MOBILE, Ala. – A page showing fire, severe weather, and flooding, all disasters that can have an impact on a family, especially children. All of these disasters were featured in a coloring book on the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s website, designed to help children cope with disasters. But one page has parents taking the colors away. It’s an illustration of the World Trade Center Towers in New York. One of the towers has smoke coming out of it while a plane looks to be heading towards the other.

“They like to color happy pictures not pictures like that I don’t think I would like to give my child these kids of pictures to color,” said parent Brandy Greer.

Another parent, who was from New York, couldn’t believe the scene was in something intended for such young minds. She said she thinks the picture might actually scare a child, since most might now understand the horror of 9/11. “I think there could be better solutions, for a small child that’s coloring. How would they color that to be honest? That’s not something I’d put in a coloring book,” she said. She said if you feel your kids need to know about what happened the best way she can think of is how she handled it when 9/11 happened right in her backyard, “To talk to them, that’s the best way to talk to them.”

Just recently, the National FEMA site took the coloring book down. There are others that don’t include anything with 9/11 still on the site.

Is this a case of poor judgment or fear mongering to keep the kiddies in line?

  1. bobbo says:

    Over and over again, on most issues, the kiddies flat don’t know enough to care.

    Its always the parents.

  2. Jägermeister says:

    Does CIA provide a kids book? Hey kids… let’s paint the terrorist being waterboarded!

  3. Uh Huh says:

    What…no falling stick figures for the kids to color?

  4. Traaxx says:

    Well, it’s better than the sexual education coloring books. Or the books showing timmy with two dads.

    I’d be interested in the CIA coloring book, oh yeah they already have one it’s called ‘Spy vs Spy’..Hee, hee


  5. Mr Diesel says:

    It should have been like one of the cards with sounds as you open it up so you could hear the thumping of the bodies as they hit the ground.

    Or maybe just say “Islam is the light”.

  6. riker17 says:

    What is wrong with parents today? Realism is popular on TV (American Idol) and kids watch the news, so why not color what they see? I am not the least bit offended or irritated by this item. Then again, I am not a parent, yet.

  7. Regent says:

    Give me a break
    Talk about the extremes of political correctness
    I will tell you one thing though these Fema bureaucrats sure know how to pad their incomes and departmental budgets
    Efficiency and investments for the future do not even play into their world
    Never mind financial accountability
    Still they know how to make nice color graphs and charts where the trend lines are always on the increase no matter what
    Then again maybe the parents have come to expect these fantasies in their real lives

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    #4, Traaxx,

    Well, it’s better than the sexual education coloring books. Or the books showing timmy with two dads.

    Only in your mind could something educational be wrong.

  9. Glenn E. says:

    Apparently the current administration hasn’t yet flushed all the Bush appointed idiots out of these departments. If this FEMA book, and the Air Force One flyover photo op, are any indication of the boneheads that got to keep their jobs, after Bush left. Some of these ideas were probably still in the works, right up until Obama took office. Now Cheney and Powell can’t shut up, trash talking every move Obama makes. This crap is unprecedented. Bill Clinton’s ex-cabinet didn’t publically grouse about George Bush’s policies for eight years. But the GOP seems to be sabotaging Obama’s offices from without and within. Are they the new “terrorists”? Why do any of them have immunity from shooting off their big mouths, if the rest of us can be put away for doing the same? I think you already know why.


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