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#110 Alfred1
Since the goal of our PC media was to get Obama elected there is not a chance a video of him applauding a beheading would get played 24/7. Having him bare-chested running on a beach is more their style.
#109 – ‘temptie
>>Now that the dust has cleared and Obama is
>>president for life,
Why is he president for life? Are you saying that Heart Attack Cheney doesn’t have what it takes, and won’t be able to achieve his dream of worldwide domination in ’12? And that Naughty Librarian Palin won’t be able to memorize the names of a couple of national newspapers and Supreme Court cases, or will be too busy cleaning up the mess of Bristol’s “abstinence only” approach to family planning? I would think that with all these “scandals” Rush and his cronies are revealing about Obie, just about ANYONE would be a shoe-in the next time around. Even Joe the “plumber”. Provided he can get a license by election day.
>>we discover a lot of material was suppressed
>>by many news organizations. A government run
>>propaganda machine could have done as much.
Could you provide a few examples of this Soviet-style censorship practiced by Obama’s campaign? So far, we have the tempest of the neocons’ anger in the teapot of some guy who didn’t release a video because he promised he would not release it in order to get it. He WROTE about it, he just didn’t post it on YouTube.
So. What else have you got up your sleeve?
#113 Mister Mustard
>>Why is he president for life?
Unless Obama decides to go after the 22nd amendment this is an inference to his obsession with tearing down our way of life. This creating the nation in his own image is not part of the job description yet we will have to live with his madness for the rest of our life.
I know you seek to justify Obama’s actions by tossing up the names of Cheney, Palin, Rush and even Joe the Plumber, but this is not a defense. No matter how you try to divert attention Obama is in charge and the one running us over the proverbial cliff.
>>Could you provide a few examples of this Soviet-style censorship practiced by Obama’s campaign?
I know you consider this already settled but I would like to see Obama’s birth certificate with a delivering doctor’s signature and a location.
The media revealed a “Certificate of Live Birth” which is NOT a Birth Certificate therefore not adequate proof he is really a citizen.
#114 – ‘temptie
What Obama is doing, in my opinion (and the opinion of most other Americans, as evidenced by polls) is BUILDING BACK UP our way of life, making it something we can be proud of, rather than the cesspool that it had become. We have eight Years of Darkness to overcome, and that’s a job in and of itself. And He Who Came Before The Darkness (Clinton) was pretty good, but he spent more time figuring out what to do with his willie (and how to get it out of the pickles he put it in) than he should have.
Now, finally, we have a real leader, someone people trust and respect, and it just frosts the neocons’ cookies to see that happen. As to the names I “toss up” (Cheney, Palin, Rush, Joe the Plumber), doesn’t that just about cover the entire GOP waterfront? Is there a Repub of note on the national scene that I have missed?
As to Obama’s alleged non-citizen status, good Lord. Not only did I think it was already settled, so did the right-wing talk show pundits, the anti-Obama holy rollers, the allegers of secret Mulim leaning, and the hole rest of the right-wing wack jobs. Even THEY do not continue to harp on this non-issue. BTW, “the media” did not “reveal” the Certificate of Live Birth, that’s what Obama provided. Because that’s what there is. Do you suppose he (with the complicity of The Media) is concealing his real Soviet birth certificate or something??
And if that’s the best example of “censorship” you can come up with, I think the case is closed. Even that little non-issue was replayed over and over and over again in The Media. If they were trying to cover it up, they sure did a piss-poor job.
I vote for Obama because I was praying for change from the totally corrupt and disastrous Bush “administration”, and because I NEVER want to see an even stupider, more inept freak like Sarah Palin get anywhere NEAR the White House.
That said, I am incredibly disappointed by Obama. He’s turning into a more eloquent, erudite tool of the New World Order elite than George Bush. He’s their multi-culti face of deception whose gonna put all of us peons in our feudal serf-like place. All of you progressive or liberal folks who actually believe that Obama is going to “help” the ordinary working people of this country are living in a beautiful misty fantasy that ain’t gonna happen.
Obama has picked Wall Street insiders – the very people who broke the banks – to try to “fix” the economy, which has actually resulted in the biggest bank heist in history. Yes, I know this started under Bush & Cheney, but the bottom line is – they are literally distant cousins, and belong to the SAME RULING CLASS that doesn’t give a crap about WE The People.
Obama is actually expanding the war in Afghanistan and will probably take several years (if ever) to wrap up Iraq. I’m not holding my breath. He’s not going to investigate any of the appalling corruption and incompetencies of the Bush era because….HE HAS NO PRINCIPLES. Therefore, he doesn’t give a crap about right and wrong.
He’s not going to enforce the rule of law by giving these guys in Gitmos actual TRIALS. Oh, how we have devolved over 60 years. We actually charged NAZIS, the most evil people the world has ever seen, with crimes and gave them TRIALS. And we didn’t torture them…at all. In any way, shape or form. But that was back when we still had a civilized society with some self respect and respect for rule of law. Now we don’t even pretend to these things.
Obama is not getting rid of CIA rendition, and he’s probably not getting rid of a lot of things that will remain hidden. Nor is he investigating anything. These guys in Gitmo most of whom were probably sold down the river by enemies of their families for an American bounty of thousands of dollars, will just rot there in prison with no charges ever brought against them, nor trials given to them. And this happened after WE invaded THEIR country, and they rose up to defend their own country, just as we would do here. I know they’re Muslims and we’ve been trained to hate them, and I don’t like them either frankly, but…hey…are they WORSE than the Nazis?????? Believe me, if they can do it to the guys in Gitmo……they can do it to YOU, and that’s the ultimate plan. Destroy America and the rest of the world falls.
Obama is doing NOTHING to help the average American. He is giving all our money to already obscenely rich bankers, he’s not helping to bring back American business such as autos, steel, textiles,etc – anything that might keep ordinary Americans employed and upwardly mobile. He has no plan to do this and it’s obviously not a priority.
So open your eyes America, especially you deceived progressives. Obama is not one of you, he’s not playing a coy game to somehow get past the right wing. He believes this stuff. This is what he is: a representative and functionary of the ruling elite of the world, who no longer have countries or allegiances other than to their own small class. Their goal is total ownership and total dominance. Get used to thinking in these terms as it’s gonna become increasingly obvious even to the blind as Obama’s administration grinds on.
#115 Mister Mustard
>>“the media” did not “reveal” the Certificate of Live Birth, that’s what Obama provided. Because that’s what there is.
That presents another question – if he was born in the US why doesn’t he have a Birth Certificate? I have one, you have one, why not just show it and this would not even be a point of interest.
I would also like to see his grades during his stint in the Ivy League. Another hidden set of records (I’m detecting a pattern) not being revealed. Truth it’s fairly obvious why Obama keeps his grades hidden from the public. There is no way he could have passed a test without a teleprompter or cheat notes.
I think Maddow has a point that this COULD be bad, but I expect Obama to do the right thing.
He went out of his way to say that whatever we did, there needs to be due the upholding of our American values abot justice — exactly NOT what Bush and the conservatives believe.
I have ALWAYS conceded the conservatives point on one issue: these new breed of non-state warriors aren’t traditional soldiers nor are they common criminals.
The conservative solution? Therefore, we can do ANYTHING we want to them! beat them, disappear them, murder them, ram glow sticks up their butts, flush their holy scriptures, rape their wives — ANYTHING.
My answer is that we need a new judicial process for them that honors our traditional American values (habeas corpus, presumption of innocence, due process, rules of evidence, etc.) but still keep the guilty, dangerous people in prison.
Obama basically said this in his speech — not as clearly as me — but he included all the elements.
I’m getting confused on the conservative talking point.
Is Obama a commie leftist terrorist radical who is DESTROYING all the great stuff conservatives did for America?
Or is he just another Bush, affirming all the great stuff conservatives did for America?
This can be so confusing!
Why don’t the “birth certificate gang” just admit that they can’t believe that a brown person with a funny name could be a real American.
“That presents another question – if he was born in the US why doesn’t he have a Birth Certificate? I have one, you have one, why not just show it and this would not even be a point of interest.”
That’s what a Certificate of Live Birth is. It’s not the original birth certificate, no, but it’s what you get when you ask for it at your state office. Go ahead, ask for yours, we’ll wait.
And if you’re seriously suggesting every single American citizen (or American-born American citizen) has their original birth certificate on hand, I suggest you are seriously off your rocker.
“I would also like to see his grades during his stint in the Ivy League. Another hidden set of records (I’m detecting a pattern) not being revealed. Truth it’s fairly obvious why Obama keeps his grades hidden from the public. There is no way he could have passed a test without a teleprompter or cheat notes.”
Dude. He was president of the Harvard Law Review. This is not a position one gets lightly.
#117 – ‘temptie
>>I would also like to see his grades during
>>his stint in the Ivy League. Another hidden
>>set of records (I’m detecting a pattern) not
>>being revealed. Truth it’s fairly obvious why
>>Obama keeps his grades hidden from the
Gosh. He hid them so well, I didn’t even know he was hiding them!! Outstanding! I assumed the fact that he graduated from Harvard Law School magna cum laude, and that he was editor then president of the Harvard Law Review meant that they must have been pretty good.
You’re saying not so, huh? The Ivy League is complicit in awarding the highly coveted magna cum laude distinction on mediocre-to-poor students?
Yikes! Who knew! And how did he manage to keep that disgrace under wraps? Dumbya’s crappy grades were dragged out into the public purview for everyone to lampoon (of course, he validated his crappy grades time and again himself, in the public forum). How did Obie keep the lid shut so tight?
#120 Greg Allen
I don’t understand how seeing a person’s birth certificate can be considered racist – as you suggest – before making him president.
In fact it might be considered racist because you insist on protecting him for no other reason than he has brown skin and a funny name.
Doesn’t it bother you that he is making up the rules as he goes along? I know your politically correct indoctrination doesn’t allow for such things, but you’ll care when he finally gets around to you. Of course by then it will be too late.
#117 – ‘temptie
>>if he was born in the US why doesn’t he have
>>a Birth Certificate? I have one, you have
>>one, why not just show it and this would not
>>even be a point of interest.
Uh, I just went and looked at mine. It does not say “Birth Certificate”; it says “Certificate of Birth”. I have one I got about 30 years ago, and a replacement (thought I had lost the first one) I got two years ago. Neither one says “Birth Certificate”.
And with minimal inferential logic, one can assume that a “Certificate of Birth” is the same thing as a “Certificate of Live Birth”, inasmuch as I wasn’t born dead.
Is my citizenship in question now too??
#124 Mister Mustard
>>And with minimal inferential logic, one can assume that a “Certificate of Birth” is the same thing as a “Certificate of Live Birth”
When they purposely design loopholes for certain people or groups – when it comes to the law, lawyers and politicians, nothing is assumed.
#125 – Fredo
>>They weren’t upset when the word abortion was
>>discovered therein.
No one ever “discovered” abortion in the Constitution. Just like they never “discovered” tin foil, YouTube, microwave ovens, iPods, or engine-powered lawn mowers. In the Constitution.
That’s why a Constitutional argument cannot be made for invading people’s liberty by banning those things, just like none can be made for banning abortion.
Basic liberties have ALWAYS been in the Constitution; the fundamental problem is that the Dittoheads seek to deny their existence. To no avail.
Why don’t you go have a sweetened iced tea or something? Your gibbering is becoming not only annoying to the rest of the world, but an embarrassment to you.
i dont have time to read all these comments but #18 clearly doesnt have a clue.
theres 2 things about this:
1) the obvious of obama working for the same men as bush
2) rachel scoring brownie points with the naive
#126–contempt for all logic and reason:==who is this “they” you refer to? Evidently, you define “loophole” as anything you can’t understand with common english and they is who you blame?
Whadda dolt!
#125–Alfie==getting tripped up on your own dogma as usual?
Within the penumbra of personal liberty protected by the Constitution, the Court has identified the right to an abortion.
You think this is the same “right to have preventative detention?”
Hah, hah. THY are so wrong. Sad you can’t tell “same things” from “different things.” It helps explain so much.
# 116, Originally I would have thought you another nut case. Your “New World Order elite” is a bit wacky and too conspiratorial, but; over all you make some valid observations, and; given the turn of events your analysis is too far off base.
Basically Obama is turning out to be another Constitutional Professor who is too much a coward to defend it’s very precepts. The very precepts many of my friends have died in WAR to protect.
I propose we only elect people who have “demonstrated real life and actual acts” of defending constitutional precepts, not just talking eloquent or teaching about them.
Again Obama is a coward, a coward who is too much a coward to defend America’s Constitutional precepts. Did I say that Obama is a coward!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BRM – I’m a hundred or so comments late and I got bored to death with this thread somewhere around #90 or so. Inasmuch as I have not read the entire conversation, please forgive me if someone else has already pointed this out to you. Oral contraceptives do NOT impede implantation of the fertilized egg. They merely fool the body into thinking it has not taken place and then stimulate the sloughing off of the endometrium – and the zygote – at the usual place in the woman’s normal cycle. So, you could say the birth control pill is sometimes an abortion pill. Guess you’ll have to redefine life again…
#123, ‘tempt,
I don’t understand how seeing a person’s birth certificate can be considered racist – as you suggest – before making him president.
Simply because the Secratary of State for Hawaii has verified it as valid. Every Court that has heard this argument has dismissed it with prejudice as frivolous. Every person with Alphie’s intelligence or better laughs.
I didn’t see anyone demanding McCain produce his Birth Certificate?
#131, nonsense,
Again Obama is a coward, a coward who is too much a coward to defend America’s Constitutional precepts. Did I say that Obama is a coward!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are really going out on a limb with that one. Plus you don’t have an effen clue what the eff you are talking about.
No reason, just scream the President is a coward. You must attend the same school as Alphie and traashh.
#134–Alfie==I know this is a waste of time but your argument/understanding of the issues is wholly made up by yourself without the context of the relevant history that applies.
I’ll give you but one hint: there is no “baby” until birth. And that is what Roe v Wade was all about: What rights apply at what stage of development.
I doubt you have ever read any part of Roe v Wade, or if you did, your vocabulary is so dogmatic/skewed you didn’t/can’t understand the balance the court was trying and did successfully find.
So nice to have one’s mind made up when “thinking” about an issue.
the bottom line is that Obama, like many pols, is not as advertised. Many who followed his past knew this but the media didn’t want to vet who he really was because they wanted him as their president. They did the same thing with Bill Clinton as clearly fictionalized by Joe Klein in his book Primary Colors (which pretty much was a non fiction book of what Clinton was really like).
The question now is if the media, other than Maddow, will pick up on this illusion brought forth by Obama and point out how much of a hypocrite he is. I seriously doubt it as I doubt Maddow will continue to rip Obama. Remember, Obama brought in Rahm “twinkle toes” Emmanuel for a reason and that reason is to keep people in line.
# 135 Mr. Fusion,
There is no limb; it’s solid ground, I am on.
The question to you # 135 Mr. Fusion and other of your deluded ilk, is:: With people being sent to WAR and DIEING to defend their oath to defend the U.S. Constitution; you think, it brave of Obama not to have the political courage to stand up for what has been historically right in AMERICA?
Q: Historically are America’s Constitutional precepts sufficient to address the issues with Guantanamo Bay, Cuba detainees? And, what did Obama believe during his campaign about America’s Constitutional precepts being sufficient to address to address the issues with detainees?
Q: Is Obama now using the constitutional framework to address the issues with detainees at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
A: No.
Q: What changed Obama mind?
A: When confronting the current political powers in Washington, Obama backed down.
Since unlike G Bush, Obama is not an ideologue his views will bend with the prevailing political winds.
As a HARVARD TRAINED (wasn’t Bush also HARVARD TRAINED) constitutional law professor, Obama should know better.
In my mind, someone who won’t stand up for what is right, like Obama, is a COWARD, especially when they know better!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What is it about the recent HARVARD TRAINING that creates such AMERICAN Political MISFITS and COWARDS?
#134 – Fredo
>>Clearly the roe vs wade decision was unsound.
Whoa, once you’re appointed to the Supreme Court, we’re ALL fucked.
Personal liberty will become a quaint historical notion (like “privacy”), to be viewed at the Smithsonian.
For now, it must be a real bitch for you to have to live with the fact that other people have the freedom to do something that you choose not to do.
#138 – Warden
>>The question now is if the media, other than
>>Maddow, will pick up on this illusion brought
>>forth by Obama and point out how much of a >>hypocrite he is.
Ah Warden. You see a vast left-wing cabal, closing ranks to protect their favorite sone, where there is no vast left-wing cabal.
Sheesh. You think this is unusual, some kind of aberration, that the progressive media criticizes a “lefty” politician?
You need to get out more.
Everyone from the New York Times to HuffPo is critical of Obie’s decision on this one, although those in the top half of the class recognize that he’s caught between a rock and a hard place.
This sort of self-criticism is de rigeur among those with the intellectual honesty to withstand a frank and open evaluation of their own actions.
It’s only the neoconservative automotons, who can do nothing more than shout “DITTO!” when Rush speaks, who seek to cover up the consequences of actions performed by their leaders.
That’s why it will be generations (if ever) before a clown as inept, ignorant, and stupid as Dumbya ever makes it into a position of national authority again.
Obama does change his mind. He has changed his ill formed views to the ones that Bush espoused. Obama is pretty much keeping the same terrorist policies a bush but just renaming them to make them sound nicer.
But, I believe Obama never intended to change the Bush policies. Let’s not forget that Bush purposely included Obama and Clinton in his breifings about what was going on during the primaries. Bush didn’t have to do this but he felt he was obligated to do so. And by doing so, Obama knew full well that he couldn’t go through with his rhetoric even though he had to keep talking his none sense to appease the leftist idiots who wanted “change.”
“the constitutional rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness are all denied to the child in the womb.fetus…”
Quote me in the Constitution of the United States where “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”, are mentioned.