Everything you know about Iran is wrong, or at least more complicated than you think. Take the bomb. The regime wants to be a nuclear power but could well be happy with a peaceful civilian program (which could make the challenge it poses more complex). What’s the evidence? Well, over the last five years, senior Iranian officials at every level have repeatedly asserted that they do not intend to build nuclear weapons. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has quoted the regime’s founding father, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, who asserted that such weapons were “un-Islamic.” […] Now, of course, they could all be lying. But it seems odd for a regime that derives its legitimacy from its fidelity to Islam to declare constantly that these weapons are un-Islamic if it intends to develop them.

Iranians aren’t suicidal. In an interview last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described the Iranian regime as “a messianic, apocalyptic cult.” In fact, Iran has tended to behave in a shrewd, calculating manner, advancing its interests when possible, retreating when necessary. […] The argument made by those—including many Israelis for coercive sanctions against Iran is that many in the regime have been squirreling away money into bank accounts in Dubai and Switzerland for their children and grandchildren. These are not actions associated with people who believe that the world is going to end soon.

And so on, with more examples. While Iran may hate the West’s standards and practices, Israel’s paranoia outweighs what may be reality in our planning for the worst. Or is this article wishful thinking?

  1. Jopie says:

    # 17
    “…the hell hole that Iran has become since that insane theocracy took control. If they get close to obtaining the bomb, take them out.”

    You DO know how they got that control in the first place right?

  2. Floyd says:

    #28: A little 20th-21st Centuries history:


    It’s complicated. Part of it is about oil, part is nuclear power, part is about the Shahs, and part is Shiite religion.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    #27, benson,

    How many American financed rockets, artillery shells, and bombs were fired and dropped on Palestinian land in the past year? I’ll bet you it was several multiples the quantity and many tens of the power.

    Oh wait. Idiots like you never respond to questions like that. You just make up a stooopid number and hide.

  4. Nimby says:

    As David (#22) said, Ahmadinejead is quite likely to be voted out in the next elections. He is one of the apocalyptic Muslims and even the Ayatollah seems moderate compared to him. As Prez of Iran, he does not worry me. As the ex-prez, he will worry me. What HAS he been doing with the output of all those centrifuges? And I’m not worried about high tech nuclear explosions. I’m concerned about low tech dirty bombs ruining Israel AND the Gaza and maybe Egypt and Jordan and…

  5. cgp says:

    Why is it odd to not trust arabs and/or persians?

    In terms of entry into the nuke club a bit of two-faced commentary and hard work will get you there real fast.

    What is it with the focus on one man Ahmadingdongwhatever? There are cues of lookalikes/soundalikes/actalikes that the holy men will push forward to replace him. The liberal opposition is just show.

  6. soundwash says:

    People…Wake the heck up.

    the answers lie in the recent history
    of events..

    This has nothing to do with nukes…if anyone recalls, NIE reports said Iran had abandoned their Nuclear ambitions in 2003. -this was reassessed again by the NIE in 2007.

    -All 16 U.S. intelligence agencies had again
    “Judged with high confidence that in fall 2003, Tehran had halted it’s nuclear weapons program”

    Obama, while campaigning in Dec 2007 said:

    “The [new] National Intelligence Estimate makes a compelling case for less saber rattling and more direct diplomacy”

    -yet now he is doing a 180 on that comment.
    You think Obama cares what the facts are?

    Did Bush care with Iraq?

    Bush admitted “We have no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved in the 11 September attacks” [BBC Sept, 18, 2003]

    -neither did he have any evidence that
    Bin Laden had anything to do with 9/11.
    (see his most wanted poster at fbi.gov)

    Confused? That’s the idea..

    This is all just lies and saber rattling
    to validate our U.S. troops being dragged into yet another monetary/resource war. -This time to support Israel’s planned attack on Iran come this October when the new deadline is

    More importantly, Iran, like Iraq, has
    never had anything to do with WMD’s, Nukes
    or any other weapons in context of recent
    U.S. claims.

    Specifically, this about preserving the
    U.S. Dollar hegemony as the global reserve currency. -This means making sure that Oil, is traded in nothing but “petrodollars” -and that a large portion of all Oil trades are recycled back into long term US Treasuries to keep funding that nasty Debt habit we’ve been programmed to embrace by The Fed’s Policies.

    In August of 2000 Saddam abandoned the USD
    petrodollar and switched to euro’s to settle all Oil trades. (Saddam forgot who let him stay in power in the Gulf War. [or maybe, -he didn’t])

    this is why Bush pressed the Intelligence
    agencies to connect Iraq to Al Qaeda and 9/11.
    -even though everyone but John Q. Public
    knew this not to be true.

    In 2007 Iran, moved to trading it’s oil in non-USD currency. Euros, rials, yen, anything but dollars.

    In February 17, 2008, Iran’s introduced
    it’s Internet based Iranian Oil Bourse
    (IOB) trading “window” as it were.

    This is causing extreme pressure on U.S. Treasuries by damaging the
    petrodollar-to-Treasury recycling scheme

    In the eyes of the U.S. of A and Federal Reserve’s monetary policy, Iran’s oil
    economy and credibility must be destabilized
    to our favour.

    Still not convinced? well, maybe the reason Israel, Cheney and Obama are so convinced that Iran is still pursuing nukes is because of the fact that they all know that Cheney’s Halliburton has a long history of illegally selling Iran nuclear technology as far back as 1995..(!)

    -no joke.

    Google “Halliburton Charged with selling Nuclear Technology to Iran”

    -pad your chin so it doesn’t get bruised
    when it hits the floor.

    You will find all the evidence you need to smell a skunk in the works..

    (don’t feel too bad, i did not discover this until about a year ago)

    Want overwhelming proof of this Fed/Banker backed monetary policy that has been blacked out by US media?

    Google “petrodollar warfare”

    Wiki has a good starting article on it..
    from there well, its maddening trip down the rabbit hole of enlightenment.

    Just to add a little spice to this reality..

    Did you know that Iran is one of the few
    countries left with a State owned Central Bank?

    You know the Banker Barons and the IMF are just chomping at the bit to destabilize Iran
    so they can secure Iran’s oil fields as collateral for IMF loans. -then send it down a path similar to the IMF’s masterful destruction and acquisition of Argentina.

    (Iraq was immune too, but well, we already know what happen to Saddam and Iraq for challenging the USD Hegemony..

    People.. wake up. Research this stuff and
    save your findings to your HD. Learn the
    truth. Enable others to learn it as well.

    Stop the needless destruction of our troops,
    our way of life, as well as other Sovereign Nations.

    Demand that those who have corrupted our government, who have sworn to uphold and protect the Constitution be held accountable in the highest courts of our nation.

    Starting in June, -2009 will be the tipping point for the United Sates. Everything is starting to accelerate and escalate very
    fast. Soon economic and international events will start stacking up faster than we can keep track of them. -time appears to be speeding up.

    We have hot blooded threats escalating from
    the Flu, Israel, Iran, Pakistan, and coupled
    with North Korea playing missiles and nukes.

    At home we have the falling dollar, the Commercial Real Estate and Treasury Bubbles
    about to pop, followed by ARM and ALT-A mortgage resets and elevating unemployment.

    -not to mention a White House and Congress
    taking extremism to new levels in redefining
    domestic terrorism to be so vague as to include just about everybody who is passionate about the well being of our country, including
    returning Veterans.

    Act now and keep a cool head in the coming months. what ever you do, not give up anymore Liberties, no matter what is claimed.

    -we already have given up too much, and have
    more than enough laws to handle every contingency imaginable.

    -stock up.


  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    #36, soundwash,

    Did you know that Iran is one of the few
    countries left with a State owned Central Bank?

    On the contrary, most countries own and control their Central Bank. The US is one of the few that do not.

    This was the clue that finally showed you are a conspiracy nut.

  8. Patrick says:

    # 37 Mr. Fusion said, “On the contrary, most countries own and control their Central Bank. The US is one of the few that do not.”

    Correct, and is the root cause of our financial meltdown.

  9. “Fearmongering”

    Its not wrong, it is unfounded.

    Ahmadinejad is not looking to eat our lunch, but rather to end the tyranny that is The Corporatocracy.

    “Today in Tehran (24th May 2009) Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad held a trilateral summit with Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari and Afghan President Hamid Karzai. The three agreed to an official statement in which they pledged, among other things, to work together to eliminate all terrorism in the region.” – http://news.antiwar.com/2009/05/24/summit-shows-iran-a-regional-power/

    It is good to realize that the Corporatocracy who creates the illusion of a democracy is loosing it’s strangle hold in this new paradigm.

    With the backing of China and Russia, maybe now The Old World Order can finally be laid to rest freeing the people of the earth from its tyranny.

    The death of The Old World Order will be violent, but freedom is on the horizon.

    An Above Top Secret Forum Member (ATS) asked:

    “Was the 911 ritual the creation of a star gate?”

    One claiming to be a member of a social memory complex known as Lucifer (Hidden_Hand) replied:

    “No, it was a Ritual Human Sacrifice. That, and the obvious catalyst for the so called “War on Terror”.”

    Crapola? Reserve your judgement until you have read it for yourself.

    I will not be returning to this post. Therefore, if you have comment regarding mine, please use the Contact Us on my website,

    Thank you,


  10. Nimby says:

    Travis / Soundwash:

    I think a little less Alex Jones is in order.

  11. Glenn E. says:

    If the US planned to make war with every country that talked about wiping Israel off the map. The earth would be a cinder by now. Practically every nation on that side of the Atlantic hates Israel’s guts. Probably because Israel makes a point of selling arms to everyone else’s enemies. And Israel has had “the bomb”, for years now. But gets a little nervous when any of its neighbors wants to keep up with the Jonez.

  12. soundwash says:

    #38 Mr Fusion:

    yes, i got sidetracked with stuff around the house. i knew that there are quite state owned banks, but could not come up with the right keywords to frame the central bank issue correctly.

    more importantly, (i have not checked though)
    i believe all “westernized nations” have given up the right to coin their own money and are under control of private central banks.

    and well whatayaknow, any state under control of a private central bank is currently bankrupt or in major debt while most all those under state control [or have escaped the clutches of the IMF Debt Machine] have surplus, some hugely so. [and consequently
    are always attacked as ebil empires, by western media]

    don’t believe me?

    -look at State owned central banks
    countries and then look at how they are portrayed by our media. -and yeah,
    i don’t believe in coincidences.

    As for a conspiracy nut:

    all the sources i checked to backup up
    my statements were either respected
    financial journalist or mainstream
    news articles that were buried.

    i fail to see how any of what i said
    could be considered conspiracy based.
    what i said has been in the public forum
    for *years*

    of course, knowing that you still subscribe to the left-right partridge explains your blind
    faith in mainstream opinion. -towing the party line, as it were.

    turn off your TV, stop watching mainstream
    news and maybe you’ll finally see that the reality you think is real, is in fact, completely fabricated.

    next i suppose you’ll tell me that there
    is no such thing as a “New World Order”



    [I apologize for not providing links
    to articles. I have not had the time
    to troubleshoot how/why the copy & paste
    function has been disabled on my PC.

    any and all restoration functions from
    system restore to 3rd party backups
    have also been nullified, short of
    completely overwriting the disk.

  13. soundwash says:

    wth? replace “left-right partridge”
    with left-right paradigm.



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