Thursday was supposed to be the highlight of the year for more than 100 kindergarteners from Stafford County, Va. They got up early and took a chartered bus to the White House for a school field trip. But when they arrived, all the 5-year-olds got was a lesson in disappointment. The buses from Conway Elementary arrived at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue a little later than planned, and they were locked out..

“We were going to the White House, but we couldn’t get in so I felt sad,” 5-year-old Cameron Stine said.

Parents say they were just 10 minutes late for their scheduled tour. School officials say White House staff said they needed to get ready for the president’s event with the Super Bowl champion Pittsburgh Steelers, so they couldn’t come in.

“I was angry cause they were disappointed,” parent and chaperone Paty Stine said. A lot of preparing had gone into the trip. Conway Elementary teachers had been planning the trip for months, each child paid $20 for a seat on the chartered bus, and names were submitted to the White House for clearance.

Parents say they tried to make it on time, but their chartered buses hit heavy traffic that slowed them down substantially. They thought they were supposed to show up by 10:15, but they say they arrived at 10:25 instead, and couldn’t get in.

“The person who headed this White House trip up came out and said, ‘I’m sorry, the White House tour’s off.’ There were a lot of crying kids,” parent Barbara Stine said. Paty Stine said the White House staff should have made an exception. She feels the kindergarteners were snubbed for the Steelers.

“Here we have President Obama and his administration saying, ‘Here we are for the common, middle class people,’ and here he is not letting 150 5- and 6-year-olds into the White House because he’s throwing a lunch for a bunch of grown millionaires,” Stine said.

Awwww! Obama sure like his sports, does this guy ever do any real work?

  1. MikeN says:

    Too bad kids. Of course the real losers are the parents who for the next 15 years, every time they have a trip planned, will be awakened at 3 AM.

    Of course if the kindergardners want to see Obama, they could volunteer for some sex ed.

  2. US says:

    Hasn’t one of the things said against Obama is that he himself is late many times. I’m not saying the kids were not in the wrong for being late, but its not like Obama makes great efforts to be on time either.

  3. Greg Allen says:

    >> Awwww! Obama sure like his sports, does this guy ever do any real work?

    Are you kidding me?

    Obama has worked harder in his first four months than Bush did in his first four… no… _eight_ years.

  4. Robby says:

    Greg Allen – I doubt that’s factual.

  5. Uncle Patso says:

    ” … does this guy ever do any real work?”

    Kidding me? Did you see him on TV the other morning? He looked like he hadn’t had a full night’s sleep in weeks. The old “no drama Obama” was gone — he was P.O.-ed and at times looked almost petulant. I doubt ten of me could do the job he’s doing.

    Sad for the kids, hope they blame the organizers and/or the bus company.

  6. amodedoma says:

    So what’s the BFD. White house sucks. I’d’ve taken the kids to the Air and Space museum. That’d shut their pie holes. Top it off with some 3d IMAX, they’d all be coming home with smiles on their faces. Whitehouse sux, most boring tour in DC.

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    #36, Robbie,

    I don’t.

  8. Traaxx says:

    What a cold blooded Ass….these are the people you want in charge of raising our children. What so they can grow to be self-indulgent hippie dope smoking criminals like President Hussein.

    This is only month five of this Dumbo, by month seven I predict we’re all sick of him…left Demoncrat, Republicrat and Nationalist alike.


  9. David says:

    What does it say about our culture that we make a mistake, then blame the other party for not fixing it? Perhaps the children should sue Obama for personal anguish? Or perhaps the teachers should take responsibility for being late? Personally, I think the first option is more likely.

  10. Buzz says:

    After all that planning, planning, planning, they expect the POTUS to work around their schedule?

    Where was the plan to arrive a half hour EARLY?

    Here’ are your lessons kids: Don’t you EVER try to hold up the US government again. Don’t arrive late at important events. Do NOT trust others to take charge of your schedule. Take charge of your own life. Remember what happens when you give the initiative away.


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