“There’s one now. Get him!”
(His sweet spirit still guiding gently)

Liberty University will no longer recognize its campus Democratic Party club because its parent organization stands against the conservative Christian school’s moral principles.

The club, which has about 30 members, will no longer be able to use Liberty’s name, hold on-campus meetings, or be eligible for student activities money.

“I think it does the university a great disservice to stifle one side of the discussion simply because we are Democrats,” said Maria Childress, the club’s adviser and an administrative assistant at the school.

Brian Diaz, president of Liberty’s Democratic club, said he was informed of the school’s decision in a May 15 e-mail.

The candidates supported are directly contrary to the mission of Liberty University,” the e-mail said.

Liberty has had a College Republicans club for years. The Democratic club formed in October and worked aggressively to elect President Obama.

“They . . . let the Liberty University College Republicans stay on campus, but they don’t let us,” said Diaz, 18, who will be a sophomore next year. “Sounds like censorship to me.”

Childress said she is trying to appeal the decision to Jerry Falwell Jr., who became the Lynchburg school’s chancellor after his father died in 2007. In the meantime, students who violate the rule face reprimands under the school’s conduct code, which could result in expulsion.

Isn’t it ironic about the name “Liberty University”? I guess liberty doesn’t include the right to have an opinion. Then again, hypocrisy and theocratic leadership go hand in hand, at least according to Jesus.

“Hey, just looking left gives me a crick.”

Thanks, K B

  1. Traaxx says:

    # 63 Mister Mustard:

    Hee, Hee; I don’t have to. You self rightous leftist have been discussing it ever since she became pregnant.

    Bristol Palin hopefully will raise her little boy not to do the same thing, get someone pregnant when he can’t support the child.

    I suppose you think she should have murdered the unborn baby? Why is it none of Demoncrat Presidential candidates ever admit to having abortions? And they all go to church, but denounce the little people for their bible and guns, Hee hee.


  2. Traaxx says:

    # 65 Mister Mustard: Exactly what seven sins do you mean. Since you don’t know anything about Liberty U you can go here for their Mission Statement https://www.liberty.edu/index.cfm?PID=6899. It’s a Christian Evangelical college, you know the opposite of a Demoncrat.

    I checked and Liberty U is still standing, but at least you admit to God’s real existence. Now if we can only get you to repent your rebellion against God’s will.

    Exactly where in the commandments did God say Thou shall let Demoncrats spread their disease without opposition.


  3. right says:

    Traaxx, god does not exist. Could you please tell us exactly where he/she is? 100 miles up in the atmosphere? 200? Why cannot the scientists find where this person is?
    Another question not answered I’m sure! This is fun. Traaxxxx….answers, we need answers….not more questions and “that is out of context” crap.

  4. #67 – Traaxx

    You must be confusing me with your mythical “Demoncrats”. I have never denied the existence of God.

    What I HAVE denied, deny at this moment, and will continue to deny, is that “Liberty” U has anything to do with anything Godly, holy, Christian, or good. It’s a cloistered enclave of hatemongers, seeking to perpetuate their backwards and spiteful beliefs among the young and impressionable, in the total absence of any counterpoint.

    >>Bristol Palin hopefully will raise her little
    >>boy not to do the same thing, get someone
    >>pregnant when he can’t support the child.

    And hopefully, she will not send him to a den of iniquity like “Liberty” U, with the “abstinence only” preaching and the “holy fuck, what do we do now??” reality when pregnant teens start popping out of the woodwork.

    btw, Bristol Palin didn’t “get gotten pregnant” by some randy cad, she spread her welcoming legs and fucked that kid’s brains out. And now her life is, as People Magazine so eloquently puts it, “changed forever”.

    I’ll bet the whole holy-rolling family wishes somebody had passed her some info on the DL about birth control pills, rather than chanting the “just say no” mantra. Somehow, that never seems to work.

  5. Traaxx says:

    #68 right: hee hee. If a scientist priest can’t find you do you exist? If a scientist can’t prove something then you don’t believe it exist? Can a scientist prove that we’re alone in the universe or even where the universe ends or begins. Science operates on the acceptance of given facts. If you read the Bible and don’t believe the eye witness testimony then how can someone prove anything? Do you need constant miracles to believe? Do you need someone to rise from dead to believe? Then after this what signs will you demand of God, in order that you might believe.

    Foolish boy, chasing after momentary happiness which you will never obtain with either Science or anything else. I’ve given you answer after answer and either you don’t read or don’t want to understand. I’ve taken nothing out of context another whore answer given out when you have no argument to give in retort.


  6. Traaxx says:

    # 69 Mister Mustard, you seem to have a lot of hate built up. Exactly what about Evangelical Christianity is wrong? You don’t really specify anything.

    Hee, Hee
    “cloistered enclave of hatemongers, seeking to perpetuate their backwards and spiteful beliefs among the young and impressionable, in the total absence of any counterpoint” and your typical University is open to public debate. Isn’t your ‘hate speech’ simply another point of view, don’t you believe in diversity and questioning authority? You sound very judgmental, angry and hateful.


    “fucked that kid’s brains out”, were you there? Did you watch? Just how much porn do you watch, what sin can’t you admit to that makes you so rebellious against the Way of God.


  7. right says:

    Traaxx, you are an SDIQ but an erudite one when obfuscation is required.

    Hee hee, a vicarious murderer apologist like you will never…never realize the damage you do to people around the world. You are one of the disgusting examples of the Bush misadministration.

  8. #71 – Traaxx

    >>Hee hee
    >>hee hee

    Traaxx, are you a homo-secksual? The only guys I know who giggle like that, repeatedly, are homo-secksuals.

    I have no hate built up for Evangelical Christianity. Pity would be a more appropriate term. Especially for the children.

    Before you came along, I was the Christian whipping boy for the Godless heathens of dvorak dot org slash blog. That’s OK. I don’t mind taking some lumps and bruises in the name of my Lord.

    The one thing I could never do, though, is defend the hatemongering, ignorance, stupidity, and divisiveness of the soi-disant “Evangelical Christians”. They have done as much as (if not more than) the most evil heathen/ atheist despot to push civilization back into the Dark Ages.

    When I read about fucktards like Jerry Falwell and his “Liberty” U, all I can do is shake my head in despair at the future of humanity. The last century had the KKK and John Birch Society, this one has the “Evangelical Christians”. I guess there’s always a minority of the human race that will worship hatred and ignorance as their graven images. And you can get a PhD in that at “Liberty” U.

  9. #71 – Traaxx

    >>hee, HEE “fucked that kid’s brains out”, were
    >>you there? Did you watch? Just how much porn
    >>do you watch?

    Fer Christ’s sake, Traaxx. I think they have a 12-step program for that kind of obsession.

    Avail yourself of it!!

  10. Ah_Yea says:


    Sorry, I was gone for a while.

    Here is your answer about abortion.

    It’s a good and proper answer from someone who knows a lot more about it than either you or I.


  11. Traaxx says:

    # 74 Mister Mustard, hee hee you said it, #69, or don’t you remember that senility moment.

    Maybe the full quote will help,”btw, Bristol Palin didn’t “get gotten pregnant” by some randy cad, she spread her welcoming legs and fucked that kid’s brains out. And now her life is, as People Magazine so eloquently puts it, “changed forever”.”

    So far you don’t seem like a Christian to me, but I wouldn’t want to judge you. Still you haven’t delineated what hatemongering is done at Liberty University? So what did Falwell or the ‘John Birch Society’ do that was wrong? What I should really ask is, since you claim to be a Christian exactly what values to you have in common with Christians, any???…… I’d be interested in a serious answer to either, but I doubt I’ll get one, hee hee……

    So far, I don’t feel whipped or exhausted but I do think I’ve made my points. They may not be accepted, but they are made.

    Diversity, and the Questioning of Authority, Hee Hee Hee Hee, you’re so cute and funny.


  12. ECA says:

    19, sounds like BOTH parties to me..

    UMM, ya.
    Dont add questions ANSWER THEM..

    “- orgies are against Christian values.

    Love one another.?

    “I challenge you to talk to all innocent people Saddam put into paper shredders, buried alive under asphalt, burned to death with torches…”

    OK..I will.
    1. they are all Islamic..which you dont like as a christian..
    2. there are 4-6 groups with LONG agendas/quarrels/revenge with EACH other.
    HOW do you make them STOP FIGHTING..
    ask the military..MAKE them HATE YOU more then each other. these folks fight because 200 years ago, HIS Grand dad stole a sheep, from MY grand dad.
    3. IF’ you look hard, you will see that Iraq is FALLING BACK into what it was. A BIG MESS, and the only way to make PEACE, is with alittle TERROR.
    4. Christ said, DONT criticize unless you are willing to walk in his shoes.
    5. I love the POMPUS, religious/I will FIX this country, BEND OVER and kiss a popes ring IDIOTS that dont practice what they were TAUGHT in kindergarten..
    Or are you one that LIVEs by the OLD testament?? the JEWISH laws..TOOTH for TOOTH and SCREW the others before they SCREW YOU?? which would explain the last 3-5 presidents.

  13. ECA says:


    you REALLy make this to easy..

    “#34 bobbo: “At what level does any morality rise to the level that people who disagree should be put in jail?????”,

    We do it everyday it’s called law enforcement and the justice system, idiot. Exactly what do you think a law is?

    But, if you want to bring up morality, then you should recognize that all law and legislation is derived from a set of moral codes”

    LAWS are created to FAVOR.
    AFTER the moral codes, there are TONS of laws that FAVOR 1 group over another.
    its called protectionism..
    Laws on MJ
    LAWS on music
    Laws on MOVIES
    regulation ON MOVIES, violence is OK, SEX is for commercials..
    Laws and regulations on HOW a business is run…ASK OPEC, ENRON, SHELL..BANKS…

    “If you don’t understand the point of contrasting Demoncrat views to those of the Christian religion then I truely didn’t make the point plain enough.

    THE DEMONCRATS believe exactly the opposite of Christianity in so many places that you can’t be one and be the other.”

    Do you really believe yourself, or just what others PUT in your mouth?? LIVe another life, LEARN from it.
    LEARN from the bible and QUIT casting dispersions on others. ALSO..the parts you are quoting are from the jewish faith, BEFORE Christianity..
    I hope you like slaves, and beating your wife.

  14. Floyd says:

    “# 69 Mister Mustard, you seem to have a lot of hate built up. Exactly what about Evangelical Christianity is wrong? You don’t really specify anything.”

    I’m not Mr. Mustard, but here’s what’s wrong with Evangelical Christianity:

    Just its absolute conviction that anyone that doesn’t toe the Evangelical religious line is going to some mythological Bad Place, and that the fundies are guaranteed to go to some mythical heaven that doesn’t exist.

    Give it up–as JC once said, before you pick at the mote in your neighbor’s eye, get the beam out of your own.

  15. #76 – Traaxx

    I remember everything I say, son. Not necessary to “remind” me of it. I said (in effect)that Bristol Palin is not a rubber Japanese sex doll, and she was not raped. She was a willing participant in the pickle she’s now in, a billboard advertisement for the futility of the “abstinence only” approach to reducing unwanted teen pregnancy.

    >>So far you don’t seem like a Christian to me,
    >>but I wouldn’t want to judge you.

    Well fuck a duck. You just DID. And if you are (as you seem to claim) an “Evangelical Christian) who is confused about what the John Birch Society did wrong, I don’t think I even want to be TALKING to YOU!

    >>Hee Hee Hee Hee, you’re so cute and funny.

    Cut it out, you! The lisping and the floppy wrist are one thing, but don’t make a parody of yourself.

    As to what values, if any, I have in common with Christians, it depends on what you mean by “Christian”. If you mean following the teachings of Christ, I have many. If you mean calling out “DITTO” when the New Messiah of Talk Radio makes one of his drive-by attacks on the fundamental values of honest decent people, I have none. Same thing goes for Jerry Falwell, Ted “Meth and Man Ass” Haggard, Jimmy “I jerk off in front of whores” Swaggart, and most of the other “Evangelical Christians”.

  16. ECA says:

    he is not debating and even intelligent enough to have this argument.

    I doubt, he has any concordance reading or understanding..its all from the bible, which is incomplete.
    he also doesnt know about the history of the bible, and the basis is from the jewish faiths.
    He has no concept of what Christian(as under CHRIST) was trying to preach.

    Also think he/she/it is just instigating the conversation, and probably dont even believe 1/2 of what he is saying. AS most of it is without pretext..

  17. jccalhoun says:

    “rebellion against God’s will”
    Wow, so you think you know God’s will?

  18. ECA says:

    only thing I see from trax, is a radical JEW..
    which is just as bad as a radical muslim.
    He should live in Israel..

  19. #82 – jccalhoun

    >>Wow, so you think you know God’s will?

    I think he thinks he IS God.

  20. Traaxx says:

    Well the bible does simple and easily express God’s Will and abortion isn’t really high on the list is it. Watch out for the Mill Stone that you’re putting around your neck.

    So we’re agreed though, Liberty U has the right as a private college to keep out an organization that is the exact opposite of everything the school is for? Or are you too busy trying to insult someone to remember the original point, Hee Hee

    # 85 Mister Mustard, you crack me up a Grandpa talking like that. Now go and say that in front of your Grand Children or even to your grand children, like babies should be aborted and murdered in their mother’s womb.


  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    #57, Thomas,

    While making very valid, coherent, and rational points, I disagree with this line and supporting argument.

    The purpose of criminal law is to change behavior.

    Criminal law is to protect society from actions detrimental to the members of society, not to change the members behavior.

    Murder, assault, theft, DUI, failure to pay taxes, etc. all are injurious to society, either individually or as a whole. In order to stop people from committing crimes, as well as incarcerating those that do commit crimes against society, we freely advertise the consequences of those actions.

    A minor quibble to be sure, I fully agree with the rest of your excellent arguments.

  22. Thomas says:

    RE: #2
    You are ignoring situations of rape or situations where the mother is at risk.

    There are currently thousands of babies that are available for adoption. We have more than enough babies available for adoption if people want them. Keep in mind that the vast majority of abortions happen in the first term. According to your suggestion, the mother would be obligated to carry the child to term only for it to be put for adoption. That is robbing the mother of the ability to make the best choice for herself.

    RE: 3
    Who said anything about taxing or not taxing unhealthy activity? I was referring to the patient have the final call over their own health care including mothers and abortion. If anything we should be worried that a federal health care system would stop mothers from having abortion because some evangelical bozo got elected.

    RE: 4
    Again, you are presenting an argument reductio ad absurdum. It is already the case that a DUI has stiffer penalties than theft and perhaps robbery. It is already the case that people are jailed for DUIs and in CA at least can do so for up to six months. If a DUI involves an injury to another person it becomes a felony and they can spend quite a bit of time in jail. So whether it is “moral” to jail someone for months or years is not nearly as important as encouraging people to stop doing it within the confines of a reasonable punishment. In this case, “reasonable” is determined by society not by some silly book.

    Your entire rant here shows you do not understand the scientific method. Anecdotal evidence (i.e. eye witnesses) is insufficient to prove something exists. People see UFOs, space aliens and Elvis all the time.

    We do require “A” miracle which is irrefutable. Your deity has yet to provide one. Instead what we have are stories about miracles sort of like how the Harry Potter books are stories about magic. We also have stores about Zeus who threw lightening bolts, Apollo that carries the sun across the horizon by his chariot and the Yggdrasill tree on the other side of the Bifrost bridge. That does not prove these things exist.

    Whether abortion rights are constitutional is an entirely different discussion and argument than whether it ought to be legal.

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    #62, traaxx,

    there is a waiting list of loving parents that can’t have a baby and want one.

    And every State has a long list of children waiting to be adopted or even have a stable foster relationship. Yet I continually hear about some Christian couple making a trip to China to adopt a child instead one of the American children in their own community.

    3.) you should go and read this editorial

    Why should anyone go read someone else opinion. If the Washington Times editor wants to come on DU and express his opinion then great. But fuck him if he (and you) think I am going out of my way to read some two bit writer blather.

    You don’t think morality is the basis of law.

    It isn’t. Morality is doing what is right. It might be immoral to leave a bride at the alter, but it isn’t illegal. It might be immoral to not pay your mortgage, but it isn’t illegal.

    Criminal law is based upon what is good for society. Injuring members of society is what is punished. When criminal law crosses that line, such as with morality items like prostitution, a legal drinking age, or drugs, there is a very high abuse number.

  24. Thomas says:

    RE: Changing behavior

    There are many actions in which society is not hurt per se. Many call these victimless crimes. A DUI with no injuries is a good example. There is no one technically hurt by that action. There could be injuries were that driver to hit someone, but if they do not, no one is technically hurt. Similarly, j-walking, drunk in public even animal cruelty. None of these crimes protect society because there are no (human) victims.

    If criminal law were solely about protection, then the punishments would be reflective of that and yet they are not. A person will get a stiffer sentence by driving drunk than by breaking into your house and stealing your stuff. Furthermore, not all crimes result in incarceration. Many crimes are simply fines. Did you ever wonder why those speeding fines increase on subsequent infractions? It isn’t because of protection. If that were the motivation, then immediately taking the person’s license would be the solution behind all traffic violations. Instead, it is meant to curb your driving. So, while politicians might present many reasons for a given law, at the end of the day it is to change behavior in some way that is deemed detrimental to society.

  25. Thomas says:

    Did I miss where this rant would be even remotely relevant to the discussion?

  26. Mr. Fusion says:

    #75, Ah Yea,

    So what the fuck does Scalia’s opinion matter at this point. There is nothing in that article that states any reason why abortion should be illegal.

    Read the fucking article next time before posting it.

  27. right says:

    Alfred1 and Traaaxxx are, as Hannity is, totally unnecessary for any cogent discussions from now on. Please dismiss them as irrelevant.

  28. Thomas says:

    Most would call it intelligent discourse over a difference of opinion. It is understandable that wouldn’t recognize it.

  29. Mr. Fusion says:

    Why is it traaxx and Alphie can’t stay on topic or answer questions? Don’t they realize the piss poor ass examples they present?

    It is people like them that will keep the Republicans out of power for years. Many years.

  30. qb says:

    #97 It’s duck and dodge. You can tell they listen Limbaugh et al. That’s why they are boring and predictable, like talk radio.


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