
A man threatening to commit suicide by jumping from a Chinese bridge was approached by a passer-by who shoved him over the edge.

Lai Jiansheng, 66, said he was fed up with the desperate man’s “selfish activity” which caused huge traffic jams in Guangzhou, southern China.

Chen Fuchao fell 26ft onto an air cushion and is recovering in hospital, the official Xinhua news agency said.

Xinhua said Mr Lai was “taken away by police”, but gave no further details.

Traffic around the bridge was stopped for five hours while officers tried to coax Mr Chen to safety.

Retired soldier Mr Lai at first volunteered to try to talk Mr Chen down but was turned away by police, Xinhua said.

Mr Lai is said to have then broken through the police cordon, climbed to where Mr Chen sat, greeted him with a handshake – and then pushed him off the edge.


Mr. Lai saluted the crowd after Chen fell onto the emergency air cushion.

  1. Digby says:

    Yes. This guy gets my vote for sensible citizen of the month. I am only sorry there was an air cushion below the jumper.

  2. wetback says:

    Not that im pro suicide or anything, but i u gonna climb into a bridge and wait five hours for a 66 year old to push you, you are a pussy that should not had try to commit suicide in the first place.

  3. BubbaRay says:

    Wonder if he’ll try this again?

  4. Moi says:

    A few years back, we had somewhat the same incident. It was actually a nutcase I used to work with. He pulled the same stunt on the only river crossing bridge in town, a little over 24 hours he stood up there, oh yea with a rope around his neck tied off to the bridge. This bridge serviced a major East/West highway and the West side of town. His stunt completly shut down everything.

    Im sure there would have been an army of people more than willing to give him a little push by the time it was over. Oh yea he didnt jump. Ended up in the state pysch ward.

  5. Fail says:

    Failed at life and love he was taking his life, and failed at that too. But the guy the pushed him? We need the cops 2b like that. the guy is a hero!

  6. skunkman62 says:

    jump or GTFO

  7. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    The jumpers should also make an effort to be entertaining. For example, they can super glue their hands to the sides of their head, then jump with piano wire attached to the bridge and around their neck. This gives the illusion that they ripped their own head off.

    //just a suggestion

  8. Noel says:

    #s: 1,2,3,4,5,6,

    How can your hearts be so cold?

    People in such distress require aid, not these mean spirited ill-wishes. I hope that the grizzling years have not blackened your sentiments permanently. You should all of you feel ashamed for casting such aspersions as you have on this man with limited knowledge of the situation.

  9. moondawg says:

    Who wants to be first to push Noel off the bridge?

  10. Patrick says:

    The Chinese are sensible. Way to go.

  11. sargasso says:

    Nice photo salute.

  12. Jägermeister says:

    Way to go!!! 😀

  13. Cruistix says:

    I wanna push Noel… ready… go

  14. BubbaRay says:

    Uh, Noel, if you want to go, then go. No sense honking off a few thousand people while you remain undecided. Do it quietly in the privacy of your own bedroom. Just seems more sensible than having people root for you to jump.

    California is used to this, and you wouldn’t believe people’s heartless reactions.

  15. hhopper says:

    Exactly, this guy just wanted attention.

  16. Faxon says:

    You sound like you live in Marin County. You are what the fuck is wrong with this country these days. Right. I don’t know the suffering this idiot is experiencing. I know the suffering he is CAUSING, however. Like when tree huggers climb the Golden Gate Bridge, disrupting the lives of THOUSANDS just so we can all hear their fucking opinion. Noel, I only wish YOU were stuck in traffic for five hours in Guangzhou. With a live chicken around your neck. And had to stay there.

  17. Luke says:

    # Most of you.

    What is wrong with society these days is not Noel’s fault. He is clearly in the minority of non-assholes. If you want to blame anyone, blame your cynical, flippant, twisted and juvenile selves. It is a democracy and as the wankers seem to be the majority it is obviously your fault society is the way it is, not Noel’s.

    I hope the Chinese army doesn’t feel the same way about America, ‘we want to be your friends…BOOM’.

  18. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    #17 – Puke, you and Noel sound fat. This attention whore got what he deserved. It is just ashame there was something to stop him from exploding like a water balloon.

  19. Toxic Asshead says:

    Too bad they put out a cushion instead a bed of nails.

  20. Ah_Yea says:

    I love the guy’s salute. A class act.

  21. Nimby says:

    For one brief, lovely moment, I thought it might be Alfie that got shoved.

    No,no,no. You misunderstand my motives: I merely want Alfie to meet his beloved gods as soon as possible. Really. As soon as possible.

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    #21, Nimby,

    Wouldn’t you want Alphie to remain in suspense a little longer about if there is, … or isn’t, an afterlife?

    Naaa, me neither.

  23. Special Ed says:

    You know when the guy that got pushed probably had his asshole bite a hole through his BVDs.

  24. AdmFubar says:

    hhmmm seems safer than being tasered….

  25. Santa Maria says:

    #17 Luke

    Since when have we been scared of the Chinese Army?? I guess they don’t want to increase their stash of terracotta warriors; since 6ft underground is where the Chinese Army will end up if they dare attack us.

  26. Greg Allen says:

    Seriously dudes, you should all move to communist China — a country that suits callous people like you better.

    As for me, I have compassion for suicidal people.

  27. GF says:

    Lulz Humans

  28. bobbo says:

    Just a reminder to pro and con alike:


    Thank you.

  29. Badcam says:

    Here’s a video:

  30. P(L)uke says:

    # 18

    Are you a Sister of Perpetual Indulgence? Just curious.

    Also, do you mean fat = obese? I’m actually rather slender if you must know.


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