“There’s one now. Get him!”
(His sweet spirit still guiding gently)

Liberty University will no longer recognize its campus Democratic Party club because its parent organization stands against the conservative Christian school’s moral principles.

The club, which has about 30 members, will no longer be able to use Liberty’s name, hold on-campus meetings, or be eligible for student activities money.

“I think it does the university a great disservice to stifle one side of the discussion simply because we are Democrats,” said Maria Childress, the club’s adviser and an administrative assistant at the school.

Brian Diaz, president of Liberty’s Democratic club, said he was informed of the school’s decision in a May 15 e-mail.

The candidates supported are directly contrary to the mission of Liberty University,” the e-mail said.

Liberty has had a College Republicans club for years. The Democratic club formed in October and worked aggressively to elect President Obama.

“They . . . let the Liberty University College Republicans stay on campus, but they don’t let us,” said Diaz, 18, who will be a sophomore next year. “Sounds like censorship to me.”

Childress said she is trying to appeal the decision to Jerry Falwell Jr., who became the Lynchburg school’s chancellor after his father died in 2007. In the meantime, students who violate the rule face reprimands under the school’s conduct code, which could result in expulsion.

Isn’t it ironic about the name “Liberty University”? I guess liberty doesn’t include the right to have an opinion. Then again, hypocrisy and theocratic leadership go hand in hand, at least according to Jesus.

“Hey, just looking left gives me a crick.”

Thanks, K B

  1. #86 – Traaxx

    >>Well the bible does simple and easily express
    >>God’s Will and abortion isn’t really high on
    >>the list is it.

    I don’t think “building multi-million dollar temples with worshipers’ money” is high on the list either, yet the Evangelical Christians just can’t get enough of that.

    Now that you mention it, there are an awful lot of things that are seemingly ignored by the Bible. Auto insurance, the proper use of computers, fashion, Elvis vs. The Beatles, we’re all out on our own. Just like with abortion, as THAT ISN’T MENTIONED IN THE BIBLE EITHER.

  2. #90 – Fus

    >>But fuck him if he (and you) think I am going
    >>out of my way to read some two bit writer

    Hey, better tread lightly there! The Washington Times is owned by the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, and I think there’s an everlasting lake of fire for you to burn in if you go saying that the Moonies hire two-bit writers!

  3. Traaxx

    >>So we’re agreed though, Liberty U has the
    >>right as a private college to keep out an
    >>organization that is the exact opposite of
    >>everything the school is for?

    We’re in agreement that an organization that takes no government money has the right to restrict the horizons of its members to the extent to which it sees fit. Hey, they don’t let darkies into the KKK. Whether or not that kind of totalitarian environment should be called a “college” is a whole different matter.

  4. right says:

    “Why is it traaxx and Alphie can’t stay on topic or answer questions? Don’t they realize the piss poor ass examples they present?

    It is people like them that will keep the Republicans out of power for years. Many years.”

    This is exactly right with capital letters!

    They are cowards, like Hannity, when approached by the most evil of all subjects, facts.
    Yes, facts. If one can use them properly, a discussion can be directed and won. Facts can also be used to promote a point of view.

    Traaaxx/Alfred1 – show us some facts to prove that god exists. Or at the bare minimum, give us one religious fact about god! Please, make our weekend.
    (Please wake me up when this happens)

  5. right says:

    We have a responsibility to show the world how negative Alfred1 and Traaaaxxx can be to the health of this planet.
    Mind you, they are as irrelevant as much as Hannity is but we have to keep pace with that idiocy to remind normal people not to listen to them (snake oil salesmen, yuck).

  6. Ah_Yea says:

    #94 Mr. Fusion

    Stop being a dumbass moron. Again.

    Reread the article, dipshit. Then try to understand what Scalia is saying.

    But given that you like to pretend to be smart, I’ll help you.

    Abortion is NOT a constitutional issue! It should have NEVER have been heard by the Supreme Court.

    The Supreme Court again abused the Commerce Clause to rule on abortion by stating that if one state outlawed abortion while a neighbor state allowed it, that a person could travel from the state which did not allow to the state that did, transact their business in the state that did, and then bring the fruits of this transaction to the state that didn’t allow, thereby transacting interstate commerce.

    A vacuous argument. That is exactly like saying: Should someone from Utah go to Nevada and gamble, make some money, and then return to Utah (thereby transacting interstate commerce), then Utah must allow gambling.

    So any level of deep consideration, or whatever, the Supreme Court put into it’s decision is moot. It has been and always will be a States Rights issue.

    Do you get it yet? No??

    Your level of imbecility is astounding!

  7. #102 – Right

    >>Or at the bare minimum, give us one religious
    >>fact about god!

    I’ll go you one better, and give you TWO!

    1. God is great
    2. God is good

    That’s why we thank him for our food!

    Seriously, what the fuck’s it to ya if God exists or not? If you choose to believe that He doesn’t, knock yourself out. I don’t bother you about being a non-believer, why not return the favor?

  8. #105 – Ah_Yea

    >>It has been and always will be a States
    >>Rights issue.

    Just like slavery, right?

  9. Thomas says:

    Suppose, just for a moment, you knew that your religion was a complete scam. What would the proof of that look like?

    Quoting scripture to prove the existence of your deity is a common “beg the question” fallacy and does not fly in a logical discussion. It is akin to me quoting Harry Potter to prove that flying dragons exist. Until you can provide tangible, repeatable, measurable, objective evidence that said being exists, do not bother quoting scripture to support your argument.

    Again, I suggest you actually learn how logic works before you attempt to use it. Clearly, you do not have an understanding of it because you continue to make the same mistakes.

  10. #104 – Fredo

    >>22 Professing themselves to be wise, they
    >>became fools,(Rom 1:20-22 KJV)

    At the risk of sounding like a holy roller here, TRUE WORDS WERE NEVER SPOKEN.

    That’s why whenever some shit-fer-brains “Evangelical Christian” tries to butt into my life, telling me he or she knows better than I do what I should do, what I should think, and what I should feel, I tell them to go fuck themselves.

    Thank you for pointing out that I have Biblical backup for my response.

  11. Woops. I meant “truer” words were never spoken.

  12. qb says:

    #105 Scalia is biased. He often overrules legislatures and runs in the face of his own stated philosophy. You gotta dislike activist judges who legislate from the bench. Of course, Scalia himself explains it as an “interpretative bias” of the constitution.

  13. qb says:

    During the Bush years (first five years) abortions in the US fell by 7.1%, but in the Clinton years it fell by 12.4%. Why is that?

    According to studies at Notre Dame, if abortion was criminalized in every state then the abortion rate would fall to 3-5 per 1000, or about the same as other western countries with liberal laws. Why is that?

    Interestingly, studies of US states where abortion is more restricted show a slower decline is the drop of abortion rates than those states with more liberal laws over the period of 1992 to 2004. Why is that?

    Since Roe v. Wade US public opinion on abortion hasn’t changed one iota. Could it be a shift in public attitudes? Probably, but by all measures the US is less religious now than in 1992. Hmmmmm.

    Puzzling stats. I wonder if something else is causing the decline.

  14. #112 – Fredo

    >>I’m curious…having made clear you don’t like
    >>religious people dictating to you what to do…
    >>why do you support Obama & crew…

    When Obie and crew start telling me I have to drive a Prius because Jesus wants me to, or I can’t pollute the rivers and oceans because it offends God, I’ll tell them to go fuck themselves just like I do when Ted “Meth and Man Ass” Haggard says that same-sex marriage is an abomination in the eyes of the Lord.

    It would be real nice if people didn’t throw cigarette butts out their car window, or drive 6 mpg Humpers and Naggravators down to the corner for a pack of smokes, or feed their kids Twinkies for breakfast and McDonald’s for lunch, dinner, and a midnight snack. They seem to want to do that, though. And it offends me when a lit cigarette but hits me in the face if I’m riding my bike, or when I get on the 1/2-full bus and there are no seats left because everybody en route to the hospital for a bypass is so obese that each one takes up 3/4 of a seat meant to accommodate two people.

    So nobody’s saying they CAN’T do that shit, they’re just going to have to pay the piper for dancing to their tune.

    You may note the distinction between that and the Ted Haggards of the world, who utterly refuse to allow people to do what they want. Until they themselves want to do it, and get caught. Then they go off to Jesus Camp to get The Cure. Until the next time they do it.

  15. #117 – Fredo

    >>But you are ok with that…as long as its not
    >>done in the name of Jesus?

    I’m not OK with ANY forced behavior done “in the name of Jesus”.

    Because, guess what? Jesus tells me different stuff than he tells the “Evangelical Christians”. Or at least what they CLAIM He tells them. All too often, what He “tells them” seems to end up with a multimillion dollar Worship Campus, or a multimillion dollar bank account, so you’ll have to forgive my skepticism.

    And all that “sex” stuff they don’t want anyone else to do? Guess what about that? THEY ARE DOING IT TO BEAT THE BAND!! (or to beat the meat, in the case of Jimmy Swaggart). So I just dismiss all that crap out of hand. Immediately.

    But hey, if they want to claim “Jesus says don’t pollute”, I’m down with that. I’m all for doing what Jesus wants. It’s just the conflict-of-interest thing that bothers me. When Jesus tells them to tell me to give all my money to their church, I have to wonder why He’s not telling me the same thing.

  16. qb says:

    #117 That was so weak.

    The long term ecosystem of the planet is hardy. Yes. Therefore let’s hasten it along and wipe out the human race along with 95% of the other species. After a few of million years (if we’re lucky) then things will be back to normal. And let’s not talk CO2 for a minute. Look at habitat destruction and species destruction. Look at no available fishing in 30-40 years, permanently.

    Hardly respecting the gift we’ve been given by a benevolent creator? Even if it was given to us by a creator, it’s a mess we’ve created and we’re going to have to be grownups and do something about it. Sorry dude, God is not going to wave his hand and create a miracle like the ’69 Mets.

  17. #121 – Fredo

    >>So Obama will put us in small cars that are
    >>proven to be more deadly…more Americans will
    >>die…for the sake of a scam…

    Who proved that? Or do you mean “when a Cooper Mini gets in head-on collision with a Humper or a Naggravator, the Mini will lose”?

    You’re wrenching tears from my heart with your evocative tale of innocent Americans dying just so that… uh, so that… just what IS the motivation behind this “scam” of Global Warming? Surely you don’t attribute it all to hordes of scurrilous scientists looking for research grants? The anti-Global Warming scam, now THAT I can understand. There are untold billions to be made from raping and plundering our planet, and from denying any untoward effects of the rape and plunder.

    I guess I’m a little unclear on the motivation for this worldwide acceptance by the best and the brightest that there IS global warming, and it IS caused by human mischief makers. Is there somebody making a buck here that I don’t know about? Or is it all about Al Gore trying to ease his conscience about the big swimming pool?

  18. qb says:

    #122 Oi vay. This is why people don’t take you seriously Alfred. I don’t mind arguing with a entrenched right wing attitude, it’s fun. However, when someone says “don’t look at CO2 and look at these problems” and you respond with “I’ve looked CO2 and I don’t believe it for some vague reason” then you look, well, stupid. Really dude.

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    #105, Ah Yea,

    #94 Mr. Fusion

    Stop being a dumbass moron. Again.

    Reread the article, dipshit. Then try to understand what Scalia is saying.

    But given that you like to pretend to be smart, I’ll help you.

    Abortion is NOT a constitutional issue! It should have NEVER have been heard by the Supreme Court.

    Again, you didn’t read the article. There is nothing in it other than one Judges opinion it isn’t a Constitutional matter. Yet the Supreme Court DID find it to be a Constitutional matter and so ruled. As it was by the District Court and the Court of Appeals. Several times it has been favorably quoted in other cases.

    So regardless, the fact remains, abortion is both legal and Constitutional.

    Your stooopid comments about the commerce clause don’t show up in the article. Nor does it have anything to do with Roe v Wade.

    Again, this shows you didn’t read the article YOU posted and don’t understand the issue at all. Bobbo challenged you on Roe v Wade earlier and it appears he was completely correct. You haven’t read the decision.


  20. qb says:

    #127 ROTFL laughing. OK, you don’t sound stupid.

  21. #125 – Fredo

    What the fuck? What are you complaining about, anyway? Do you have some kind of $600/day soda habit that’s going to get more expensive if they raise the tax? What’s your beef?

    Government has to pay its bills somehow, and they’re going to tax something. Would you rather have them tax your cancer medicine and the sunlight that comes in your window, or junk food, cigarettes, and cars that spew out stinky black smoke?

    I know, we could have anarchy, and no government, but until you run for president and disband it, there will always be a government. And it’s always going to have to tax something.

    What’s with the bug up your ass about taxing junk food and soda pop, anyway? If it means THAT much to you, get another part-time job at night, and you can continue to gobble down all the Twinkies and Mountain Dew you want.

  22. jccalhoun says:

    In other words…they say asteroids killed almost all life on the planet…or super volcanoes…or whatever…REPEATEDLY almost all life on the planet wiped out…yet look at it today…it recovered each and every time…without us.

    Therefore the ecosystem is HARDY, not fragile. Climate change is always a happening…Greenland was once Green…its a natural process…that certainly is less harmful to the ecosystem than asteroids…

    Umm yeah, the planet will go on but will people? that’s the main question. The change in climate may end up killing off humanity. Call me crazy but I think that’s something worth trying to prevent….

    Isn’t it funny how Alfred1 keeps telling Democrats to think for themselves and yet everything he thinks is 100% in line with the hard right? Occam’s razor tells us that he ain’t thinking for himself either…

  23. Thomas says:

    You were once a loon?! I’d say you never really left that stage. Disagreement does not necessary equate to tyranny. That someone disagrees with your point of view does not imply they want to return to the days of Napoleon. Lest we forget that the right have imposed far more restrictions on freedom in the past eight years than the left (e.g. Patriot Act, Military Commissions Act etc).

    > What liberated me from their
    > unsound argumentation…was
    > critical thinking…

    Really. What happened to it? You clearly have done an admirable job of hiding your critical thinking skills from any of your posts. So where did it go?

  24. Mr. Fusion says:

    #121, Ayatollah1,

    …the earth is always getting warmer or colder…its a sun cycle.

    So god gave us a faulty sun?


    It even got cold when there was lots more CO2 and methane in the atmosphere than today…and we have nothing to do with putting it there…

    You’ve been listening to Boss Limpdick again. Haven’t you? C’mon, you can admit it.


    A different tack…NOW they say sodas are bad for us…so, to protect us, they will increase the taxes…

    Is this new? When did they ever say soda wasn’t good for you? So when is this new tax coming in? Please tell us which State is imposing a new tax on soda because it is harmful to us?

    So did they stop “the bad” or was what they did, in the name of saving us (and they ain’t talking about Jesus!), is hurt a lot of people…

    Was that bad?

    Yes, very bad. I didn’t understand what the hell you were saying.

  25. qb says:

    Mustard and jccalhoun, as Dog is my witness, I don’t have the slightest clue what he’s talking about. And I have degree in philosophy (with a heavy dose of math/logic) and a second in statistics and research methodology. Apparently I’m not a critical thinker. Tee hee.

    I missed you Mustard, your stark raving raves make my day.

  26. Thomas says:

    Frankly, and I think I speak for everyone here, you haven’t the foggiest clue how to think critically. You have shown time and again the propensity to make common logic mistakes (e.g. “beg the question”). So, while I agree that critical thinking is a skill everyone should have, you have clearly demonstrated that you clearly do not yet posses this skill.

  27. #136 …. I aim to please, Cubie!

  28. qb says:

    #139 Conserving freedoms! I call oxymoron du jour!

  29. ECA says:

    wow..Back on track..

    Why not say it this way..
    ANY PRIVATE school has the right to NOT allow groups, ANY GROUPS, be on their premises..

    OPPOSITE, is a bad word..and since you have NEVER been an OPPOSITE, you wouldnt know.

  30. Mr. Fusion says:

    #141, Ayatollah1,

    So raising tax on soda, that probably is good for our health, putting factories, distributers, recyclers, liquor stores etc…out of business…when we nee stimulus, not unemployment…IS BAD.

    Who said soda is bad for you (not that anyone has ever said it is good) and when are they planning on implementing a tax?

    You made the claim, now please back it up. If you can’t back it up then this will end up being just another one of your bullshit spews. Very similar to what you posit about “god”.

    Credible arguments don’t spew bullshit.


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