“There’s one now. Get him!”
(His sweet spirit still guiding gently)

Liberty University will no longer recognize its campus Democratic Party club because its parent organization stands against the conservative Christian school’s moral principles.

The club, which has about 30 members, will no longer be able to use Liberty’s name, hold on-campus meetings, or be eligible for student activities money.

“I think it does the university a great disservice to stifle one side of the discussion simply because we are Democrats,” said Maria Childress, the club’s adviser and an administrative assistant at the school.

Brian Diaz, president of Liberty’s Democratic club, said he was informed of the school’s decision in a May 15 e-mail.

The candidates supported are directly contrary to the mission of Liberty University,” the e-mail said.

Liberty has had a College Republicans club for years. The Democratic club formed in October and worked aggressively to elect President Obama.

“They . . . let the Liberty University College Republicans stay on campus, but they don’t let us,” said Diaz, 18, who will be a sophomore next year. “Sounds like censorship to me.”

Childress said she is trying to appeal the decision to Jerry Falwell Jr., who became the Lynchburg school’s chancellor after his father died in 2007. In the meantime, students who violate the rule face reprimands under the school’s conduct code, which could result in expulsion.

Isn’t it ironic about the name “Liberty University”? I guess liberty doesn’t include the right to have an opinion. Then again, hypocrisy and theocratic leadership go hand in hand, at least according to Jesus.

“Hey, just looking left gives me a crick.”

Thanks, K B

  1. Wretched Gnu says:

    The Republican principle of killing tens of thousands of civilians in Iraq — because they’re Arab, I guess — *is* perfectly in line with their values. Which is all you need to know, really.

  2. bobbo says:

    So called religulous based schools are all hypocrites for not doing this more often==living up to their own demagoguery.

    The actual irritating things is how they get and maintain their accreditation as if they were a place of learning.

  3. BubbaRay says:

    I’ll have to agree with bobbo on this one. And +10 points for correctly spelling accreditation.

  4. aMillionWays2HumiliateYerself says:

    #3 BubbaRay

    Yeah but to be fair, I think you’ve got to deduct 20 points for:

    “The actual irritating things is…”.

    Then again, maybe we all deserve a pass on typos from time to time?

  5. jccalhoun says:

    I’m curious as to why someone who likes the things the Democratic party stands for so much that they would join the Democratic Party Club would even go to Liberty University.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    #2, Bobbo,

    I think your question asks more about the higher accreditation process than it does about Liberty University.

    This episode, in my opinion, show how much the “conservatives” want to be inclusive. I guess GW’s slogan of “uniting” everyone was just another piece of garbage.

  7. MikeN says:

    So now they are adopting liberal tactics from other universities. Liberals even throw Boy Scouts out of government buildings now.

  8. paddler says:

    The religious right doesn’t want to allow the other side of the discussion because a) they can’t afford to teach students to think for themselves because b) they can’t defend their position in an intelligent debate.

    It’s all black and white, you are either with us or against us. No middle ground allowed, like good little republicans should be.

  9. JimD says:

    Typical Right Wing Fundi Whack Jobs !!!

    P.S. Falwell is now BURNING IN HELL for not keeping the “One Commandment of Christ” !!!

    Condemned for being one of those “Ravenous Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing” !!!

  10. paddler says:


    Yea liberal colleges and universities are famous for stifling debate. Don’t you want to quote Rush Limbaugh now… Let’s blame it on the drive by media.

  11. BubbaRay says:

    # 5 aMillionWays2HumiliateYerself said,

    #3 BubbaRay

    Yeah but to be fair, I think you’ve got to deduct 20 points for:

    “The actual irritating things is…”.

    And so it is written. Sorry, bobbo.

  12. qb says:

    Is this stupid and self serving, oh yeah. But that’s not the point. If they accept public money to run their campus then they are just plain wrong. If it’s entirely private funding then they can do whatever the hell they want.

    Even if they do come across like a bunch of inbred nazis.

  13. Kyle says:

    #13 Is totally right! If they take $0.01 of public government funding for I don’t care what then it is wrong. Even if attending students are given federal student aid then they should not try and silence the opinions of any. If they don’t take any money from the public then they can do whatever they want… short of violating my or anyone else’s protected rights.

  14. ECA says:

    If all the religions backed 1 person for president, we MIGHT, find a person thats FAIR, HONEST, and knows what he is doing..
    AND no one in congress or reps would follow him..

  15. qb says:

    #15 Like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad? 😉

  16. bobbo says:

    #12–Oh Bubba==you missed the train. Speeeling errors??–really?????? and you were even warned off of it.

    I’ve got to find that Rhoshock (sp!) personality DEFECT that dithers around the edges of an image and is incapable of seeing the image itself.

    People who can’t deal with IDEAS will revert to spelling (the most valid complaint) to typo’s (retard bait) and failing those will quote the bibble or state their IQ’s.

    Silly hoomans.

    #7–Fusion==I on my 5th beer, “but” seems you say everything wrongly, even though I agree?

    I didn’t ask any question, I perceptively went to the more important unrecognized issue==all as you stated==accreditation. And deeper would be our Government being afraid to call religion religion and science science, and education education. Religion corrupts. We are so used to it we can’t see it when it is on full parade.

    And NO–neither political group is open to disagreement. Few people are either, its not in our nature. Thats even “ok” except that the “litmus tests” are drawn so pedantically, discussion for new ideas isn’t even on the programme (sic, for the humour of it alle!)

  17. AdmFubar says:

    in the taliban way if thinking it is just liberty for us, with us being the ones in charge..

  18. Traaxx says:

    Ah, so what…Liberty U is a religious school and the only religion the Demoncrats stand for is a Satanic religion.
    God – thy shall not murder
    Demoncrats – thy shall let murders out of jail, shall have late term abortions.

    God – thy shall not covet thy neighbor’s wife.
    Demoncrats – thy shall covet thy neighbor’s sheep, dog, rats, little girls, husband and basically anything with a hole in it.

    God – thy shall not covet thy neighbor’s property.
    Demoncrats – thy shall take everything either through regulations or taxes.

    God – thy shall have no other God.
    Demoncrats – to self-absorbed, so narcissistic that they think they are mini-Gods, so petty minded that they can’t leave anything alone.

    God- you shall rule over the earth.
    Demoncrats – we want to the empty the earth of 5/6th in order to balance our needs with the needs of “mother” earth (and our little crystal pyramids we always watch while in our drug induced stupors.

    Howe do we add that up. Almost nothing at the Demoncrats stand for is also a Christian value. I can’t see how a Catholic or anyone with a codified set of morals could be a Demoncrat, other than Unitarians and atheists who don’t really have any values or morals.


  19. bobbo says:

    “Christian value.” heee, hee.

  20. right says:

    Traax, you’re so sad (God – thy shall not murder).
    What’s not funny is that Bush, a very religious man, killed hundreds of thousands and displaced millions of innocent people on a lie. He and his administration lied. I challenge you to talk to all the mothers, fathers, entire families who lost loved ones because of Bush and President Cheney.

    Can you please explain that to us so we can be enlightened? Thanks very little.

  21. Jägermeister says:

    Oh, the Christian virtue of tolerance.

  22. Ah_Yea says:

    Hello, I would like to introduce myself, my name is Ackmed Mohammad and I am founding the Kill Infidels Loudly and Liberally association (KILL, for short).

    My followers and myself are founding a branch at your local public school. Hope you enjoy it!

    What? You won’t let us? You MUST! “If they take $0.01 of public government funding for I don’t care what … then they should not try and silence the opinions of any”!

    What? Hate speech! We call it FREEDOM OF SPEECH!

    We have the RIGHT under the Constitution to SAY whatever we want! Any and ALL publicly funded schools must allow us this right!


  23. Ah_Yea says:

    Traxx, remember, Democrats don’t care what happens to others as long as they are comfortable.

    “President Bill Clinton’s administration knew Rwanda was being engulfed by genocide in April 1994 but buried the information to justify its inaction, according to classified documents made available for the first time.”
    (The Guardian)
    800,000 dead.

    Pol Pot during Carter’s term in office. 1.7 million dead.

    The Ethiopian Massacre. 1977-1978. 500,000 dead. Carter Administration, again.

    Abortions since Roe Vs. Wade.

    It’s abhorrent, it’s also the legacy of the Democratic party.

  24. Traaxx says:

    I disagree with you Ah_Yea!

    The Demoncrats want to start their own homeless camps here, so they start their finial solution and get rid of anyone that disagrees with their Political Correctness.

    That’s why they’re so diverse and tolerant when you talk to them. 😉


  25. web says:

    # 25 Jägermeister said,Oh, the Christian virtue of tolerance.

    You are soooo right. It reminds me of Harvard’s tolerance of ROTC students.

    ROTC courses may be taken only on a non-credit basis and only by cross-registration at MIT

    *ROTC (from page 53 of the Handbook for Students)

    Current federal policy of excluding known lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals from admission to ROTC or of discharging them from service is inconsistent with Harvard’s values as stated in its policy on discrimination. (See Harvard’s policy on discrimination on page 292.) Although the University respects the right of undergraduates to choose to participate in ROTC, the University does not provide any financial or other direct support for the ROTC program at MIT. Students should be aware that one or more of the military services may impose limitations on the freedom of speech of cadets and that there may be certain academic requirements for eligibility for ROTC scholarship aid. Students should also be aware that the military may require the repayment of scholarship funds if their sexual orientation results in their discharge from ROTC.

    Whats the difference except one is “right thinking”?

  26. qb says:

    Wow, moved from a handful of students starting a Democrat club on campus to equating them to Rwandan Genocide, Nazis, and Pol Pot in 10 comments. That’s a new record!

  27. bobbo says:

    AAAAyyyiieeeehhhh!!!! EVERY abortion is a vote for liberty!

    Ah Yea. What to think? Have you ever actually READ Roe v Wade? Very well written historical/moral review of the relevant issues. The MAIN ISSUE: “Products of conception” do NOT WARRANT full legal protection.

    Argue otherwise, and its easy to show you are wrong/hypocritical/changing the defintions.

    Course now, if you are only stating your own “moral position”===then no one cares. Its only when you want to force your preferences onto other people.

    How smart can you be Ah Yea?

  28. Traaxx says:

    “well written historical/moral review of the relevant issues”

    “Products of conception” do NOT WARRANT full legal protection.” You’re a product of conception.

    Hee, hee

    Whatever…..I agree you should be aborted


  29. bobbo says:

    Well traxx==thats not even interesting. How can you criticize a law if you haven’t even read the decision bringing it about?

    Arguing from ignorance. Well done.

    Actually the main import of Roe V Wade is the recognition that people, science, society DISAGREE on what level of protection should be given to human life at different stages of development.

    Most “pro life” people don’t even know the history of their own position which is well reviewed and considered by Roe v Wade.

    At what level does any morality rise to the level that people who disagree should be put in jail?????

    Traxx? AH yea? Any other idiot on the subject?

  30. right says:

    Traax, you are just like Alfred1, no answers to simple requests so I’ll just ask this followup and see if you are big enough to answer it:

    “What’s not funny is that Bush, a very religious man, killed hundreds of thousands and displaced millions of innocent people on a lie. He and his administration lied. I challenge you to talk to all the mothers, fathers, entire families who lost loved ones because of Bush and President Cheney.

    Can you please explain that to us so we can be enlightened?”

    There, a simple request for an answer…


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