Here’s an example of that. This right wing nutjob calls me up at 11:05 PM Pacific time May 22, 2009 from Alexandria Virginia (2:05 AM his time) and leaves me two voice mail messages. He has his caller ID blocked so he thinks he’s anonymous. I’m guessing that he probably read my letters to the editor that were published in the Washington Times. He calls twice. Here’s what he has to say:

Message 1

Message 2

I figured out who this nutcase is. You can get all the details here about how you can get the caller ID of nutcases who use ID blocking.

  1. qb says:

    I’m so sorry dude

  2. qb says:

    Look on the plus side, you must be doing something right.

  3. Marc Perkel says:

    But the guy is totally caught. He’s busted. I have his name, address and phone number.

  4. Chris Mac says:

    Nice feature from Verizon..

    He doesn’t sound like the brightest bulb on the tree so I can’t tell if he’s drunk or not. I’m guessing he is.
    Stick it too him.


    They have internet access in VA? Who’d a thunk it.

  5. aslightlycrankygeek says:

    I think he must have done a DDOS attack on your server. He sounds like a total lunatic. I would be worried for your safety. Good thing you posted all of his personal information so we can hunt him down when you are gone.

  6. Bob says:

    What the hell is the church of reality? I read the page but don’t get it. Is it a joke or for real?

  7. Luke says:

    Busted for what, being an (ex-America’s finest) asshole?

    To serve, protect, torture, prank call and abuse. Join the Army, ’cause you couldn’t get away with it if you weren’t.

  8. Marc Perkel says:

    I may file a complaint with the Alexandria police department tomorrow morning and see what they have to say. Probably contact Comcast as well since he has a Comcast IP phone.

  9. Marc Perkel says:

    Church of Reality is for real.

  10. qb says:

    I hope you do nail this guy. I’m just thinking that nobody needs that type of crap in their life.

  11. fftspam says:

    You Marc, are a cry baby. Boo Hoo Hoo. Who cares if you have his real name? You state on your website that this is ‘criminal’… whatever. When did leaving a voicemail become criminal? Im sure the PD is going to get right on this.
    Why is this even on Dvorak?
    If I call you a cry baby loser, are you going to sick the PD on me??

  12. Marc Perkel says:

    You know what they say. “Never pick a fight with a blogger who buys data by the terabyte.”

  13. Bob says:

    Oh ok, does the “church” have actual members or just ideas?

  14. Clever technique, but I don’t have an 800 number to forward calls to 🙁

  15. Marc Perkel says:

    I can get you an 800 number if you want. I have my own telephone system. I’m my own phone company.

  16. Marc Perkel says:

    We have thousands of actual members.

  17. faxon says:

    After reading the comments, I don’t even want to know what this post is about. Make it go away.

  18. JimR says:

    Hey Mark… on your site, last para…
    “I don’t know how many other people he calls up to hassas but…”

    Expect an early morning call from the spelling police.

    (Nasty people out there, eh?)

  19. Marc Perkel says:

    Oh no! Not the spelling police!!!!

  20. Ah_Yea says:

    Ok, just creepy. I was trying to figure out what this guy’s rant was all about till I realized he was loopy.

    Dangerous loopy. If he took the time to find your home phone number, you can be sure he also took the time to find your home address.

    I hope you didn’t drink the gun control Kool Aid and passed on having some meaningful personal protection, cause you can be sure he has his bases covered when he knocks on your door.

  21. ECA says:

    Being calm and collected and willing to debate is PART of reality.
    Bad language skills to cover up vulnerabilities is STANDARD for people in the CLOUD.

    He is almost as bad as 1 person I was deriding in the religious conversation..

  22. Floyd says:

    I’m a Vietnam era vet. Unlike the asshole, I don’t really care whether you were in the military or not. That is/was your decision.

    Despite what #11 thinks, the asshole is in trouble now, because of the harassing calls, so the next call you hear from him may be from jail.

  23. bobbo says:

    Crazy people are best avoided.

    Silly to wave this red flag in his face without a definite plan to deal with him.

    Next time—gather information, build a case, if the A-hole doesn’t go away, present a mountain of evidence to the police.

    Half measures that do nothing are for politicians–not people in the real world. Church of Reality????


  24. 2x the stupiditoy says:

    It’s bad enuf that people have to listen to their own worthless phone messages, but then to write about them and listen online to many more is virtually making the communications through these same phone lines redundant.

  25. lividd says:

    How is anything this jerk phone caller said, to be thought as threatening? yeah he’s a dick for sure. I listened to both of his rants but I’ve had worse messages from my own mother in-law and at no time does he say anything like “I’m gonna get ya” or “I’m coming for you” or anything like that. overreact much?

  26. #15 – Marc

    >>I can get you an 800 number if you want. I
    >>have my own telephone system. I’m my own
    >>phone company.


  27. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz says:

    I respect the vets but I don’t like that ones that LOVES to mention that they’re one!


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