“A smile is just a frown turned upside down and skewed a bit.”

A new national poll suggests that favorable opinions of the former vice president are on the rise….

But the CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey, released Thursday morning, indicates that a majority of Americans still have an unfavorable opinion of Cheney.

Fifty-five percent of people questioned in the poll say they have an unfavorable opinion of the former vice president. Thirty-seven percent say they have a favorable opinion of Cheney, up 8 percentage points from January when he left office….

“Former President George W. Bush’s favorable rating rose 6 points in that same time period”….

I only post this because the reporters won’t be able to figure out why the figures are up: People are starting to miss the cartoons:

Thanks, K B

  1. EvilPoliticians says:

    When at rock bottom, chances favor going back up. This should give even Congress Hope for their own legacies.

  2. MikeN says:

    Not too surprising. It’s what happens with all politicians when they leave office. Cheney’s is more pronounced because his low ratings were maintained by an attack-dog press, which has moved on to attacking the newest threats to Obama’s presidency, Rush, Jindal, and especially Palin.

    Even more impressive was the dueling speeches. Cheney gives a speech right after Obama, and it seems like a point-by-point refutation, even though the text was distributed the day before.

  3. billabong says:

    Hey republicans your dick is hanging out zip it!

  4. qb says:

    I hope Dick Cheney runs in 2012 because he’s so God damn smart.

  5. jccalhoun says:

    No where else to go but up…

  6. derspankster says:

    Cheney has been mentally ill since 2001. I actually pity him.

  7. Patrick says:

    More popular than Pelosi. Not much of an accomplishment. LOL

  8. ArianeB says:

    Dick Cheney is one of the most evil people on the planet. His bald faced lies got us into the war in Iraq, resulting in the unnecessary deaths of over 4000 American troops and unknown thousands of Iraqis, he ordered torture, he ordered the outing of a CIA agent (an act of treason).

    Anyone who supports Cheney needs a visit to a Psychiatrist. they are either suffering from memory loss or they are a sociopath.

  9. Hugh Ripper says:

    The man belongs in jail. Why is he not in jail?

  10. Patrick says:

    # 14 ArianeB said, “Dick Cheney is one of the most evil people on the planet…”

    Small time evil. Kennedy’s & Johnson’s lies resulted in > 50k US deaths.

  11. Ah_Yea says:

    Wake up people!

    Don’t you understand that Cheney is setting up Obama for the largest fall since this country began?

    Now think, what is Cheney talking about?

    How Obama – and by extension all Democrats – is making our country less safe by “compromising” our national security in more ways than we can count.

    So, if there is another successful terrorist attack, it will be Obama’s fault. Bush kept us safe, Obama did not.

    The argument will be:
    Republicans = Safety;
    Democrats = Death.

  12. Sinn Fein says:

    “Cheney has been mentally ill since 2001. I actually pity him.”

    Obama has been a liar all his political life. I actually look forward to his arse getting kicked out before he finishes burying the USA in ultra-extreme debt….oops, 100 days too late.

  13. bac says:

    #18 — If the American public was smart enough to know that preventing 100 percent of terrorist attacks is impossible, then the tactic that you mention wouldn’t work. But the american public is ignorant and believes in fairy tales.

    If this country can’t stop 100 percent of the drugs coming into this country then how will it stop 100 percent of the terrorist attacks?

    Bush Jr. wasn’t able to prevent 9/11 after being in office for a year so his record isn’t spotless. Each president since 1979, has had to deal with terrorism either on American soil or in another country.

    People should ask themselves how many rights are they willing to give up and how much money are they willing to give for the fight of terrorism?

  14. qb says:

    #18 That argument will only hold water if the US has a major foreign based terrorist attack. I don’t think you’re actually hoping for that, but unfortunately, that’s what you’re implying.

  15. Greg Allen says:

    … and yet, Cheney has to force his family members into defending him!

  16. Thomas says:

    The whole legal argument of torture rests on this: what level of discomfort merits being called torture? Does waterboarding? (I would say at this point it does.) What about depriving someone of sleep? How about shrieking noise? How about listening to Paris Hilton? How about listening to Alfred1 (or does that qualify as comedy?) Where do we draw the law from a legal standpoint?

    What Cheney and Bush did is what I call the Romanowski tactic. They pushed every loophole and grey area in the law until that loophole or grey area was closed or clarified legally. Did they think it was torture then? Personally and legally, maybe. But maybe is not yes and so they pushed the envelope.

  17. EvilPoliticians says:

    The main reason there have been no more terror attacks is due to the stupidity of the terrorists. It is not hard to induce panic and mayhem. But they don’t want just to die, they want to go out in high style, complex attacks as with 9/11.

  18. Patrick says:

    # 20 bac said, “But the american public is ignorant and believes in fairy tales.”

    Hence, this last election…

  19. jbenson2 says:

    Cheney’s ratings will continue to climb as Obama continues to flounder on security issue, as the US Dollar goes into the tank (AAA status? – forget it), as double digit inflation hits in 18 months, as Obama admits failure in shutting down Gitmo by Jan 2010, as Obama gives up on his Health Care Rationing program, and as his fellow Democrats turn on him.

  20. Greg Allen says:

    >> jbenson2 said,
    >> Cheney’s ratings will continue to climb

    Not likely.

    More likely, it will plateau at the GOP “base”

    Heck, Ebola would poll at 35% if Rush Limbaugh spoke in favor of it.


    PS: Since when is Obama “floundering” on the security issue? Most Americans agree with Obama that Guantanamo should be closed. http://tinyurl.com/cbn46w

    And, of course, we haven’t been attacked since Obama took office — PROOF that he is protecting us!

    Obama can still have one more disastrous attack and still be even with Bush-Cheney.

    Plus two bungles wars, a massive decline in the dollar, two massive economic downturns and the loss of millions of jobs — just to be EVEN with Bush!

  21. qb says:

    #26 jbenson2 and others

    Let me get this straight. The whole Republican (or right wing) strategy is hinging on hoping the other side fails? Come on, you can do better than that.

  22. Angel H. Wong says:

    Dick Cheney found out that Republicans don’t mind lesbians because men like to watch girl on girl action. Hence he still wants to be president.

  23. Toxic Asshead says:

    Easily explained: Cheney speaks truth, O’pologist speaks hot air.

  24. Greg Allen says:

    >> qb said, on May 23rd, 2009 at 8:51 am
    Let me get this straight. The whole Republican (or right wing) strategy is hinging on hoping the other side fails?

    But, to be WORSE than Bush-Cheney, Obama can have
    * TWO catastrophic domestic attacks.
    * FOUR bungled wars
    * FOUR economic disasters
    * Erase TWO budget surpluses
    * Ignore TWO destructions of American cities.
    * Commit treason on TWO CIA agents and their networks

    … and a whole lot more!

  25. jbenson2 says:

    27 asked: Since when is Obama “floundering” on the security issue?

    Just take a look at the speeches given by Obama and Cheney earlier this week. Obama was on the defensive trying to blame everyone else and not offering anything constructive that had a shred of common sense.

    Cheney’s speech blew Obama out of the water.

  26. Greg Allen says:

    >> Toxic Asshead said,
    >> Easily explained: Cheney speaks truth, O’pologist speaks hot air.

    You lie.

    “Cheney’s speech contained omissions, misstatements”

  27. jbenson2 says:

    #28 said: The whole Republican (or right wing) strategy is hinging on hoping the other side fails?

    That is exactly what the left has done for the past 8 years.

    The Democrats are in complete control of this mess and they will have to take full responsibility for the results.

  28. Greg Allen says:

    >> jbenson2
    >> Just take a look at the speeches given by Obama and Cheney earlier this week. Obama was on the defensive trying to blame everyone else

    What do you mean “trying.”

    Bush _IS_ to blame for the huge legal and human rights mess that is Guantanamo.

    Obama is trying to fix Bush’s multiple disasters.

  29. Greg Allen says:

    >> jbenson2 said, on May 23rd, 2009 at 9:09 am
    >> That is exactly what the left has done for the past 8 year

    Nonsense… we gave your party EXCELLENT ADVICE on protecting the economy, balancing the budget, protecting the constitution, avoiding a disastrous war and more.

    If you had listened to us, the GOP would have done fantastically.

    Instead, you IGNORED our advise and sent the country down the crapper.

  30. qb says:

    #34 So you want to be like Democrats when they are losing? Well, you’re doing a good job, but it doesn’t win elections.


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