Michio Hoshino, a photographer known for his pictures of bears and other wildlife, was mauled to death by a brown bear on the Kamchatka Peninsula in eastern Russia. He was in his mid-40’s and lived in Fairbanks, Alaska.
This is the last photo he took.
Last Pic of the Day
By McCullough Monday May 25, 2009
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Obama could learn something from this… Sometimes bears will not negotiate.. “ok bear, lets talk about this… ahhhhhh!!!”
Looks photo-shopped to me. Can anyone confirm that this IS the last photo he took?
Uhm, I love fresh sushi.
Kidding aside, that is some real stuff!!! Can’t imagine who (certainly not his family) published this/these pictures.
From Wikipedia:
Michio Hoshino (星野 道夫, Hoshino Michio?, (September 27, 1952-August 8, 1996) was a famous Japanese-born nature photographer. He originally hailed from Ichikawa, Chiba Prefecture.[1]
Called one of the most accomplished nature photographers of our time [2] and compared to Ansel Adams,[citation needed] Hoshino specialized in photographing Alaskan wildlife, and was killed by a brown bear while on assignment in Kurilskoya Lake, Russia in 1996.
Lynn Schooler’s book The Blue Bear relates the story of the author’s friendship with Hoshino, a man he admired greatly for his skill as a photographer and his humanity. Schooler is a wilderness guide who became a photographer in his own right under Hoshino’s tutelage.
A memorial totem pole was raised in Sitka Alaska, on August 8, 2008 the month and day Michio Hoshino was killed, in honor of his work. [2] Relatives and witnesses from Japan, including his widow, attended the ceremony.
Hoshino’s wife and son, only two years old at the time of his death, survive him.
“Hey Booboo, this looks more nutritious than what’s in those picinic baskets.”
oh shit!!!!
“in that brief moment, Michio relized his salmon scented aftershave was a mistake…”
I think they ADDED the tent…
Also, Naturalist carry GUNS, at ALL TIMES..
Esp around bears. its the ONLY equalizer..
Not that it matters anymore, I guess but it’s my feeling the display of this photo is in very bad taste, much like a snuff film.
Then again, watching people get killed is very popular on TV these days, isn’t it?
Rome isn’t so far in the past as we’d like to imagine.
Googling around a little brings up this page which appears to contain the original image of the bear’s head:
Credited as “Grizzly Bear photograph by Dave Hurteau of Field & Stream magazine”.
Conclusion: Our image here is heavily photoshopped, assembled from at least three different images (head and body of the bear, tent) and therefore FAKE.
“I give a mean blow job” says the bear…
“Also, Naturalist carry GUNS, at ALL TIMES..
Esp around bears. its the ONLY equalizer..”
I’m pretty sure that, for the most part, getting shot will only make the bear angry. Well, angrier.
I guess this is debunked now, but the lighting in that photo is all over the place. Also, the photographer was mauled sometime around 4:00 am. I know the sun doesn’t set in some places at certain times of the year, but still, the setting outside the tent looks pretty fully sunlit.
… this also looks like a Grizzly, and according to the article he was mauled to death by a brown bear.
He died doing what he loved – getting eaten by a bear.
To read about other idiots who have been eaten by bears, try this one:
#17 peteDog : grizzlies ARE brown bears. But I agree, this looks like a griz. And it looks photoshopped.
Query: I believe I read that google has become an official verb, I wonder if photoshop is officially recognized? Question 2: If a word enters the lexicon, what does that do to the trademark? Just curious…
I invented the “Mind Your Own Business Theory” for moments like this. When you see a bear out in the woods, you put your hands in your pockets, start whistling and walk the other way. Also works for alligators and coffins opening in strange basements. Leave these animals alone, idiots! They will kill you! Stay home!
If this was a true situation, its called BEAR SPRAY people! Think pepper spray on steroids…would definitely send this bad boy packing the other way at 100 mph. http://udap.com/product.htm
[Please drop the WWW from URLs as WordPress doesn’t display it properly… plus it’s unnecessary. – ed.]
Sometimes Darwin takes a while. I lol’d
We have a new nominee for the 2009 Darwin Awards.
its photoshopped, widely reported and been round the block, sorry but ditch it john
Unfortunately, Snopes has nothing to say.
Diet of the Grizzly Bear (Ursus arctos horribilis)
Grizzly bears are powerful, top-of-the-food-chain predators, yet much of their diet consists of nuts, berries, fruit, leaves, roots and curious photographers.
Bears also eat other animals, from mice to moose. (that is quite a range of sizes)
I have no doubt that this is a real final image by the esteemed photographer and its release honors his work and himself. No idea why someone would waste valuable time photoshopping an image like this, just boggles my mind and thus I discount it.
If that IS a joke it isn’t funny.
Yeap # 11 Zarquod you got it, you found the original image of the bear’s head. I went back and forth and they align up perfectly.
This whole thread should be re-branded under can you caption this photo.
McCullough proporting this to be the last photo of a dead man is stupid and evil, IMHO.
Instead of ‘pic of the day’ or ‘caption this pic’, perhaps there should be a ‘disprove this pic’ title so that would be ‘pic truthers’ can prove their cleverness without having to dis the poster.
I would like to think it’s the last photo of this poor guy. He did some incredible work. If it isn’t I sent it around to a bunch of people who don’t look at Dvorak’s Blog as if it were. Color me bamboozled.