1. amodedoma says:

    Which bitch is witch?

  2. Neal says:

    Oh look, there’s Fido.

    And there’s his dog.

  3. lock_down says:

    The dog’s saying “I want puppies like that”

  4. Dallas says:

    Why having sex with animals is wrong.

  5. E Harmony Profile Picture

  6. aMillionWays2HumiliateYerself says:

    The difference between you and me is:

    I make this look good!

  7. soundwash says:

    New Valentines Day Marketing campaign for sassy poodle and horny humans -film at 111.


  8. soundwash says:

    if i may hijak this thread…can anyone direct me to the html tag style and tags allowed in
    Dvorak/blog please


    [With the latest version of WordPress there are few allowed. Basically italics, bold and underline plus URLs. – ed.]

  9. User7 says:

    Doggy style

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    What some dogs won’t do to get a little attention.

  11. mike l says:

    what big floppy ‘ears’ you have

  12. Delta Dan says:

    Why would anyone want to dress a cow to look like a poodle?

  13. Jägermeister says:

    Bad taste spreads like a disease.

  14. jmessick says:

    Dumb and Dumber.

  15. steveo says:

    which one is the ugly one?

  16. OvenMaster says:

    Since when do dogs or their pets have pink fur?

  17. O'Really says:

    At least my tits are bigger than yours!

  18. Chuck says:

    Okay, call it — loser gets the fat one.

  19. najhoa says:

    The Hog and the Dog

  20. Whaap says:

    “They’re gonna adopt me!”
    “No, They’re gonna adopt me!”
    “They’re gonna adopt me!”
    “No, They’re gonna adopt me!”
    “They’re gonna adopt me!”
    “No, They’re gonna adopt me!”

  21. Digby says:

    This is just sad. Poor dog.

  22. psyceaux says:

    Woof ?

  23. qb says:

    Wow, and I thought Portia de Rossi was a poodle…

  24. Althorpe says:

    I pick the one on the left… the other one is a dog.

  25. halo1205 says:

    Dog: “Oh, sure they’re huge, but she only has two!”

  26. cosmo says:

    Two sets of Twins.

  27. Uncle Don says:

    Dog: “I got more nipples than she does. Har!”

  28. Angel H. Wong says:

    Liz Cheney’s partner.

  29. Mr Anderson says:

    Who lets the dogs out!
    Who lets the dogs out!
    who who
    Who lets the dogs out!
    bow wow yipi ki yea

  30. Jim says:

    “You humans never cease to amaze me.”


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