“Thank you mum, ever so much!”

Britain’s Queen Elizabeth has presented her son Prince Charles with a prestigious gardening award.

The 60-year-old prince attended a preview of the Chelsea Flower Show, where he was presented with the Royal Horticultural Society Victoria Medal of Honour in recognition of his passion for plants, gardening and the environment.

Charles – who attended with his wife Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall – was awarded the honour by his mother, who is also Patron of the society. Giles Coode-Adams, President of the RHS said: “The work that the Prince of Wales does to promote and contribute to good gardening practices and the cultivation of plants, sustainable gardening and the environment are core to the RHS.”

Charles has become the second member of the royal family to receive the award and join the prestigious body of 63 horticulturalists. The honour – which was founded to commemorate the reign of Queen Victoria – was previously presented to the Queen Mother in 1961. In 2002 Charles’ Healing Garden – a collection of medicinal herbs dedicated to his late grandmother – received a Silver Flora award, as did his 2001 Islamic Garden.

The royal heir – who is often teased for talking to his flowers – has dedicated over two decades to his own gardens at Highgrove, in Gloucester, south west England.

  1. Mac Guy says:

    “Charles – who attended with his wife Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall – was awarded the honour by his mother, who is also Patron of the society.”

    Pardon my ignorance, but… Wouldn’t that be “Matron,” not “Patron?”

  2. Hatman says:

    Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

  3. Special Ed says:

    The medal probably has a little shovel on it.

  4. Tom says:

    #2. Are you Miss South Carolina? Care to try again?

  5. Whaap says:


    WTF? Too much mercury exposure?

  6. Rather get a medal for gardening that for travelling to other people’s countries and killing them for no particular reason ….

  7. SparkyOne says:

    Jesus but he looks like shit. If I look like that in five damn years I will plant myself!

  8. Dallas says:

    #2 You need to tune up your speech recognition software. LOL.

    Loved it!

  9. Dallas says:

    I still find it amazing that Prince William, as good looking as he is (actually major HOTNESS), came from Charles’ gene pool.

  10. Dave W says:

    #9..Dallas, good point about William, though Prince Harry is far cuter. But of course, Harry is obviously not Charles’ biological son.

  11. Named says:


    He’s gonna be bald in a fortnight…

  12. Named says:


    As Harry gets older, he looks more like his dad. William is his mothers twin.

  13. Special Ed says:

    I understand #2, I speak fluent ebonics.

  14. pfkad says:

    #2, I couldn’t have said it better.

  15. OvenMaster says:

    Wow! Just look at that smile!

    Congratulations, Chuck! That award will make your résumé really stand out when you finally get to be King! 😀

  16. sargasso says:

    His country is involved in two wars and the best he can do is a medal for chatting to his pansies.

  17. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    Didn’t the Duchess of Cornhole get anything? Aww.

  18. EvilPoliticians says:

    # 16 sargasso – best comment on DU I’ve ever read!

  19. Nimby says:

    Hey, I say give him all the medals he wants. Just don’t let this fruitcake anywhere near the throne!

  20. ByGeorgeivGotit says:

    Its amazing what he has achieved! And to think, he somehow managed to do it with unlimited time and money!

  21. amodedoma says:

    I think Karl Marx said it best,

    From each according to their ability, to each according to their need.

    I wouldn’t have expected any better from this tithead, and I can’t think of anything more pathetic than winning a medal from his Mum for such a thing.

  22. brm says:

    Royalty sucks.

  23. Buzz says:

    He will die of old age before his mum. It’s in the plan.

  24. XOTITANOX says:

    The royal family are a joke.
    Can I have a medal for making a cup of tea?


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