“There’s one now. Get him!”
(His sweet spirit still guiding gently)

Liberty University will no longer recognize its campus Democratic Party club because its parent organization stands against the conservative Christian school’s moral principles.

The club, which has about 30 members, will no longer be able to use Liberty’s name, hold on-campus meetings, or be eligible for student activities money.

“I think it does the university a great disservice to stifle one side of the discussion simply because we are Democrats,” said Maria Childress, the club’s adviser and an administrative assistant at the school.

Brian Diaz, president of Liberty’s Democratic club, said he was informed of the school’s decision in a May 15 e-mail.

The candidates supported are directly contrary to the mission of Liberty University,” the e-mail said.

Liberty has had a College Republicans club for years. The Democratic club formed in October and worked aggressively to elect President Obama.

“They . . . let the Liberty University College Republicans stay on campus, but they don’t let us,” said Diaz, 18, who will be a sophomore next year. “Sounds like censorship to me.”

Childress said she is trying to appeal the decision to Jerry Falwell Jr., who became the Lynchburg school’s chancellor after his father died in 2007. In the meantime, students who violate the rule face reprimands under the school’s conduct code, which could result in expulsion.

Isn’t it ironic about the name “Liberty University”? I guess liberty doesn’t include the right to have an opinion. Then again, hypocrisy and theocratic leadership go hand in hand, at least according to Jesus.

“Hey, just looking left gives me a crick.”

Thanks, K B

  1. chuck says:

    Seems fair to me: if Berkeley won’t allow a “pro-Israel” demonstration on it’s campus, then why should Liberty permit a “pro-Democrat” organization on theirs?

  2. Traaxx says:

    #34 bobbo: “At what level does any morality rise to the level that people who disagree should be put in jail?????”,

    hee, hee

    We do it everyday it’s called law enforcement and the justice system, idiot. Exactly what do you think a law is?

    But, if you want to bring up morality, then you should recognize that all law and legislation is derived from a set of moral codes. We may not all agree on those moral codes, but they are a code of conduct which society at large has agreed should be the enforced laws/morals of society. The legal ruling and the law is simply an interpretation of a set of morality. When we engage in a debate or discussion we are in the process of changing the agreement of which moral codes should be enforced. Adultery is no longer a crime, should it be? Should someone that breaks up marriage and causes a small innocent child be punished by society for causing the child mental harm?

    It’s the morality that is used that must be discussed. If you believe that once an egg and a sperm a joined you don’t have a ‘being’ then that’s part of your values, ie. morality to the rest of us humans. The arguments made for abortion can be made for anyone on life support in a hospital. If you can’t support yourself then you’re not a viable life. But then who really supports themselves today? You don’t grow your own food; build your own house or do much more than one single thing as part of the organism called humanity.

    So since we don’t agree on life begins or ends. I believe that it begins when you have the two cells join. This is logical and allows for the individual protection of life from the beginning to the end. Since you seem to believe that life only begins when society says so, that leaves is a living type of definition. The government, or more likely some bureaucratic group, will be make arbitrary decisions on who’s life is more viable and worth supporting with government mandated healthcare and who’s life is less viable and worth less. And then once you’ve come to the point that the government rations healthcare, it’s not much more to believe that the government might harvest someone’s organs to support a more valuable person’s life, someone that the Demoncrats see as more deserving.

    Ignorance, hee, hee. You really haven’t thought out the end consequences of your beliefs have you? You just take orders, watch TV, maybe play a few games on a console, smoke dope and drink.


  3. Traaxx says:

    ‘# 35 right’:”no answers to simple requests so I’ll just ask this followup and see if you are big enough to answer it:” and I assume you mean the war with Iraq, if so then.

    1.) When Iraq fired missiles at our planes and refused to allow inspectors to verify that they had no MDWs, this was the legal basis of our actions and the following war.

    2.) Either you believe Bush, Clinton and then Bush all lied about Iraq’s MDWs or you don’t. They all said Saddam was trying to get MDWs. Some believe that the MDWs were moved to Syria, others that we were wrong.

    3.) Right or wrong on MDWs, I hope you don’t believe we should have left Saddam in power. An individual that used poison gas to kill Kurds, tortured his own people (refer to #27 for a list). If you do believe Saddam should have been left in power then you must also believe Hitler, Stalin, Idi Amin Dada Oumee and Mao shouldn’t have been challenged or driven from power.

    4.) Again another Demoncrat that hasn’t thought out their position or the logic of their thought process.

    Hee, Hee.

    A simple answer…You’re wrong.


  4. Jägermeister says:

    #28 – Ah_Yea – Abortions since Roe Vs. Wade.

    Isn’t it great that women have freedom over their bodies?! Isn’t that what all Republicans want? Freedom…

    Just some stats for you… Eight million children around the globe are born with defects. Add to that all the children who are born into miserable living conditions. Much thanks to religious wing nuts and their anti-condom and anti-abortion agenda.

  5. Traaxx says:

    # 39 Jägermeister:”Eight million children around the globe are born with defects. Add to that all the children who are born into miserable living conditions. Much thanks to religious wing nuts and their anti-condom and anti-abortion agenda.”

    Hee, Hee

    You know that’s how the NAZI’s started the death camps. They wanted to get rid of anyone with “with defects. Add to that all the children who are born into miserable living conditions”. They just wanted to help society overall and improve the Aryan race. It would be German that brings up that argument, hee hee. Jägermeister are you drunk like ‘bobbolb’?

    Demoncrats want women to have freedom over their bodies, but not the right to self-defense with a firearm. Since when did is become moral for someone to advocate that a woman should be raped rather than putting a bullet in a rapist.

    Hee, hee


  6. Traaxx says:

    I don’t know why the Demoncrats are so upset, the Satanic religion is legal and recognized in the US. They even have worship centers here and there, mostly in Mosques. Don’t be so defensive; believing exactly what Satin would advocate won’t be problem where you’re going.

    Hee, Hee


  7. #19 – Traaxx

    >>thy, thy, thy, thy

    When you clear up your confusion over obsolete pronouns (or learn to quote from the Holy Bible properly), perhaps I will deign to read more of your drivel.

    You discourage the casual reader from taking your point of view seriously with your inaccurate ostentation.

  8. bobbo says:

    #37–traaxx==again. You haven’t read Roe v Wade, its obvious. The relevant discussion is: at what stage of development do what rights apply vis a vis the State intervening on the decisions of the mother?

    Regarding morality: my thinking was there should be “overriding” agreement on the morality of an issue before making laws on those in the minority–like murder for hire. “Most” or 90% or more would agree murder for hire is wrong and should be outlawed.

    The idiot position is to recognize that there is a basic split of opinion regarding abortion that over time varies between 40-60 per cent thinking one position or the other. Certainly NOT an issue that should be criminalized.

    Morality is what a person would do if there was no law. Forcing one’s opinion on to others through force of law requires a higher threshold than too many moralists are willing to impose–even when they are in the clear minority.

  9. Traaxx says:

    # 42 Mister Mustard: A quotation is usually, in English, designated by quotation marks. You might have noticed that I didn’t use any “QUOTATION” marks. If you think the point was ostentatious then you’ve missed the point and are not likely to understand this, but whatever….here goes…

    There are not any simple answers. Simple answers are for Demoncrats and those brainwashed party member that view TV every night and believe in Global Warming.

    If Liberty U, a religious private school, has an organization that so totally is the opposite of what they believe then they as a private University have the legal right to keep that organization out. If they were a public institution they would not under the ‘Freedom’ of speech clause of the US Constitution.

    If you disagree then you would also have to agree that the Republicans have a legal right to speak at the next DNC convention and vote in their private primaries.


  10. bobbo says:

    #44–traaxx==Mustards point has nothing to do with quotation marks and is very much pinned to your use of bibbbblical material–“thy”–and therefore ostentatious.

    Ostentatious: marked by or fond of conspicuous or vainglorious and sometimes pretentious display.

    No need for quotes. In fact, Mustard unusual for him, is just being too kind.

  11. Traaxx says:

    #43 bobob:”The idiot position is to recognize that there is a basic split of opinion regarding abortion that over time varies between 40-60 per cent thinking one position or the other. Certainly NOT an issue that should be criminalized.”

    “Morality is what a person would do if there was no law. Forcing one’s opinion on to others through force of law”

    Hee, hee

    So, then if most people don’t believe they should pay their taxes that should be legal?

    You really don’t understand that the law is a set of moral codes that everyone must live by, or go to jail. We have laws because not everyone lives by any morality or they don’t believe in God as the ultimate judgment and judge in morality.

    Again Roe vs Wade is simply a set or arguments, that will be overturned by a different set of arguments justifying that moral stance in the law. The protection of all human life at all stages.

    Again elections are won by 40%/60% and thus laws are enacted by 40%/60% and moral codes are enacted by the same process. You can’t be so uneducated as to misunderstand this process, maybe drunk enough but not that stupid.

    Exactly how many Americans want the Mexican here, an overriding don’t 70% to 80%. We have laws against the “illegal” emigration. But our elite leaders ignore those laws and refuse to put an end to the “illegal” emigration. This will continue until we elect a government that will enforce the law, even if it’s only by 51% of the Electoral College.


  12. right says:

    “# 35 right’:”no answers to simple requests so I’ll just ask this followup”
    Traax, it doesn’t work that way. You’re as bad as Hannity.

  13. Traaxx says:

    #45 boblob:”learn to quote from the Holy Bible properly”

    If you don’t understand the point of contrasting Demoncrat views to those of the Christian religion then I truely didn’t make the point plain enough.

    THE DEMONCRATS believe exactly the opposite of Christianity in so many places that you can’t be one and be the other.

    Is that simple enough, is that plain enough. You can use DoubleSpeak to justify being both, but you are still just using DoubleThink to do so. If “Mister Mustard” could have made a point he would have. If “Mister Mustard” is so casual and simple as to not understand the point of post #19, then he’s not seeing the contrast. Again, maybe that was his point he’s so simple and casual he’s a Demoncrat.



  14. bobbo says:

    #46–traaxx==well done. Nice conflation of 10 different issues.

    Still haven’t even read Roe v Wade have you?

    Nuff said.

  15. bobbo says:

    #48–traaxx==Musty’s point was to treat the bibbbble with more respect than you do.

    Yes, I’m sure. Gawwwddd is on your side and not on the demoncrat side.

    Yuk, yuk, what a bibbble quoting dolt.

  16. Thomas says:

    This is the sort of hypocrisy I hate from the right. Yes, the left, over the past 30 years, have been weak on foreign policy. However, you go off the deep end with your comparisons:

    RE: Clinton and Rwanda

    Agreed. It was handled poorly.

    RE: Pol Pot and Carter.

    Agreed. He did not do enough to stop Pol Pot.

    RE: The Ethiopian Massacre. 1977-1978.

    I don’t know much about it but will take your word for it.

    > Abortions since Roe Vs. Wade.
    > 49,551,703

    WTF did you put in the bong you were smoking? In the first two examples, you have an oppressive government killing its own people. In the last example, you have people making their own decision of conscious. You might as well quote how many people have died from automobile accidents. The example is completely irrelevant.

  17. Traaxx says:

    #47 “# 35 right:”no answers to simple reques, ts , so I’ll just ask this followup”
    Traax, it doesn’t work that way. You’re as bad as Hannity.”

    Hee, hee

    Where was the question?

    A simple answer is you’re wrong.

    If you want the reasons for you being wrong then you will need to read posts 19, 27, 29, 33, 37, 38, 40, 44, 46, 48.

    If you want the answer in a bumper sticker then “Demoncrats = Communism = Satin” or perhaps “Better Dead Than Red”, etc….


  18. right says:

    I think Traax is Alfred1 in disguise.
    Maybe they both have a few cold ones on the ready…..

  19. right says:

    Traaxx, there are a lot of smart people here and I’ll open this door for you, I’m not one of them.
    Given that, you’re not one of them either but if you eschew reality and cherry pick your fantasies why are you here?

  20. Traaxx says:

    # 51 Thomas, His point was that the left always ends up murdering hundreds upon thousands or when you really successful leftist governments millions. They always have a reason, and it’s always to improve society and keep out the unwanted.

    12 million children, at least, have been murdered for the sake of convenience. That makes anyone for abortion a baby killing or baby burner as you prefer.

    Hee, Hee

    How does it feel to be a baby killer? Do you think of the babies you’ve had a hand in murdering? Do you think of the blood on your hand that you’re going to be judged for by God?

    So back to the point a Christian University should keep out an organization that believes in the Satanic beliefs of the Demoncrats.

    hee, hee

    # 53 right, you need to go a read Alfred1’s posts.


  21. Traaxx says:

    # 54 right:”eschew reality and cherry pick your fantasies ”

    Hee, Hee

    Could you delineate what in your fantasy world is a fantasy or is just disagreeing a call to totally reject any arguments against your fanciful beliefs. That is one of the signs of being brainwashed.

    Does it hurt to have someone disagree with you? I haven’t noticed any particularly smart people on this post other than myself, but your reaction are interesting. But I wouldn’t expect a pagan Barbarian to recognize civilized discussion either.

    There was that insulting enough?

    You don’t really know how to present an argument do you? You should change your handle to either ‘wrong’ or ‘lefty’, hee hee.



  22. Thomas says:

    > The arguments made for abortion
    > can be made for anyone on life
    > support in a hospital.

    Not even remotely true. If we cannot agree on the morality of a given action, then do not make a law that bans it. It is as simple as that. Do not make people into criminals unless there is overwhelming consensus that said action should be curtailed.

    > I believe that it begins when
    > you have the two cells join. This
    > is logical and allows for the
    > individual protection of life
    > from the beginning to the end.

    From a scientific standpoint, it is not at all logical. Firstly, you can fertilize eggs in a lab. What you are suggesting is that the moment they are fertilized, they have the same rights as an adult. That is an extremist position. Furthermore, your idea ignores the health of the mother. If the decision came down to the fetus or the mother, whom do you choose?

    > And then once you’ve come to the
    > point that the government rations
    > healthcare, it’s not much more to
    > believe that the government might
    > harvest someone’s organs to support
    > a more valuable person’s life,
    > someone that the Demoncrats see
    > as more deserving.

    That is an argument reductio ad absurdum. It is akin to arguing that all speech is free even if it is espionage or yelling “Fire!” in a theatre. A significant worry with government healthcare system is control over patient decisions. The patient should have that control. That logic is similar to a mother choosing to abort a fetus. The mother, the patient, should have that choice.

    > You really don’t understand that
    > the law is a set of moral codes
    > that everyone must live by, or
    > go to jail.

    Not exactly. The purpose of criminal law is to change behavior. Higher penalties are given out to actions for which there is a greater desire to change that behavior. That is why a DUI in some states has a worse penalty than theft.

  23. Thomas says:

    > 12 million children, at least,
    > have been murdered for the sake
    > of convenience.

    That is an absurd argument. The aborted fetuses of which you speak were not children whereas the people killed by Pol Pot were, well, people. Thus, your comparison is irrelevant. You might as well claim that trillions were killed by little boys killing sperm by jerking off to Playboy.

    > How does it feel to be a baby killer?

    Since I do not believe the fetuses that were aborted were human, I am not a baby killer. Just as I feel no remorse over taking a vaccine to kill a virus. Regardless of my personal opinion, the decision of whether to abort the fetus should be up to the mother. It is her morality, ethics and concerns for her own safety that should trump. They should not be dictated by the State.

    > Do you think of the babies you’ve had a
    > hand in murdering?
    > Do you think of the blood on your
    > hand that you’re going to be judged
    > for by God?

    Seriously, consider decaffeinated coffee. Since there is not enough evidence to establish such a being exists nor that I have extinguished any actual human life, I have no blood on my hands. However, the anti-abortion nut jobs that try to bomb clinics most definitely have real blood on their hands.

  24. #44 – Traaxx

    >>A quotation is usually, in English,
    >>designated by quotation marks

    Not to worry. English is my native tongue. And be a hip and happening guy, I use modern English, and don’t say “thy” (or “thou”, which YOU would have used, if your grammar were up to snuff.

    >>….You might have noticed that I didn’t use >>any “QUOTATION” marks.

    Yes, I noticed. You were free-associating, attempting to sound Biblical, without the depth of understanding it takes to do so. In cases like this, it would be optimal if you were to follow the dictum “keep your mouth shut and let ’em wonder how stupid you are”.

    >>If you think the point was ostentatious then
    >>you’ve missed the point

    Naw, I didn’t miss the point, in spite of your tortuous and fractured attempt to present it.

    The problem is, I think you’re an idiot 🙂

  25. Thomas says:

    Coming back to the article, bobbo’s accreditation argument is the most intriguing. It is common on many campuses to exclude groups or make it harder for those groups to speak out against the “common” ideas. I’m not sure that one could reasonably use accreditation to bring back the College Democrats without causing problems at many other campuses.

    I suspect that the students will just have to live with it but honestly, who wouldn’t expect serious backlash for liberal ideas on a religious campus these days? College is essentially a game with its own rules and the goal is graduate. Sometimes, in order to achieve that goal, you have to just not speak up.

  26. #48 – Traaxx

    >>If you don’t understand the point of
    >>contrasting Demoncrat views to those of the
    >>Christian religion then I truely didn’t make
    >>the point plain enough.

    And if you don’t understand the difference between the “Christians” at “Liberty” U and anything bearing any remote resemblance to Christianity or liberty, then you are too dense to ever get the point.

    I realize that “Liberty” U is a private organization, and as such, they have the legal right to indoctrinate their members in hatred, ignorance, xenophobia, and the rest of the evil concepts they perpetrate.

    No argument with you their.

    It’s only when they try to pass themselves off as “true Americans” or “Christians” (or even “humans”, for that matter) that I take issue. Now THAT is offensive.

  27. Traaxx says:

    # 57 Thomas:

    1.) We make criminals out of people for things we don’t all agree on everyday. Yeah, I know it’s hard to accept but we don’t always have an overwhelming majority when we do, witness abortion/baby murder.

    2.) Duh, you didn’t get the point. Yes, women should keep their legs together until they can support a child or use contraception. If they get pregnant and don’t want the baby then give it up for adoption, there is a waiting list of loving parents that can’t have a baby and want one. If it’s the fetus or the mother, then usually the FATHER will be presented that choice and often will choose the one with the greatest chance of survival. I pray that I’m never presented with that choice and if I am I’ll pray for guidance then also.

    3.) you should go and read this editorial http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/may/01/obamas-health-care-rationing/

    Then you don’t agree that the government to tax unhealthy activities, which is does right now. If universal health care is enacted then yes a government bureaucrat will decide how much health care you get and when it ENDs. It’s only just one more line in the sand to the government deciding who should die so that another might live. They decide human organ transplants in part by social value now.

    4.) Yes the purpose of criminal law is to change behavior. Exactly what do you think morality is? You don’t think morality is an innate control on behavior. You don’t think morality is the basis of law. Justice is what brings about different levels of punishment.

    Would it be ‘just’ to put someone in jail for life after one DUI?

    Would it be ‘just’ to put someone in Jail for many years for multiple DUIs?

    Would it be ‘just’ to condemn to death someone for killing while DUI after multiple times after multiple arrests? Would let someone out of jail after they killed your wife and children while DUI?

    Justice is not necessarily the same as Morality, but it is related and influenced by morality. God is Holy, Just, and Righteous. We are not and so our laws, and morality, change. God doesn’t.


  28. #62 – Traaxx

    >>Yes, women should keep their legs together
    >>until they can support a child or use

    Tell that to Bristol Palin.

  29. Traaxx says:

    # 60 Thomas: I agree. I’ve seen many leftist teachers that would have failed me in an instant if they were disagreed with. Most teachers don’t seem able to accept disagreement well and will retaliate against your grade and lie about it later. Kinda like a Demoncrat.

    Hee, hee

    The goal is simply get through the public institution, try not to become brainwashed by their blind beliefs and after school try and get them fired for forcing their beliefs on students.

    Good goals.


  30. #62 – Traaxx (addendum)

    >>God is Holy, Just, and Righteous.

    That’s why I’m expecting “Liberty” U to be incinerated in a ball of heavenly fire when God looses the bolt of lightning from His terrible swift sword. His truth may be marching on, but it sure as shit is NOT marching anywhere at “Liberty” U.

    That den of iniquity (“Liberty” U) educates its inmates in nothing better than the seven cardinal sins. A breeding ground for the Anti-Christ.


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