require any supplementary addition. It’s perfect consideration from my side.
Henry Pollick
#25 Eaze..
You seem to have trouble separating those that died in war from those that sent them.
You got what you wanted – a response to a shockingly thoughtless opinion. Now move along, little man.
#27 you clearly didn’t read my post in #11 where i did seperate the soldiers from those that sent them.
the point is that people should have the responsibility to think for themselves instead of blindly taking orders, especially when those orders involve killing people. i’m sure the argument of those giving the orders would be that they never killed anyone, the soldiers did. if you’re a man, you take responsibility for yourself, otherwise you’re nothing. the reason they’re supposed to be fighting in the first place is so everyone has the freedom to think for themselves.
why is that so hard for people like you to understand?